The Robustness of NZ Forestry Planning to Uncertainty in Yield Data | 28/11/2013 | R066 | R066 (591.98 Kb) |
Modelling Radiata Pine Wood Density in Relation to Site, Climate and Genetic Factors – Part 2 | 28/11/2013 | R064 | R064 (811.73 Kb) |
Modelling Radiata Pine Wood Density in Relation to Site, Climate, Genetic Factors – Part 1: Density Surfaces | 28/11/2013 | R063 | R063 (1.39 Mb) |
Design of Future Large Plot Genetic Gains Trials | 28/11/2013 | R051 | R051 (446.52 Kb) |
Coast Redwood in NZ – Analysis of the Kuser Clones and the Interaction between Clones and Environment | 28/11/2013 | DS058 | DS058 (656.34 Kb) |
Comparison of Improved Seedlots of E.fastigata at Age 7 | 28/11/2013 | DS063 | DS063 (519.82 Kb) |
Results of the First Year of a Sustainable Farming Fund Study to Locate a Spring-active Parasitoid in Tasmania for Potential Biological Control of Parapsis charybdis | 28/11/2013 | DS064 | DS064 (954.64 Kb) |
Innovative Yarding Systems – Analysis of Ideas | 02/12/2013 | HTN05-10 | HTN05-10 (601.28 Kb) |
Survey of Yarders Used in New Zealand | 07/01/2014 | HTN06-03 | HTN06-03 (691.49 Kb) |
Alternative Power Sources for Cable Yarders | 07/01/2014 | HTN06-04 | HTN06-04 (472.77 Kb) |
Steep Country Harvesting in British Columbia | 08/01/2014 | HTN06-05 | HTN06-05 (765.42 Kb) |
Feasibility, Costs and Benefits of Mechanised Delimbing on Slopes | 27/02/2014 | H012 | H012 (677.98 Kb) |
Austria Steep Terrain Harvest Operations Tour 2014 | 27/02/2014 | T01 | Austria Steep Terrain Harvest Operations Tour 2014 (173.20 Kb) |
Harvesting and Logistics Theme Update – March 2014 | 27/02/2014 | HTU-17 | HTU-17 (178.72 Kb) |
Haptic Feedback for a Teleoperated Felling Machine | 27/02/2014 | HTN06-02 | HTN06-02 (549.11 Kb) |
Valentini V1500 Cable Yarder | 11/03/2014 | HTN06-01 | HTN06-01 (851.33 Kb) |
Nearest Neighbour Imputation of Stand Attributes using LiDAR Data | 28/04/2014 | R076 | R076 (1.85 Mb) |
Modelling the Variation in Spiral Grain Angle and Microfibril Angle in Radiata Pine | 28/04/2014 | R074 | R074 (1.31 Mb) |
GCFF Workshop 2014 – Wood Quality – Is it still relevant? | 14/05/2014 | GCFF W01 | 20140514 GCFF Wood Quality Workshops (193.18 Kb) |
GCFF Conference 2014 – Pathways to Doubling Productivity Conference | 10/06/2014 | GCFF C01 | 20140610 GCFF Conference (194.78 Kb) |
Chemical Control of Red Needle Cast | 14/06/2014 | ND-T002 | ND-T002 (2.65 Mb) |
Technical Committee – Terms of Reference | 19/06/2014 | 01 | ToR for Technical Committee (117.86 Kb) |
Sustainable Intensification (GCFF) Work Plan Index | 27/06/2014 | WP000 | |
Sustainability of soil, water and biodiversity – project plan 2014_03 | 27/06/2014 | WP001 | |
Sustainability over multiple rotations_organic matter removal – project plan 2014_03 | 27/06/2014 | WP002 | |
Sustainability over multiple rotations_organic matter removal_Woodhill – task workplan 2014_03 | 27/06/2014 | WP003 | |
Enhancing productivity of older stands – project plan 2014_05 | 27/06/2014 | WP004 | |
Communication Plan 2014_02 | 27/06/2014 | WP005 | |
Engagement Plan 2014_02 | 27/06/2014 | WP006 | |
Enhanced activity of the soil microbial community – project plan 2014_03 | 27/06/2014 | WP007 | |
Spatial economic modelling of forest ecosystem services – project plan 2014_03 | 27/06/2014 | WP008 | |
Doubling radiata pine productivity – project plan 2014_03 | 27/06/2014 | WP009 | |
Phenotyping platform LiDAR – project plan 2014_03 | 27/06/2014 | WP010 | |
Phenotyping platform LiDAR – project plan App 1 2014_03 | 27/06/2014 | WP010a | |
Segregation of the current resource – project plan 2014_05 | 27/06/2014 | WP011 | |
Segregation of the current resource – Appendix to project plan 2014_05 | 27/06/2014 | WP011a | |
Phenotyping platform Genetics – project plan 2014_03 | 27/06/2014 | WP012 | |
ESK Intra Clonal Variation Variation Workplan | 27/06/2014 | WP013 | |
Sustainability over multiple rotations_minimizing and mitigating steepland harvest impact – project plan 2014_05 | 27/06/2014 | WP014 | |
TC Agenda Q4 2014 | 10/07/2014 | 01 | |
RA1.1 Segregation | 10/07/2014 | 02 | |
RA1.2 Mid-rotation Review | 10/07/2014 | 03 | |
RA2.1 Update | 10/07/2014 | 04 | |
RA2.2 Productivity Modelling | 10/07/2014 | 05 | |
RA3.2a Long Term Site Productivity | 10/07/2014 | 06 | |
Communication and Engagement Presentation | 10/07/2014 | 07 | |
2014 – 2015 Work Plan Presentation | 10/07/2014 | 08 | |
Innovation Clusters Presentation | 10/07/2014 | 09 | |
GCFF 2014_15 Workplan Spreadsheet with progress | 10/07/2014 | 10 | |
Harvesting and Logistics Theme Update – May 2014 | 10/07/2014 | HTU-18 | HTU-18 (366.41 Kb) |