Fire Research Publications 2003 – 2008

Below is a list of the documents in this folder

Report Name Published Report Download
Wildfires and Communities: Australasian Perspectives01/01/20061111 AustralasianPerspectives (405.89 Kb)
Spatial Techniques for Grassland Curing Across Australia & New Zealand – 200801/02/20081919 CuringPoster (629.02 Kb)
Spatial Prediction of Wildfire Hazard Across New Zealand: A Significant Upgrade – September 200501/09/20050808 WTAhazardupgrade (2.65 Mb)
patial Prediction of Wildfire Hazard Across New Zealand – A Significant Upgrade – 200501/05/20050505 LCDB2_eqns (232.08 Kb)
New Zealand Vegetation Fire Database Summary and Initial Data Quality Findings – June 200501/06/20050707 NZ_FireDataSummary (1.40 Mb)
New Zealand Experimental and Wildfire Observer Guide : Forms – 2006 Fire Weather Recording Form01/02/20061313 NZFireObserverGuide-forms (456.35 Kb)
New Zealand Experimental & Wildfire Observer Guide – 2006 Guide Version 1.1 – January 2006.01/01/20061212 NZFireObserverGuide (2.39 Mb)
Impact of climate variability on fire danger – August 200701/08/20071717 ClimVar_IPOandENSO (1.41 Mb)
Impact of Climate Change on Long-term Fire Danger – June 200501/06/20050606 ClimChangeandFireDanger (3.38 Mb)
Forest Biosecurity & Protection – Wildfires and Communities: International Perspectives March 200501/03/20050404 InternationalPerspectives (528.46 Kb)
Forest Biosecurity & Protection – Review of methods and data on rural fire suppression resource productivity and effectiveness – June 200701/06/20071616 FireSuppression (615.66 Kb)
Forest Biosecurity & Protection – Communication of Fire Danger Warnings in New Zealand and Overseas – May 200701/05/20071515 FireDangerWarnings (648.15 Kb)
Forest and rural fire danger rating in New Zealand – 200601/01/20061010 NZFDRS (218.09 Kb)
Fire Research Publications18/02/201500Fire Research Publications (208.39 Kb)
Fire Danger Climatology Analyses and Tools01/05/20030101 FireDangerClim (2.41 Mb)
Determination of field sampling methods for the assessment of curing levels in grasslands – 200501/01/20050909 CuringSamplingMethods (3.41 Mb)
Applying fire spread simulators in New Zealand and Australia – 2006 Results from an international seminar01/02/20061414 NZ_SimWshop-FuelsConf (1.02 Mb)
Aerial fire suppression research – 200801/02/20081818 AerialSuppposter (814.94 Kb)
A fire danger climatology for New Zealand, plus Appendix 2 – 200301/05/20030202 FireDangerClim_App2_tables-NI (1.02 Mb)
A Fire Danger Climatology for New Zealand – 200301/05/20030303 ClimatologyPoster (934.46 Kb)