Science and Innovation Strategy

Industry Science and Innovation Strategy 

The overarching strategic framework for R&D investment is provided in the Science and Innovation Strategy 2020–2035. This identifies three core themes for Forestry science and innovation with the target level of investment from the forest growers’ levy:

  • The sustainable profitability of the core plantation forest resource (50-60%)
  • Other trees species, contingency species, and other forest systems (10-20%)
  • Protecting and future-proofing the industry and growing community support (25-35%).

The current research portfolio covers the key parts of the forestry value chain, from tree improvement, propagation and nurseries, to establishment, management, harvesting, transport and logistics, and managing for risk and uncertainty.

Investing in Science and Innovation

Achieving both the forest growers’ vision and the supporting science and innovation vision requires :

  • A unified vision for forestry across New Zealand, underpinned by a sustained focus on science and innovation;
  • Partnerships between those who invest in and grow trees for commercial outcomes, science organisations, educational institutions, and the New Zealand government;
  • International connectivity to leverage off international science and innovation; and
  • Acceptance by society at large of the forest industry, creating an enabling environment for growth

Key Science and Innovation themes

Our science and innovation investment framework is described under three highly interconnected themes:


Ensuring that we increase profitability from our current main commercial species – radiata pine and Douglas-fir.


Ensuring the long-term sustainability of commercial forestry through realising value from emerging species (both exotic and indigenous) and developing new models for forestry.


Future-proofing commercial forest growing in New Zealand.

Science & Innovation Vision

Science and Innovation are crucial if forestry is to deliver on the Forestry Roadmap and position forests as our most strategic asset by 2050,

The forest growers vision for 2050 is that : “Forestry will be New Zealand’s number one primary sector and will exemplify the best plantation forest management in the world”.

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