Applying for Funding

The FGLT Annual Work Programme is primarily created by way of a process focused on the mandates of the FOA/FFA Committees, with the Committees being expected to consult widely to ensure that their work is representative of the forest growing industry. 

Applications can be received via the relevant FOA/FFA Committee or by application from the wider forest industry or other stakeholders not represented on the FOA/FFA Committees. All applications are subject to a robust, transparent, fair and unbiased assessment process.

Research Funding Applications are carried out on an annual basis for inclusion into the Annual Work Programme for the following year.  If a project is accepted it is included in the Annual Work Programme and placed under the management of the relevant FOA/FFA Committee.

The funding of a project by the FGLT is open to anyone with a project which will directly benefit the plantation forest industry. This will most likely be a person or organisation connected to the forest growing industry in some way, people or organisations not involved in the industry but with a good idea are still welcome to apply.

The FGLT have contracted the FOA and FFA to manage the yearly programme of work as Secretariat to the FGLT. The FOA and FFA have been provided a budget from the FGLT to do this. The FOA/FFA Committees are responsible for assessing the viability of projects and ranking them. 


Research Funding Application Form coming soon.

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