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Report Name Published Report Download
Automation and Robotics Theme Update – March 202018/03/2020HTU-34HTU-34 (372.88 Kb)
Harvester Simulator Training in Finland18/03/2020HTW-019HTW-019 (1.20 Mb)
Using Data Envelopment Analysis to explore Productivity Benchmarking in the New Zealand Harvesting Sector18/03/2020H042H042 (720.63 Kb)
Wooden posts – A review17/03/2020SWP-T095SWP-T095 (4.33 Mb)
A Woodlot Analysis Tool – Designed and Initial Testing09/03/2020HTN12-05HTN12-05 (486.59 Kb)
SWP Q2 TST Meeting Papers – 28 February 202020/02/2020SWP Q2 2019_2020
Steep Land Harvesting Programme – Post Programme Report 31 July 201819/02/2020H035H035 (990.35 Kb)
A Survey of Ground-based Harvesting Systems in New Zealand19/02/2020HTN12-04HTN12-04 (685.75 Kb)
Biomass recovery operations in New Zealand: a review of the review18/02/2020H041H041 (1.41 Mb)
Steep Land Harvesting Programme – Post Programme Report 31 July 201918/02/2020H040H040 (1.14 Mb)
Productivity and utilisation of winch-assist machines: case studies in New Zealand and Canada18/02/2020H039H039 (2.96 Mb)
Effect of personality on felling machine operator performance: Case study using a John Deere Simulator18/02/2020H038H038 (1.36 Mb)
Design of a Prototype Autonomous Forestry Extraction Machine18/02/2020H037H037 (1.43 Mb)
Preliminary juvenile height yield models for three durable Eucalyptus species by integrating site-specific factors17/02/2020SWP-T094SWP-T094 (1.26 Mb)
Peeling pruned E. fastigata for high-stiffness veneers: Part 1. Green grade recoveries17/02/2020SWP-T093SWP-T093 v2 (1.18 Mb)
Assessment of E. globoidea wood properties at Atkinson17/02/2020SWP-T092SWP-T092 (1.44 Mb)
FGR RFP TST Papers Q2 – 12 February 202012/02/2020RFP Q2 2019_2020
NZDFI – Project Update, July – December 201904/02/2020NZDFI-20NZDFI (86.83 Kb)
FGR TCP TST Papers Q2 – 23 January 202019/01/2020TCP Q2 2019_2020
Additional economic modelling of regional LVL value chain E. bosistoana Growth Model Validation for NZDFI Strategy18/01/2020SWP-FN096
Effects of harvest disturbance and fertiliser addition on radiata pine wood quality – results from end-of-rotation assessments in a national trial series across New Zealand.24/12/2019GCFF TN-030GCFF-TN030 (1.51 Mb)
Dimensional Stability of Specialty Species24/12/2019SWP-T090SWP-T090 (1.07 Mb)
Harvesting Breaking Out Injuries: Analysis of IRIS data24/12/2019HTN12-03HTN12-03 (912.28 Kb)
Harvesting Landing-based Injuries: Analysis of IRIS data24/12/2019HTN12-02HTN12-02 (819.72 Kb)
A Decade of Benchmarking Harvesting Cost and Productivity24/12/2019HTN12-01HTN12-01 (452.91 Kb)
Helihawk Slash Grapple – First Production Trial23/12/2019HTN11-02HTN11-02 (1.24 Mb)
Comparison of Felling Heads to Reduce Tree Breakage23/12/2019HTN11-01HTN11-01 (883.98 Kb)
Experimental design for the germination of Pinus radiata somatic embryos23/12/2019TCP-FN002
Experimental design for the maturation of embryogenic cell lines of Pinus radiata23/12/2019TCP-FN001
Potential trials for collection of wood properties in next 5 years10/12/2019RFP-FN004
Fourier-transform infrared (FTIR) spectroscopy to provide a rapid and cost-effective measure of planted forest site fertility10/12/2019RFP-FN003
Age 8 year growth and form assessment DF0369_01Bos12 Ngaumu08/12/2019SWP-FN095
2018 NZDFI Demonstration Trials Survival Assessment08/12/2019SWP-FN094
Age 10 year growth and form assessment of E. bositoana at Lawsons02/12/2019SWP-FN093
2009 and 2010 E. bosistoana trials at Cravens Rd02/12/2019SWP-FN092
Establishment report 2019 Cupressus macrocarpa progeny trial series – FR571 series02/12/2019SWP-FN091
Establishment report 2019 Pseudotsuga menziesii (Douglas-fir) progeny trials02/12/2019SWP-FN090
A population-genomic and taxonomic study of Eucalyptus argophloia and E. bosistoana.02/12/2019SWP-T089SWP-T089 (1.44 Mb)
Operational copper trial 2019-2024 – growth impact of RNC and optimisation of spray timing28/11/2019RFP-FN001
Collate and summarise datasets that have been collected to date using the DiscBot27/11/2019RFP-FN002
FGR Nursery Automation: Interim update20/11/2019RFP-T000RFP-T000 (1.41 Mb)
Bonding of E. bosistoana and E. quadrangulata veneer17/11/2019SWP-T091SWP-T091 (1.29 Mb)
SWP Q1 TST Meeting Papers – 17 October 201930/10/2019SWP Q1 2019_2020
FB Q1 – 5 November 2019 Meeting Papers30/10/201901
Queen’s Birthday Tolaga Bay Flood: A Meteorological Analyses23/10/2019GCFF-T007
Manuscript Draft: Assessing the impacts of experimental mid-rotation forest fertiliser treatments on water quality23/10/2019GCFF M008
Manuscript Draft: Variations in the performance of Pinus radiata stock at three locations indicates site-specific selection is viable23/10/2019GCFF M007
Manuscript Draft: Retention and leaching of nitrogen fertilizer in a young pine stand on pumice soil23/10/2019GCFF M005
Manuscript Draft:-Soil biodiversity and function in managed ecosystems23/10/2019GCFF M004
GCFF 2019-2020 Q1 TST Meeting Papers23/10/201901 Q1 GCFF 2019-2020