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*** Q4 Scion Combined Presentations for printing (saved as two to a page = 63 pages) RA documents below are individual presentations.20/07/201600
** ALL GCFF PAPERS excluding Presentations20/07/201600
“Foliar pathogens of radiata pine: are there common triggers for resistance?”29/07/2021RFP-FN017
“Wind effects on juvenile trees, with special reference to Radiata Pine growing in New Zealand”11/11/2007PM109PMCoop_Report109 (298.00 Kb)
“Whole tree thinning trial series (AK1053/1, RO 2093 and WN379): Results to five years after treatment”29/08/1998SM098SMC_098 (2.86 Mb)
“Validation and improvement of models to predict “”Diameter-over-stubs””11/03/1999PM061REP61 (3.73 Mb)
“Trip to Tasmania, November 24, 1990”08/04/2017 EBC002Eucalypt Breed Coop 2_20080522164902 (4.62 Mb)
“Trial FR345: Effect of compaction, site preparation and fertilisation on foliar nutrition and tree growth of Radiata Pine at age 8 years”29/08/2006SM132SMC_132 (240.03 Kb)
“The Riverhead Forestry soil disturbance and amelioration trial: Trial establishment, Tree growth to age 1 year and priezometer study”29/08/1998 SM101SMC_101 (5.37 Mb)
“The Relative Fuel Efficiency of Super-single, Low Profile and Standard Tyres on Logging Trailers”01/01/1990 V-15-03web_REP-V15-3-1990 (313.40 Kb)
“The effects of shelterbelts on pasture and soil parameters at Poukawa Research Station, Hawkes Bay “11/11/1999PM067REP67 (1.84 Mb)
“The effects of rock phosphate and superphosphate fertiliser application on weight, nitrogen content and phosphorus content of Pinus radiata litterfall, at three sites with different phosphorus retention capacity”29/08/1994SM068SMC_068 (2.84 Mb)
“The effect of nitrogen, phosphorus, boron and magnesium fertiliser in conjunction with wees control on the growth and nutrition of a pole state stand at Mamaku Forest in the central North Island- Results after four years”29/08/1995SM072SMC_072 (2.48 Mb)
“The effect of nitrogen, phosphorus and boron fertiliser in conjunction with weed control on the growth and nutrition of a pole stage stand of Radiata Pine from age 7 to 17 years in Mamaku Forest, central North Island”29/08/2002SM125SMC_125 (194.22 Kb)
“The effect of magnesium and boron fertilisers on foliar nutrient chemistry five and half years after application to a 1 year old P. radiata stand, Tauhara Forest (1302)”29/08/1996SM084SMC_084 (3.03 Mb)
“The effect of fertilising, weed control and silviculture on the growth of Radiata Pine at Hiunua Forest”29/08/1996SM077SMC_077 (2.97 Mb)
“State of the art” Human Factors innovations in operator measurement10/08/2020HTN12-11HTN12-11 (453.41 Kb)
“Single clonal blocks versus two and sixteen clone mixtures trial, Tarawera Forest- Establishment report”11/11/1996PM034REP34 (2.12 Mb)
“Results of some experiments involving cultivation, fertilisation and/or weed control as factors examining the growth of young Radiata Pine.”29/08/1988 SM029SMC_029 (5.26 Mb)
“Pruning of improved Radiata Pine breeds, Tumunui- A pilot study”11/11/1995PM020REP20 (617.94 Kb)
“Provenance, family and individual plus tree selection in an 11 year old E. fastigata progeny/provenance trial”08/04/2017 EBC001Eucalypt Breed Coop 1_20080522145418 (4.20 Mb)
“Progress report on legumes and rock phosphate in Northland, potassium nutrition on the West Coast and boron trials in Nelson and Canterbury”29/08/1988 SM028SMC_028 (1.02 Mb)
“Predicting Pinus Radiata Productivity from Soil, Climate and Environmental Variables: National and Regional Perspectives”01/06/2009R041R041 (1.02 Mb)
