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Comparative moisture uptake of New Zealand grown Douglas fir and Radiata pine structural timber when exposed to rain wetting01/02/2004DF036Coopreport36Rainwetting (218.50 Kb)
A guide to using TreeBLOSSIM- Version2.001/01/2004SGM122SGM122 (401.86 Kb)
Comparison of tree growth in 1975 FCS trials And 1987 GG trials01/01/2004SGM123SGM123 (723.96 Kb)
Towards the next generation of modelling trials01/01/2004SGM124SGM124 (81.43 Kb)
Benchmarking study- Mohaka Forest01/01/2004SGMC WQI Report 2cSGM002c (247.50 Kb)
Fire management in Pine Plantations (Fire management)01/01/2004Bartlettbartlett1 (1.14 Mb)
Modeling the likelihood of crown fire occurrence in conifer forest stands (Crown fire, fire behaviour prediction)01/01/2004Cruzcruz4 (441.88 Kb)
Fire behaviour and severity in a maritime pine stand under differing fuel conditions (Fire behaviour, crown fire, fuel dynamics)01/01/2004Fernandesfernandes_botelo_2i (326.49 Kb)
Analysis of the prescribed burning practice in the pine forest of north western Portugal (Prescribed burn)01/01/2004Fernandesfernandes_botelo_4 (240.01 Kb)
Benchmarking study- Southland Forest01/12/2003 SGMC WQI Report 2eSGM002e (277.25 Kb)
Evaluation of non-destructive methods for assessing stiffness of Douglas fir trees01/12/2003DF035D_firReport35 (349.36 Kb)
Prescreening of genetic gain trials for outer wood density01/10/2003SGMC WQI Report 1aSGM001a (188.61 Kb)
Benchmarking study- Aupouri Forest01/10/2003SGMC WQI Report 2aSGM002a (228.66 Kb)
Overview of the use of agri-chemicals and alternatives to control competing vegetation in forestry29/08/2003SM127SMC_127 (450.27 Kb)
Stand-level growth models for Eucalyptus nitens plantations in New Zealand01/06/2003EC001Euc Coop - Report No.1 (385.44 Kb)
A Fire Danger Climatology for New Zealand – 200301/05/20030303 ClimatologyPoster (934.46 Kb)
A fire danger climatology for New Zealand, plus Appendix 2 – 200301/05/20030202 FireDangerClim_App2_tables-NI (1.02 Mb)
Fire Danger Climatology Analyses and Tools01/05/20030101 FireDangerClim (2.41 Mb)
Modelling within-tree and between-tree variation in Douglas fir wood properties02/02/2003DF033D_firReport33 (292.17 Kb)
Susceptibility of Douglas fir provenances to Swiss Needle-Cast disease in New Zealand01/02/2003DF031D_firReport31 (199.82 Kb)
A stool-plant management system for the production of non-plagiotropic cuttings of Douglas fir01/02/2003DF030D_firReport30 (705.19 Kb)
A User’s guide to the Douglas fir calculator01/02/2003DF029D_firReport29 (386.46 Kb)
The effect of provenance on bark thickness of Douglas fir01/02/2003DF034D_firReport34 (217.04 Kb)
Foliage sampling protocols for Douglas fir in New Zealand01/02/2003DF032D_firReport32 (185.57 Kb)
Sensitivity analysis of Tree BLOSSIM: PhotoMARVL trees from Expt CY597 (Eyrewell)01/01/2003SGM117SGM117 (1.83 Mb)
Te Marua Forest, East Coast region, North Island: Comparison of PhotoMARVL data and TreeBLOSSIM predictions01/01/2003 SGM118SGM118 (183.12 Kb)
PhotoMARVL assessment of branching in 1978 genetic gain trials01/01/2003SGM119SGM119 (208.58 Kb)
Comparison of PhotoMARVL data with TreeBLOSSIM predictions: 1978 genetic gain trial data01/01/2003SGM120SGM120 (3.35 Mb)
First assessment of 1992 and 1994 special purpose breeds trials: RPBC report 13701/01/2003SGM121SGM121 (154.27 Kb)
Validation of the use of growth rate multipliers associated with breeding values for diameter to predict growth01/01/2003SGM095SGM095 (194.86 Kb)
Comparison of TreeBLOSSIM predictions with inventory data: Hawkes Bay Forests01/01/2003SGM109SGM109 (1.62 Mb)
Linking tree growth to end-product performance: Literature review and proposed modelling strategy01/01/2003SGM114SGM114 (500.67 Kb)
Field procedure for collecting branch data for sensitivity analysis of TreeBLOSSIM01/01/2003 SGM115SGM115 (250.45 Kb)
Sensitivity analysis of Tree BLOSSIM: PhotoMARVL trees from Expt AK1056 (WOOD) and NN529/1 (GDNS)01/01/2003SGM116SGM116 (2.98 Mb)
USA Forestry Study Tour background notes- Part 1 Pacific North West11/11/2002PM085PMCoop_Report85 (77.89 Kb)
USA Forestry Study Tour background notes- Part 1 South East11/11/2002PM085PMCoop_Report85 (77.89 Kb)
Constructing a decision support system for nitrogen and phosphorus fertilisers and weed control (Technical report)29/08/2002 SM119SMC_119 (180.19 Kb)
Development of a boron decision support system framework (technical report)29/08/2002 SM120SMC_120 (2.98 Mb)
NZFRI trial AK345: Compaction and amelioration of tree growth and foliar nutrition at age 4 in an imperfectly-drained clay soil (technical report)29/08/2002SM121SMC_121 (182.45 Kb)
Installation report for NZFSMC Tekapo boron trial FR358/3 (Technical report)29/08/2002 SM123SMC_123 (481.19 Kb)
“The effect of nitrogen, phosphorus and boron fertiliser in conjunction with weed control on the growth and nutrition of a pole stage stand of Radiata Pine from age 7 to 17 years in Mamaku Forest, central North Island”29/08/2002SM125SMC_125 (194.22 Kb)
Wood quality of Radiata Pine on farm sites – a review of the issues11/05/2002PM080REP80 (4.80 Mb)
Analysis of internal checking data from the Goudies and Matea pruning/ thinning/ fertiliser trials (RO 1083/1 and 2)11/05/2002PM081REP81 (966.09 Kb)
Early growth and form of coastal provenances and progenies of Douglas fir at three sites in New Zealand01/02/2002DF028D_firReport28 (689.23 Kb)
Nectria ecology summary – March 200701/01/2002AR0909 (325.54 Kb)
Armillaria root diseases of Pinus radiata in New Zealand, 5: Stand assessment using aerial photography01/01/2002AR0808 (166.75 Kb)
Armilaria root disease of Pinus radiata in New Zealand, 4: Assessment of stand infection01/01/2002AR0707 (98.42 Kb)
Armillaria root disease of Pinus radiata in New Zealand, 3: Influence of thinning and pruning01/01/2002AR0606 (154.30 Kb)
Armillaria root disease of Pinus radiata in New Zealand, 2: Invasion and host reaction01/01/2002AR05AR02 (1.57 Mb)
Armillaria root disease of Pinus radiata in New Zealand, 1: Basidiospore Dispersal01/01/2002AR0404 (123.73 Kb)