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SGM Newsletter September 200601/01/2006SGM00SGM00 (342.02 Kb)
Mortality in the golden downs model01/01/1987SGM001SGM001 (1.12 Mb)
Auckland clays Radiata Pine growth and yield model: Development, history and performance01/01/1987SGM002SGM002 (3.74 Mb)
An interim stand growth model for Radiata Pine grown on the central North Island pumice plateau01/01/1987SGM003SGM003 (2.25 Mb)
Minimum standards for collection of growth data from permanent sample plots (Revision of 1987 report)01/01/1991SGM004SGM004 (2.58 Mb)
The retrospective sampling technique01/01/1987SGM005SGM005 (1.54 Mb)
Auckland clays growth model with phosphorus fertiliser effects01/01/1987SGM006SGM006 (2.77 Mb)
Evaluation of the performance of growth models for Kaingaroa01/01/1987SGM007SGM007 (1.59 Mb)
A growth model for Radiata Pine grown in Canterbury01/04/1988SGM008SGM008 (2.09 Mb)
Initial report on the growth performance of the genetically improved Pinus radiata breeds01/01/1988SGM010SGM010 (1.71 Mb)
The growth of thinned and pruned stands01/01/1989SGM012SGM012 (1.62 Mb)
Diameter distributions for the regional stand growth models01/01/1990SGM013SGM013 (1.69 Mb)
A growth model for Radiata Pine grown in the Nelson/Marlborough region01/01/1990SGM014SGM014 (1.87 Mb)
Permanent sample plot survey: Radiata Pine regional analysis (Growth plots)01/01/1990SGM015SGM015 (3.61 Mb)
Permanent sample plot survey: Radiata Pine regional analysis (Experimental plots)01/01/1990SGM016SGM016 (2.44 Mb)
A growth model for Douglas-fir grown in the South Island01/01/1990SGM018SGM018 (2.55 Mb)
Investigations into the possible causes of bias in the Nelson growth model01/01/1990SGM019SGM019 (1.41 Mb)
Testing of log quality predictions01/01/1991SGM020SGM020 (2.07 Mb)
Experience with automatic differentiation in estimating forest growth model parameters01/01/1991SGM021SGM021 (907.75 Kb)
PSP future strategy committee report01/01/1991SGM022SGM022 (1.30 Mb)
What is a diameter distribution?01/01/1991SGM023SGM023 (1.88 Mb)
Trial designed to quantify growth and yield gains from genetically improved Radiata Pine01/01/1991SGM024SGM024 (2.02 Mb)
Overview of model differences01/01/1991SGM025SGM025 (1.29 Mb)
Comparison of actual outturns of log grades with predicted values01/01/1992SGM027SGM027 (1.09 Mb)
Branch dynamics in Radiata Pine: Literature review01/01/1992SGM028SGM028 (1.61 Mb)
A comparison of methods used to predict individual tree diameter growth01/01/1992SGM030SGM030 (1.59 Mb)
A comparison of the regional height models used in New Zealand01/01/1992SGM031SGM031 (676.35 Kb)
Establishment report for the 1987 silviculture/breeds trials01/01/1994SGM032SGM032 (3.29 Mb)
Hawkes Bay growth model documentation01/01/1994SGM033SGM033 (1.69 Mb)
Projecting inventory data: Predicting individual tree diameter growth01/01/1994SGM034SGM034 (2.58 Mb)
Genetic gain in Radiata Pine expressed as growth rate multipliers01/01/1994SGM035SGM035 (3.86 Mb)
Methodology for collecting branch growth data01/01/1994SGM037SGM037 (1.36 Mb)
Growth variation among sites: A modelling perspective01/01/1994SGM038SGM038 (1.95 Mb)
Relationship between environmental variables and Radiata Pine growth in the Canterbury growth modelling region01/01/1994SGM039SGM039 (1.14 Mb)
Trials designed to quantify growth and yield gains from genetically improved Radiata Pine- Second revision01/01/1995SGM040SGM040 (4.43 Mb)
A strategy for efficient selection and evaluation of designer breeds01/01/1995SGM042SGM042 (1.74 Mb)
Best linear prediction of breeding values for stem diameter in a Pinus radiata improvement programme01/01/1995SGM043SGM043 (2.59 Mb)
Validation of growth rate multipliers for the SANDS and NAPIRAD models01/01/1995SGM044SGM044 (2.22 Mb)
Modelling the position of branch cluster in Radiata Pine01/01/1995SGM045SGM045 (1.03 Mb)
PSP establishment report for the 1988 silviculture/breed trials01/01/1996SGM046SGM046 (2.48 Mb)
Projecting inventory data: Predicting individual tree height growth01/04/1997SGM047SGM047 (1.26 Mb)
Modelling stem cone occurrence, number of branches in a cluster and cluster depth for Radiata Pine: Progress to January 199601/01/1996SGM048SGM048 (2.13 Mb)
Diameter and height distributions in improved and unimproved Pinus radiata01/01/1996SGM049SGM049 (6.51 Mb)
Branch diameter growth in Radiata Pine in Expt RO 69601/01/1996SGM051SGM051 (1.78 Mb)
Modelling individual tree survival of Radiata Pine in NZ: Progress to July 199601/01/1997SGM054SGM054 (1.76 Mb)
The effect of silviculture on genetic gain in growth of Pinus radiata at one-third rotation01/01/1997SGM057SGM057 (8.28 Mb)
Projecting inventory data: Revised individual-tree diameter growth equations01/01/1997SGM058SGM058 (1.56 Mb)
Projecting inventory data: Revised individual-tree static height equation01/01/1997SGM059SGM059 (1.62 Mb)
Modelling individual-tree probability of survival of unthinned Radiata Pine01/01/1997SGM060SGM060 (3.75 Mb)
Influence of thinning on branch diameter distributions and branch growth01/01/1998SGM062SGM062 (3.49 Mb)