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Report Name Published Report Download
Some characteristics of major fires in coniferous plantations (Fire behaviour, fuel dynamics)01/01/1974Douglasdouglas2 (356.71 Kb)
Initial attack on fire in the south east plantations (Fire suppression)01/01/1974Douglasdouglas1 (604.51 Kb)
Douglas fir Part 101/02/2007DF063aCoop Rpt 63 Pt 1 D-fir Research (1.36 Mb)
Douglas fir vegetative propagation – results in 200601/01/2007DF060Dfir-CoopReport60 (305.19 Kb)
Distribution of Swiss Needle Cast in New Zealand in relation to winter temperature01/01/2007DF059Dfir-CoopReport59 (404.96 Kb)
“How heritable is growth, branch score and sonic velocity in Douglas fir?”01/02/2007DF058Dfir-CoopReport58 (250.60 Kb)
“Assessment of acoustic tools to measure the stiffness of standing trees, logs and timber of New Zealand- grown Douglas fir”01/02/2007DF057Dfir-CoopReport57 (416.82 Kb)
The 1959 provenance trials – results to age 47 years01/02/2007DF056Dfir-CoopReport56 (278.92 Kb)
A new mortality function for New Zealand Douglas fir01/02/2007DF055Dfir-CoopReport55 (243.97 Kb)
Validation of the New Zealand National Douglas fir growth model (DF NAT)01/02/2007DF054Dfir-CoopReport54 (745.24 Kb)
Comparative study of stability between New Zealand grown Douglas fir and Radiata pine structural timber when subjected to moisture cycling01/02/2007DF053Dfir-CoopReport53 (191.95 Kb)
Effects of topographic position on growth and form of DF trees01/07/2006DF052DF052 (86.06 Kb)
Continuous cover forestry with Douglas fir01/02/2006DF051DF051 (255.38 Kb)
Eight year performance of provenances and New Zealand seed sources of Douglass fir on higher altitude sites in the South Island01/02/2006DF049DF049 (705.37 Kb)
Volume Functions for DF01/06/2005DF048D_firReport48 (3.43 Mb)
Comparison of the water absorbency of Douglas fir and Radiata Pine framing timber01/06/2005DF047Coopreport47Waterabsorbancy (237.90 Kb)
FR257 Douglas fir nutrition trial: Foliar nutrient levels and growth effects four years after fertilising01/02/2005DF046D_firReport46 (196.31 Kb)
Individual-tree-level growth models for Douglas fir in New Zealand01/02/2006DF045D_firReport45 (3.00 Mb)
Development of a productivity index for Douglas fir01/02/2005DF044Coopreport44ProdIndex (270.05 Kb)
Validation of the New Zealand Douglas fir growth model (DF NAT) using data from south west Germany01/02/2005DF043Coopreport43Germany (708.42 Kb)
Functions contained in the Douglas fir Calculator version two01/09/2004DF042Coopreport42Calculatorfunctions (225.12 Kb)
Application of the New Zealand Douglas fir silvicultural growth model (DF NAT) to data from the Pacific Northwest.01/09/2004DF041Coopreport41PNW (729.43 Kb)
Development of new stand-level height/age curves for Douglas fir in New Zealand01/09/2004DF040Coopreport40Ht-age (261.50 Kb)
A revised breeding strategy for Douglas fir in New Zealand01/08/2004DF039Coopreport39Revisedbreedingstrategy (263.06 Kb)
An assessment of Swiss Needle Cast on a Douglas fir provenance and progeny trial at age seven years01/02/2004DF038Coopreport38SNCassessment (228.47 Kb)
Estimating individual tree stiffness using small clears01/02/2004DF037Coopreport37Smallclears (350.33 Kb)
Comparative moisture uptake of New Zealand grown Douglas fir and Radiata pine structural timber when exposed to rain wetting01/02/2004DF036Coopreport36Rainwetting (218.50 Kb)
Evaluation of non-destructive methods for assessing stiffness of Douglas fir trees01/12/2003DF035D_firReport35 (349.36 Kb)
The effect of provenance on bark thickness of Douglas fir01/02/2003DF034D_firReport34 (217.04 Kb)
Modelling within-tree and between-tree variation in Douglas fir wood properties02/02/2003DF033D_firReport33 (292.17 Kb)
Foliage sampling protocols for Douglas fir in New Zealand01/02/2003DF032D_firReport32 (185.57 Kb)
Susceptibility of Douglas fir provenances to Swiss Needle-Cast disease in New Zealand01/02/2003DF031D_firReport31 (199.82 Kb)
A stool-plant management system for the production of non-plagiotropic cuttings of Douglas fir01/02/2003DF030D_firReport30 (705.19 Kb)
A User’s guide to the Douglas fir calculator01/02/2003DF029D_firReport29 (386.46 Kb)
Early growth and form of coastal provenances and progenies of Douglas fir at three sites in New Zealand01/02/2002DF028D_firReport28 (689.23 Kb)
Trial establishment report of 1999 farm field test of Douglas fir production population candidates.01/02/2000DF027D_firReport27 (224.32 Kb)
Frost damage in Douglas-fir provenances at age two years at Waipori forest (Dunedin)01/02/2000DF026D_firReport26 (186.76 Kb)
Britain and France DF forestry study tour 199701/06/1998DF025DF025 (2.71 Mb)
An evaluation of the relationships between DF growth, foliar nutrition and site variables in a series of permanent sample plots in Otage/Southland01/02/1997DF022DF022 (5.08 Mb)
Establishment report for the 1996 DF seed source trials at seven sites01/01/1997DF021DF021 (3.19 Mb)
Establishment report for the 1996 DF progeny tests at three sites01/01/1997DF020DF020 (4.17 Mb)
DF breeding at Cowichan Lake Research Station, Vancouver Island, British Colombia01/07/1996DF019DF019 (403.07 Kb)
Simulations of timber grade recovery from pruned DF logs using AUTOSAW01/02/1995DF017DF017 (1.06 Mb)
Sawing study and AUTOSAW applications on pruned DF logs01/06/1995DF015DF015 (1.90 Mb)
Machining and related characteristics of NZ grown DF compared with radiata pine and North American grown DF01/06/1995DF014DF014 (586.87 Kb)
Grade recovery and conversion from a DF sawing study at Kaingaroa01/02/1970DF013DF013 (11.14 Mb)
DF Breeding Plan01/02/1995DF012DF012 (884.69 Kb)
A mortality function for DF to stand age 30 years01/02/1995DF011DF011 (289.32 Kb)
Wood properties of DF from four stands in Kaingaroa01/02/1995DF010DF010 (2.72 Mb)
Review of DF nutrition in NZ01/08/1994DF009DF009 (618.75 Kb)