LIRO Reports – Harvesting

Below is a list of the documents in this folder

Report Name Published Report Download
Effect of Outdoor Weathering on the Life of Forestry Safety Helmets01/01/1996V-21-15web_REP-V21-15-1996 (1023.95 Kb)
Physical Workload of Planting01/01/1996V-21-14web_REP-V21-14-1996 (1.04 Mb)
Log Truck Driver Injuries and Near Miss Accidents- 1993 and 199401/01/1996V-21-13web_REP-V21-13-1996 (887.49 Kb)
Log Truck Dispatching in the Auckland Region01/01/1996V-21-12web_REP-V21-12-1996 (1.53 Mb)
Two Cable Haulers in Series01/01/1996V-21-11web_REP-V21-11-1996 (727.04 Kb)
Road Design Using Geocomp, SDR Map, Roading and Lumberjack01/01/1996V-21-10web_REP-V21-10-1996 (1.40 Mb)
End-Hauling for Forest Road Construction01/01/1996V-21-09web_REP-V21-9-1996 (1.38 Mb)
Minimising Sapstain in Hauler Operations01/01/1996V-21-08web_REP-V21-8-1996 (755.47 Kb)
Hauler Tower Collapses01/01/1996V-21-07web_REP-V21-7-1996 (1.04 Mb)
Potential Causes of Tower Collapses01/01/1996V-21-06web_REP-V21-6-1996 (744.34 Kb)
The Scrub Muncher- A Disc Slash Breaker for Site Preparation01/01/1996V-21-05web_REP-V21-5-1996 (1.11 Mb)
The Effective Life of Chainsaw Chaps01/01/1996V-21-04web_REP-V21-4-1996 (846.19 Kb)
Reducing the Impacts of Fatigue on Forest Workers01/01/1996V-21-03web_REP-V21-3-1996 (1.15 Mb)
Extraction with Long Reach Standing Skylines01/01/1996V-21-02web_REP-V21-2-1996 (1.25 Mb)
Logging and the Near Shore Marine Environment at Onepu Bay, Marlborough Sounds01/01/1996V-21-01web_REP-V21-1-1996 (1.52 Mb)
Eagle 2 Motorised Slackpulling Carriage01/01/1995V-20-25web_REP-V20-25-1995 (868.94 Kb)
Bellis BE85- Machinery Evaluation01/01/1995V-20-24web_REP-V20-24-1995 (824.06 Kb)
Effect of Number of Log Grades on Log Making Errors01/01/1995V-20-23web_REP-V20-23-1995 (1.25 Mb)
Stump Anchorage Capacity on Two Soil Types01/01/1995V-20-22web_REP-V20-22-1995 (1.15 Mb)
Rehabilitation in the Forest Industry01/01/1995V-20-21web_REP-V20-21-1995 (816.59 Kb)