2015 – 2016 ND Referred Papers

ND Scientific Journals and Papers
Report No:
Report Date:
August 10, 2016
  • Woods, A. J.; Martín-García, J.; Bulman, L. S.; Vasconcelos, M. W.; Boberg, J.; La Porta, N.; Peredo, H.; Vergara, G.; Ahumada, R.; Brown, A.; Diez J. J., 2016: Dothistroma needle blight, weather and possible climatic triggers behind the disease’s recent emergence. Forest Pathol. doi: 10.1111/efp.12248. Baskarathevan, J., Taylor, R. K., Ho, W. W. H., McDougal, R. L., Shivas, R. G., & Alexander, B. J. R. (2015). Real-time PCR assays for the detection of Puccinia psidii. Plant Disease. doi:10.1094/PDIS-08-15-0851-RE http://apsjournals.apsnet.org/doi/abs/10.1094/PDIS-08-15-0851-RE
  • Reeser, P., Sutton, W., Ganley, B., Williams, N., and Hansen, E. 2015. Phytophthora pluvialis. Forest Phytophthoras 5(1). doi: 10.5399/osu/fp.5.1.3745. (open access)
  • Brockerhoff E, M. Dick, R. Ganley, A. Roques, A. Storer. 2016. Role of insect vectors in epidemiology and invasion risk of Fusarium circinatum, and risk assessment of biological control of invasive Pinus contorta. Biological Invasions DOI: 10.1007/s10530-016-1059-8 http://link.springer.com/article/10.1007/s10530-016-1059-8/fulltext.html
  • Gardner J, MA Dick and MK-F Bader. 2015. Susceptibility of New Zealand flora to Phytophthora kernoviae and its seasonal variability in the field. New Zealand Journal of Forestry Science 45:23 doi:10.1186/s40490-015-0050-y http://www.nzjforestryscience.com/content/45/1/23
  • Scott PM, Bader MK and Williams N (2016) Foliar phosphite application has minor phytotoxic impacts across a diverse range of conifers and woody angiosperms. Physiologia Plantarum.
ND Q4 2015-16 papers journals (234.10 Kb)