Using drones for precision release-spraying

Possible applications of UAVs in forestry are increasing at pace, and precision spot-spraying using this technology is already past proof-of-concept stage.

Working together with Pan Pac and SPS Automation, Scion scientists Robin Hartley and Dr Justin Nairn have overseen the first automated spot release-spraying trials completed as part of the Precision Silviculture Programme.  The UAV was able to fly to a pre-determined GPS point (e.g. tree position) and deliver a precise dose of spray. There are still a few challenges to be overcome before for the UAV technology could be considered fit-for-purpose, including:

·         identifying an accurate tree location (not as easy as you would think!)

·         optimising timing of spray release in relation to the target (on/off in relation to target whilst in continuous flight)

·         optimising nozzle configuration and spray deposition patterns for release spraying of radiata pine.

Further trials were carried out in June 2023 with SPS Automation to improve understanding of targeting efficiency and spray deposition. Ultimately the team is confident it will reach the point of being ready to develop a commercially deployable machine, and then will select an industry partner to work with to do this.

“I’m super-keen on it! My dream is that we’ll do a pre-planting spot-spray with a drone, then after planting send a small drone out to find trees that need releasing and then send a bigger one out to spray them.”  Sean Wright, Forest Manager, PanPac Forest Products Ltd.

Collaborators: PanPac Forest Products Ltd, SPS Automation Ltd.

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