Levy funded forest research
The Forest Growers Levy Trust (FGLT) is the largest industry funder of research and development for the New Zealand forest-growing sector. These funds come from the harvested wood material commodity levy which is paid on each tonne of harvested timber.
The New Zealand Forest Owners Association (FOA) is a national body representing commercial forest growers in New Zealand. The FOA provides management support to the Forest Growers Levy Trust in conjunction with the NZ Farm Forestry Association (NZFFA) which represents small forest owners.
Forest Growers Research Ltd (FGR) is industry owned, and co-ordinates industry input and funding of research programmes for the forest growing sector. These are approved by the FGLT on the recommendation of the joint FOA/NZFFA Forest Research Committee (FRC) based on the priorities set out in the industry Science and Innovation Plan.
Once operational, each research programme is guided by a Technical Steering Team made up of industry representatives or other relevant experts.