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A review of the Plantation Management Research Cooperative trials and PSP’s11/04/2017PM102PMCoop_Report102 (313.70 Kb)
Incorporating thinning responses into a branch diameter model11/06/2006PM101PMCoop_Report101 (286.54 Kb)
Analysis of tree growth of clones grown in pure blocks and mixtures11/06/2006PM100PMCoop_Report100 (195.94 Kb)
Extension of the 300 index growth model for non-performing site types- Stage 111/06/2006PM099PMCoop_Report99 (206.67 Kb)
A validation of the 300 index growth model11/06/2006PM098PMCoop_Report98 (641.57 Kb)
Coast redwood silviculture trials- installation report11/05/2006PM097PMCoop_Report97 (6.26 Mb)
Analysis of branch data from final crop stocking trials11/05/2006PM096PMCoop_Report96 (308.96 Kb)
Culling resin bleeders at the time of selection for pruning – do resin bleeders identify themselves at a young age?11/11/2005PM095PMCoop_Report95 (514.42 Kb)
Conversion factors for Type 1 and 11 resin pockets11/11/2005PM094PMCoop_Report94 (554.06 Kb)
Culling resin bleeders at the time of selection for pruning11/10/2005PM093PMCoop_Report93 (572.88 Kb)
Validation of the 300 index growth model for Radiata Pine on the three contrasting site types11/03/2005PM092PMCoop_Report92 (236.45 Kb)
Functionality contained in the NZ Farm Forestry Association Radiata Pine calculator version 211/08/2004PM091PMCoop_Report91 (252.07 Kb)
Realistic alternatives to Radiata Pine in New Zealand- a critical view11/05/2004PM090PMCoop_Report90 (974.26 Kb)
Growth and profitability of Radiata Pine in Hawke’s Bay and Wairapa11/05/2004PM089PMCoop_Report89 (238.86 Kb)
Profitability of converting pastoral farmland to forestry in the Taupo basin11/05/2004PM088PMCoop_Report88 (378.32 Kb)
Silviculture X traits trials- establishment report (Yet to be completed)11/05/2005PM087PMCoop_Report87 (4.24 Mb)
USA Forestry Study Tour background notes- Part 1 South East11/11/2002PM085PMCoop_Report85 (77.89 Kb)
USA Forestry Study Tour background notes- Part 1 Pacific North West11/11/2002PM085PMCoop_Report85 (77.89 Kb)
Analysis of internal checking data from the Goudies and Matea pruning/ thinning/ fertiliser trials (RO 1083/1 and 2)11/05/2002PM081REP81 (966.09 Kb)
Wood quality of Radiata Pine on farm sites – a review of the issues11/05/2002PM080REP80 (4.80 Mb)
Analysis of wood density and spiral grain at seven contrasting sites11/11/2001PM079REP79 (2.88 Mb)
Comparison of GF and long internode breeds along with high wood density clones planted as shelterbelts- Establishment report View Edit Track Clone11/05/2001PM078REP78 (6.03 Mb)
Assessment of tree quality of aged cuttings and seedlings at age 5 years11/05/2001PM076REP76 (777.11 Kb)
The effect of cyclaneusma infection on tree growth11/11/2000PM075REP75 (910.65 Kb)
Appendices for report 7411/11/2000PM074_AppendixREP74-APPENDIX (2.51 Mb)
Wood properties of 26-year-old Pinus radiata from the Tikitere stock trial11/11/2000PM074REP74 (3.61 Mb)
Root system variation in Pinus radiata clones: Experimental study under semi-dry temperate silvopastroral ecosystem in New Zealand11/08/2000PM073REP73 (2.63 Mb)
New generation toppling trials for winching- Establishment report update11/11/2000PM072REP72 (11.39 Mb)
Significance of boron on butt-log straightness of Radiata Pine11/05/2000PM071REP71 (411.08 Kb)
Wood density of Radiata Pine: Effect of nitrogen supply11/05/2000PM070REP70 (1.29 Mb)
An investigation into the effects of boron fertiliser on wood properties and clearwood defects in Radiata Pine11/05/2000PM069REP69 (2.90 Mb)
“A strength and stiffness comparison between timber from Tikitere, Kaingaroa, and a New Zealand wide study”11/06/2000PM068REP68 (1.39 Mb)
“The effects of shelterbelts on pasture and soil parameters at Poukawa Research Station, Hawkes Bay “11/11/1999PM067REP67 (1.84 Mb)
A 3-point stem volume and taper equation for Radiata Pine11/11/1999PM066REP66 (2.60 Mb)
Study into the influence of genetic improvement on second log branching of Radiata Pine11/11/1999PM065REP65 (1.44 Mb)
Lateral root growth of Pinus radiata adjacent to developed pastures11/06/1999PM064REP64 (1.14 Mb)
Validation of a model to predict canopy closure for Radiata Pine11/03/1999PM062REP62 (1.82 Mb)
“Validation and improvement of models to predict “”Diameter-over-stubs””11/03/1999PM061REP61 (3.73 Mb)
Evaluation of the growth and root morphology of containerised cuttings produced by FORENZA11/05/1999PM060REP60 (2.76 Mb)
A national growth model for radiata pine shelterbelts11/11/1998PM059PM059 (18.47 Mb)
Target timber products from fertile farm sites: A case study using the target tree system11/11/1996PM056REP56 (1.09 Mb)
An assessment of stand and tree quality at low pruning comparing aged cuttings with seedlings11/11/1998PM055REP55 (1.76 Mb)
An evaluation of poplar on New Zealand hill country11/11/1998PM054REP54 (7.34 Mb)
“Assessment of roots- Ngaruawahia, Waihi and Fielding toppling trials”11/11/1998PM053REP53 (10.98 Mb)
Waihi toppling trial – Assessment of roots following severe toppling11/11/1998PM052REP52 (3.61 Mb)
Predicting green crown length in Radiata Pine11/05/1998PM051REP51 (1.42 Mb)
The effect of final crop stocking on growth across a range of sites11/05/1998PM050REP50 (778.41 Kb)
“Comparison of taper, volume and bark thickness of 26-year-old seedlings and cuttings from Mamaku Forest”11/05/1998PM049REP49 (2.14 Mb)
Effects of boron deficiency on the root anchorage and incidence of resin pockets in Pinus radiata11/05/1998PM048REP48 (1.30 Mb)
The effects of a Wairarapa shelterbelt on agricultural parameters11/05/1998PM047REP47 (1.41 Mb)