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Report Name Published Report Download
Pitch canker update01/02/20060404 (464.85 Kb)
BioProtection Q4 Report19/07/201604
RA3.2 Steepland harvest impacts_D.Harrison03/02/201504
Manuscript: Inter-clonal variation of trade-offs in hydraulic conductance, gas exchange, plant growth and wood density in Pinus Radiata02/05/201704
File Note: FN05 Coker et al Mid-rotation field trial design_2016_07_2020/07/201604
RA2.1aa 2014 ZEB1 Laser Scanner Helps NZ Scientists Measure Forest Stands. Press release08/10/201404
Forest Harvest Practices in and around Sensitive Areas – a literature review01/06/201004HarvestSensitiveAreasReport (6.32 Mb)
Development of sapstain and degrade after storm damage in stands of Pinus radiata01/05/20090404 (408.63 Kb)
RA2.1 Update10/07/201404
Diversified Species Theme Update 0401/10/201004DSTU-004 (536.44 Kb)
Improving predictions of pest mortality prior to pest eradication operations: Part III : The influence of the host plant on the susceptibility of the painted apple moth to a viral pathogen01/05/20060404 (151.96 Kb)
GCFF FN-07 Understanding of onsite soil productivity drivers_Dec 201603/01/201704
FD 2014_2015 Needle Disease Programme15/07/201404
Forest Biosecurity & Protection – Wildfires and Communities: International Perspectives March 200501/03/20050404 InternationalPerspectives (528.46 Kb)
Cupressus Site Index 1931 Scrub Plantation04/07/201304cupressus_site-index_1931ex-scrub-plantation_colour-ramp (6.88 Mb)
WorkPlan Smaill 2016 Workplan_Developing phytohormone based systems to modify plant growth12/04/201604
Economic Impact of Cyclaneusma Needle-cast in NZ01/05/20090404 (960.10 Kb)
GCFF Proposed Field Trip 201720/10/201604
HTHF Quarterly Update18/11/201404
Manuscript: Pearse et al 2017 Manuscript_ALS_Satellite_comparison_300dpi25/10/201704
Plantation Trial Maps and Locations – Foliar Diseases and disorders of radiata pine17/10/201404
RA1.2 Mid-rotation managment_progress towards new treatment option12/02/201604
ND Q2 Report 201405/02/201504
Pruned stub infection trial – March 2009 assessments01/05/20090404 (856.37 Kb)
RA.1.2 Workplan_Understanding the nutritional role in regulating defence systems25/09/201504
Research Priorities for 2015-1612/05/201504
Cupressus Site Index 1999 Ex Pasture NZTM31/07/201304cupressus_1999_ex-scrub-plantation_NZTM (52.00 b)
Report: Summary of Assessments from Forestry Trial Site Visits21/08/201504
GCFF 2013-19 Key Outcomes: to date, proposed, future10/07/201504
cupressus 1965 Ex-scrub Plantation South12/07/201304cupressus_1965_ex-scrub-plantation_south (20.06 Mb)
RA3.2 Harrison et al Erosion Risk model and Database update20/07/201603k
RA3.1 Smaill et al NuBalM progress in various areas_20/07/201603j
RA3.1 Gordon et al Forecaster NuBalm GCFF20/07/201603i
RA3.1 Garrett et al_Update on data collection_20/07/201603h
RA2.3 Smaill et al Quantifying growth promoting soil microbes_20/07/201603g
RA2.3 Smaill Biostimulants_GCFF Q4 TST 2016_07_2620/07/201603f
RA2.3 Addison et al Soil microbes and their importance in shaping our forests_poster20/07/201603e
03 d RA2.1b Telfer_Parentage reconstruction GCFF Q4 TST 2016_07_2620/07/201603d
RA2.1a Dash et al Sampling GCFF Q4 TST 2016_07_2620/07/201603c
RA2 3 Addison et al Forest site drives diversity composition of extomycorrhizal communities20/07/201603b
GCFF Monthly Report January 201612/02/201603b
03 a RA1.1 Moore et al Acoustic Segregation GCFF TST 2016_06_2420/07/201603a
FB Presentation for HTHF19/07/201603a
GCFF Quarter 2 Report 2015_1612/02/201603a
03 Manuscript 2019 Genetics Competition Growth Wood Quality – Updated Copy17/07/201903 GCFF Q4 2018_19
Redwoods Site Index North12/07/201303redwoods_siteindex_north (17.86 Mb)
Practical soil sampling in planted forests – soil profile23/05/20150303 soil_sampling_method-profile (264.56 Kb)
Presentation: Moore_RA1_1_and_RA2_216/04/201503
BIO Q3 Report_Mar 201601/04/201603
Bushfire CRC CEO Newsletter – April 200601/04/20060303. Bushfire CRC CEO 2006 (16.07 Kb)