LIRO Reports – Harvesting

Below is a list of the documents in this folder

Report Name Published Report Download
Roller Crushing of Cutover as a Logging Residue Management Technique01/01/1992V-17-16web_REP-V17-16-1992 (1007.99 Kb)
School Student Occupation Choice and Primary Industries01/01/1992V-17-17web_REP-V17-17-1992 (1.28 Mb)
Log Transportation by Barge01/01/1992V-17-18web_REP-V17-18-1992 (1.68 Mb)
Effect of Spiked Boots on Faller Safety, Productivity and Workload01/01/1992V-17-19web_REP-V17-19-1992 (1.01 Mb)
Roadlining with a Hydraulic Excavator01/01/1992V-17-20web_REP-V17-20-1992 (1.26 Mb)
The Bell Static Delimber in a Clearfell Operation01/01/1992V-17-21web_REP-V17-21-1992 (1.25 Mb)
A Mechanised Swing Yarder Operation in New Zealand01/01/1992V-17-22web_REP-V17-22-1992 (1.10 Mb)
Remote Tension Monitoring for Cable Haulers01/01/1992V-17-23web_REP-V17-23-1992 (1.73 Mb)
Carbonflo Fuel Conditioning Device01/01/1992 TN-04web_TN-4 (440.98 Kb)
Remote Tension Monitoring for Cable Haulers01/01/1992 TN-05web_TN-5 (378.45 Kb)
Effect on Faller Productivity and Safety of using Spiked Boots01/01/1992 TN-06web_TN-6 (385.79 Kb)
Lost Time Accidents in Forestry01/01/1991V-16-10web_REP-V16-10-1991 (873.31 Kb)
Effectiveness of Hearing Protectors Over Time01/01/1991V-16-12web_REP-V16-12-1991 (1.18 Mb)
Madill 009 Haulers in Patunamu Forest01/01/1991V-16-13web_REP-V16-13-1991 (1.12 Mb)
Operator Log Making Ability on a Mechanised Processor01/01/1991V-16-14web_REP-V16-14-1991 (1.09 Mb)
The Bellis Hauler01/01/1991V-16-15web_REP-V16-15-1991 (1.22 Mb)
In-Woods Chip production at a Central Landing01/01/1991V-16-16web_REP-V16-16-1991 (1.91 Mb)
Ten Years of Mechanised Logging01/01/1991TR-V-13-01web_TN-V13-1 (1.36 Mb)
Pulp Chip Quality From In-wood Chippers coupled with Chain Flail Delimbers- Debarkers: Does it Match Conventional Wood Yard Quality01/01/1991 TR-V-13-02web_TN-V13-2 (1.53 Mb)
Chainsaw Repair and Maintenance01/01/1991 TN-01web_TN-1 (397.24 Kb)