“Parental reconstruction in breeding programmes: An efficient approach for breeding, deployment and orchard management for Eucalyptus nitens”01/08/2005EC004Eucalypt Coop No 4 (2.27 Mb)
“Parental reconstruction in breeding programmes: An efficient approach for breeding, deployment and orchard management for Eucalyptus nitens”01/07/2005EC004Eucalypt Coop No 4 (2.27 Mb)
“Oregon State University Forest Engineering “” Short Course”””01/01/1983 TR-V-05-04web_TN-V5-4 (538.83 Kb)
“Key points from technical sessions of the NZ Forest Site Management Cooperative, held at NZFRI on 10 June 1996”29/08/1996SM082SMC_082 (5.35 Mb)
“Key points from technical sessions of the NZ Forest Site Management Cooperative held at NZFRI, Rotorua an 14 June 1993”29/08/1993 SM064SMC_064 (1.61 Mb)
“Key points from a technical session held at CHH Ltd, Auckland, 30 January 1990”29/08/1990 SM045SMC_045 (1.23 Mb)
“January 2008 tree selection and seed collection, Tylees E. fastigata progeny trial”01/01/2008EC010Euc Coop 10d (124.37 Kb)
“Invermay agroforestry trial, results from 1974-1995”11/11/1995PM027REP27 (4.94 Mb)
“Installation report for NZFSMC boron trial FR358/1 Balmoral Forest, North Canterbury. (Technical report)”29/08/2000SM111SMC_111 (612.72 Kb)
“How heritable is growth, branch score and sonic velocity in Douglas fir?”01/02/2007DF058Dfir-CoopReport58 (250.60 Kb)
“Hire Purchase Repayments, Tax and the Cash flow”01/01/1987V-12-09web_REP-V12-9-1987 (808.55 Kb)
“Growth, straightness and branching GFPLUS values foe seedlots in large-block genetic gain trials”01/01/1998SGM069SGM069 (960.93 Kb)
“Growth, form and health of eight eucalypt species at four sites in Northland, New Zealand at ages seven to 11 years”08/04/2017EBC034Eucalypt Coop Report 34 (6.42 Mb)
“Growth of Radiata Pine in a long term phosphorus trial. Site A at Riverhead Forest, Site B at Whangapoua Forest”29/08/1987 SM017SMC_017 (1.18 Mb)
“Genetic variation in nutrition and edaphic requirements in Pinus radiata: The evidence, implications and research proposals”29/08/1992SM056SMC_056 (2.52 Mb)
“Fibre Recovery Limited- A System for Collecting, Transporting and Processing Logging Residue”01/01/1996 TN-23web_TN-23 (386.69 Kb)
“Eucalyptus regnans pruning trial interim report: Branch size, DOS and effect of pruning on growth”08/04/2017 ME032Manage Eucalypts Coop 32 (3.03 Mb)
“Data from the E. regnans regimes trial, Murupara 1982-1986”08/04/2017ME002Manage Eucalypts Coop 2 (1.73 Mb)
“Comparison of taper, volume and bark thickness of 26-year-old seedlings and cuttings from Mamaku Forest”11/05/1998PM049REP49 (2.14 Mb)
“Clearfelling “”Young Crop”” Pinus Radiata Production Study Results”01/01/1990 TR-V-12-02web_TN-V12-2 (1.01 Mb)
“Breast height basic density of physiologically-aged cuttings vs. seedlings, grown on a fertile farm site”11/05/1996PM031REP31 (583.55 Kb)
“Branching characteristics of Radiata Pine in compartment 905, Kaingaroa: Data collection”01/01/1998 SGM063SGM063 (1.25 Mb)
“Assessment of roots- Ngaruawahia, Waihi and Fielding toppling trials”11/11/1998PM053REP53 (10.98 Mb)
“Assessment of legume development in plot 379, Crohane Forest, three months after sowing”29/08/1988 SM027SMC_027 (383.30 Kb)
“Assessment of acoustic tools to measure the stiffness of standing trees, logs and timber of New Zealand- grown Douglas fir”01/02/2007DF057Dfir-CoopReport57 (416.82 Kb)
“Akatore agroforestry trial, results from 1974-1995”11/11/1995PM026REP26 (8.19 Mb)
“Accidents, Safety and Occupational Injuries Within the Logging Industry “01/01/1988 V-13-02web_REP-V13-2-1988 (1.33 Mb)