LIRO Reports – Harvesting

Below is a list of the documents in this folder

Report Name Published Report Download
Characteristics of New Zealand Log Trucking Industry01/01/1978 V-03-04web_REP-V3-4-1978 (220.79 Kb)
Reducing Delimbing Costs01/01/1978 V-03-03web_REP-V3-3-1978 (256.20 Kb)
Protection Logging Case Study 301/01/1977 V-02-04web_REP-V2-4-1977 (433.74 Kb)
Log Transport Weighbridge Survey No. 101/01/1977 V-02-02web_REP-V2-2-1977 (280.74 Kb)
An Interfirm Comparison of Logging Firms01/01/1977 V-02-01web_REP-V2-1-1977 (229.02 Kb)
Short-Pulp Extraction with a Smaller Hauler ( A Further Trial)01/01/1979 V-01-03web_REP-V1-3-1979 (1.78 Mb)
Protection Logging Case Study 101/01/1976 V-01-01web_REP-V1-1-1976 (738.47 Kb)
Pulp Chip Quality From In-wood Chippers coupled with Chain Flail Delimbers- Debarkers: Does it Match Conventional Wood Yard Quality01/01/1991 TR-V-13-02web_TN-V13-2 (1.53 Mb)
“Clearfelling “”Young Crop”” Pinus Radiata Production Study Results”01/01/1990 TR-V-12-02web_TN-V12-2 (1.01 Mb)
Emergency Alarm Systems for Fallers01/01/1990 TR-V-12-01web_TN-V12-1 (1.19 Mb)
Noise and Hearing Loss in the Logging Industry01/01/1989 TR-V-11-05web_TN-V11-5 (952.70 Kb)
Mechanised Delimbering at a Cable Landing01/01/1989 TR-V-11-04web_TN-V11-4 (2.19 Mb)
Progress with Tipping Plate Earth Anchors01/01/1989 TR-V-11-03web_TN-V11-3 (1.45 Mb)
Chain Flail Processing: A New Look at an Old Idea01/01/1989 TR-V-11-02web_TN-V11-2 (1.51 Mb)
Machine Financing Options01/01/1989 TR-V-11-01web_TN-V11-1 (1.87 Mb)
Record Keeping- A Contractors Perspective01/01/1988 TR-V-10-06web_TN-V10-6 (941.43 Kb)
Log Processing on Steep Slopes US Pacific Northwest Practices01/01/1988 TR-V-10-05web_TN-V10-5 (1.25 Mb)
A Procedure for Analysising Double Lane Versus Single Lane Roads01/01/1988 TR-V-10-02web_TN-V10-2 (295.12 Kb)
Improving Road Pavement- How will it Improve Truck Performance01/01/1987 TR-V-09-06web_TN-V9-6 (908.57 Kb)
Log Truck Performance on Curves and Favourable Grades01/01/1987 TR-V-09-05web_TN-V9-5 (937.86 Kb)