Forest Growers Research Limited
New Zealand

Leadership in forestry research and innovation

Forest Growers Research is your vehicle for research and innovation across the forestry value chain—from seed to product. And across the landscape—from farm woodlot to commercial plantation. We manage the design, delivery and dissemination of forestry research to drive real change for the sector.

Working with you every step of the way, we help ensure forestry’s long-term economic, environmental and social sustainability in Aotearoa. Our world is changing, let’s work together for a resilient future.

Research Programmes

Latest News & Events

ForestSAT 2024

ForestSAT 2024, proudly hosted here in Rotorua and brought to us through an amazing effort by Scion. Forest Growers Research (FGR) and the Precision Silviculture


Industry Science and Innovation Strategy

The overarching strategic framework for R&D investment is provided in the Science and Innovation Strategy 2020–2035. This identifies three core themes with the target level of investment: · The sustainable profitability of the core plantation forest resource (50-60%) · Other trees species, contingency species, and other forest systems (10-20%) · Protecting and future-proofing the industry and growing community support (25-35%).
The strategy states that the industry needs to be more agile and future-focused, with the following three key drivers: · Continued changes in forest ownership and the potential for non-traditional investment · Changing markets in response to pressure for circular bio-economies · The need for our forests to be more resilient to deal with future threats.

Levy funded forest research

The Forest Growers Levy Trust (FGLT) is the largest industry funder of research and development for the New Zealand forest-growing sector.
These funds come from the harvested wood material commodity levy which is paid on each tonne of harvested timber.