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Visualisations of New Zealand Forestry for Sustainability: A Literature Survey of Key Topics29/08/2010ES007ES007 (910.43 Kb)
Volume and Values Loss in K Grade Export Logs01/01/1992V-17-10web_REP-V17-10-1992 (1.48 Mb)
Volume equations for E. regnans in young plantations08/04/2017: ME003Manage Eucalypts Coop 3 (2.68 Mb)
Volume Functions for DF01/06/2005DF048D_firReport48 (3.43 Mb)
Waihi toppling trial – Assessment of roots following severe toppling11/11/1998PM052REP52 (3.61 Mb)
Walking Machines in Forest Operations01/06/2011HTN03-09HTN03-09 (319.18 Kb)
Washington 88 Skyline Hauler01/01/1984TR-V-06-05web_TN-V6-5 (750.19 Kb)
Waste Wood at Logging Landings01/01/1994V-19-15web_REP-V19-15-1994 (2.30 Mb)
Water Quality Monitoring and Water Quality Indicators for Plantation Forests29/08/2017ES005ES005 (1.74 Mb)
Weed control and the uptake of fertiliser from various sources by young Radiata Pine at three sites29/08/1995SM075SMC_075 (1.22 Mb)
Weeds: Environmental fate of trebuthylazine and hexazinone: Two New Zealand case studies25/08/2016Weeds 02Weeds TN-002 (719.41 Kb)
Weeds: Performance of alternative to current herbicide treatments at 30 months after trial implementation25/06/2016Weeds 03Weeds TN-003 (626.96 Kb)
Weeds: Priorities for weeds research: A summary of conversations with growers25/06/2016Weeds 01Weeds TN-001 (472.84 Kb)
Weight/Volume Conversion Factors for Logs01/01/1984TR-V-06-03web_TN-V6-3 (1.24 Mb)
Weyerhauesuer Limber-Processor01/01/1986TR-V-08-12web_TN-V8-12 (772.30 Kb)
What can we learn from Douglas-fir in Europe?23/10/2013DSTN-026DSTN-026 (620.75 Kb)
What is a diameter distribution?01/01/1991SGM023SGM023 (1.88 Mb)
What is an appropriate level to model branch development for forest management?01/01/1998 SGM075SGM075 (1.76 Mb)
What is the potential to integrate growth and disease models and what data is available to do this?07/09/2021RFP-FN020
What is the potential value of bio products from forests in New Zealand?09/01/2024ITP-TR002ITP-TR002 Potential Value of Bio-Products from Forests October 2023 (1.64 Mb)
What will the Vegetation Management Research Programme Deliver to the Forestry Sector?01/05/2009RSPTN-003RSPTN-003 (73.58 Kb)
Whole tree thinning of Radiata Pine. Early effects on growth29/08/1988SM031SMC_031 (811.79 Kb)
Wider Tyres Reduce Logging Costs01/01/1998 TN-35web_TN-35 (351.16 Kb)
Wilco Spot Cultivator01/01/1995 TN-19web_TN-19 (359.96 Kb)
Wildfires and Communities: Australasian Perspectives01/01/20061111 AustralasianPerspectives (405.89 Kb)
Wind flow profiles over pine plantations (Wind profile, mid flame wind speed)01/01/1990Beerbeer1 (1.50 Mb)
Winter Worries: Hypothermia and Cold Injuries01/01/1998V-23-03web_REP-V23-3-1998 (645.43 Kb)
Wire Rope End Connectors for Winch-assisted Machines11/06/2017HTN09-05HTN09-05 (556.48 Kb)
Wire Rope Splicing Methods01/01/1981TR-V-03-02web_TN-V3-2 (784.22 Kb)
Wood Borer and Bark Beetle Risk Analysis01/05/2009BB-0101 (1) (579.27 Kb)
Wood Density Models01/01/2009R036R036 (1.69 Mb)
Wood Density of Plantation-grown New Zealand Kauri (Agathis australis)07/06/2013DS055DS055 (580.85 Kb)
Wood density of Radiata Pine: Effect of nitrogen supply11/05/2000PM070REP70 (1.29 Mb)
Wood products from NZDFI species18/04/2019SWP-WP112
Wood products from NZDFI species02/11/2020SWP-WP131
Wood properties of 16 year old Eucalyptus fastigata grown in central Kaingaroa08/04/2017EBC019Eucalypt Breed Coop 19_20080522185104 (3.21 Mb)
Wood properties of 26-year-old Pinus radiata from the Tikitere stock trial11/11/2000PM074REP74 (3.61 Mb)
Wood properties of DF from four stands in Kaingaroa01/02/1995DF010DF010 (2.72 Mb)
Wood properties of Eucalyptus nitens (Deane et Maiden) grown in New Zealand08/04/2017EBC020Eucalypt Breed Coop 20_20080522185512 (2.53 Mb)
Wood Property Mapping Techniques: Development and Applicability to the Programme of Mechanobiology of Wood Formation01/04/2009R047R047 (789.57 Kb)
Wood quality assessment of Eucalyptus globoidea18/04/2019SWP-WP109
Wood quality of Radiata Pine on farm sites – a review of the issues11/05/2002PM080REP80 (4.80 Mb)
Wood sampling and thinning 2011 E. globoidea JNL Ngaumu14/12/2018SWP-FN074
Wood Transport Using A Long Reach Skyline01/01/1993V-18-20web_REP-V18-20-1993 (1.62 Mb)
Wooden posts – A review17/03/2020SWP-T095SWP-T095 (4.33 Mb)
Woody Debris in Pumice Bed Streams- How Long Does it Last and its Use by Aquatic Insects01/01/1998V-23-10web_REP-V23-10-1998 (799.84 Kb)
Workplan for establishing micronutrient field trials07/11/2021RFP-FN030
Workplan for trials with genetically improved Radiata Pine planted between 1987 and 199401/01/2001SGM103SGM103 (9.09 Mb)
WorkPlan Smaill 2016 Workplan_Developing phytohormone based systems to modify plant growth12/04/201604
Xylem Transport Model17/04/2013RTN-001RTN-001 (387.88 Kb)