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Report Name Published Report Download
Precision Planting Technology Scan28/10/2022PSP-TR003PSP-TR003_G11 (3.69 Mb)
A Digital Strategy for the Silviculture Industry28/10/2022PSP-TFN002 A Digital Strategy for the Silviculture Industry
Mechanisation of Lifting in Forest Nurseries – A review of the Status of Mechanised Lifting28/10/2022PSP-TFN001
Mechanised Thin to Waste and Production Thinning Technologies: an International and Domestic Review28/10/2022PSP-TR002PSP-TR002_G11 (3.30 Mb)
Manual and Mechanised Pruning Technologies: A review of the literature28/10/2022PSP-TR001PSP-TR001_G11 (1.03 Mb)
Manual & mechanised Pruning Tech_G1028/10/2022PSP-T001
Data-Standards_David Herries14/10/2022PSP-TST- PPT Data-Standards
Forest Systems Presentation – Yvette Dickinson14/10/2022PSP-TST-PPT Forest Systems
Real-time-thinning-assessment-Workplan_David Herries14/10/2022PSP-TST PPT Real-time-thinning-assessment-Workplan
Battery saws in thinning – Presentation_Rob Prebble14/10/2022PSP-TST-PPT10 Battery saws in thinning
Presentation – Machine Thinning and More_Don Scott14/10/2022PSP-TST-PPT09 Machine Thinning and More
Mechanised Pruning-Gareth B14/10/2022Mechanised Pruning
Presentation Time Study Pruning Tools_301_Tim Petro14/10/2022PST-TSP-PPT06 Time Study Pruning Tools
Presentation UAV_Spraying_R Hartley14/10/2022PSP-TST-PPT05 UAV_Spraying
Presentation Precision Planting Oct2022 – Carol Rolando14/10/2022PSP-TST-PPT 04 Precision Planting
Presentation Treestock-tracking_Integral – A Taylor14/10/2022PSP-TST-PPT03 Treestock-tracking_Integral
Nursery-Workstream Presentation Oct2022 – C-Stewart_K-Bayne14/10/2022PSP-TST-PPT02 Nursery-Workstream_C-Stewart_K-Bayne
Programme Overview Presentation_Oct-2022-B-Richardson14/10/2022PSP TST Program Overview
Q1 Papers – 7 October 202212/10/2022Q1 Papers - 7 October 2022
H053 Understanding the Machine Operator’s Experience of Stress29/08/2022H053H053 (594.30 Kb)
H047 – Harvesting Automation Value Chain Modelling29/08/2022H047 H047 (868.94 Kb)
H046 – Stress and the New Zealand Forest Industry Workforce29/08/2022H046H046 (562.54 Kb)
Methanol extraction from a range of cypress clonal material22/08/2022SWP-FN143
Changes in heartwood development for Cypress clones over time22/08/2022SWP-FN142
The decay resistance of six Eucalyptus species after six years exposure22/08/2022SWP-T150SWP-T150 (1.13 Mb)
Forest Protection SSIF research on species other than radiata pine 2021/2222/08/2022SWP-T151SWP-T151 Technical Report 1.11.10 to SWP on aligned FP research 2022 (793.35 Kb)
Comparative phenology of Paropsisterna cloelia and Paropsis charybdis in Marlborough22/08/2022SWP-T149SWP-T149 (1.80 Mb)
SWP Programme Update – July 202222/08/2022SWP-TU14SWP-TU14 (381.27 Kb)
Developing fully compatible taper and volume equations for all stem components of Eucalyptus globoidea Blakely trees in New Zealand22/08/2022SWP PW-11SWP PW-11 (1.71 Mb)
Genetic variation in wood properties of mid-rotation age Eucalyptus globoidea22/08/2022SWP PW-10SWP PW-10 (841.02 Kb)
Forestry Species to Fill Speciality Applications28/07/2022SWP-T139SWP-T139 (2.91 Mb)
Funding Proposal Template 2023-Updated closing date September 16th 202220/07/2022FundingProposal2023Funding Proposal Template 2023 (75.04 Kb)
Densification of Eucalyptus nitens and E. fastigata08/07/2022SWP-T148SWP-T148 (402.39 Kb)
Ongoing assessment of Scion durability tests07/07/2022SWP-WP165
HB inventory strategy – stage 3 (WP155) M1 & 2 update07/07/2022SWP-FN141
Nursery survey07/07/2022SWP-FN140
Interim fungus cellar results07/07/2022SWP-FN139
Decay rate of Cypress stakes after one year’s exposure at the Whakarewarewa test site07/07/2022SWP-T147SWP-T147 (657.47 Kb)
SWP Programme Update – June 202221/06/2022SWP-TU13SWP-TU13 (148.59 Kb)
SWP Work Plan – NZDFI PSP Data Analysis21/06/2022SWP-WP166
Eucalyptus resistance to paropsine beetles10/06/2022SWP-T140SWP-T140 Eucalyptus resistance to paropsine beetles_G3 (2.51 Mb)
Using NIR to Predict Wood Shrinkage and Cellulose Content in Eucalyptus Nitens30/05/2022SWP-T146SWP-T146 (782.82 Kb)
Using NIR to Predict Sawn Timber Quality in E. nitens30/05/2022SWP-T145SWP-T145 (602.59 Kb)
TCP TST Meeting Papers – 24 May 202219/05/2022TCP Q 3
Extending alternative species classification to East Coast Region01/05/2022SWP-WP155
SWP TST Meeting Papers – 21 April 202221/04/2022SWP Q3 2021_22
Assessment of 2016 E. quadrangulata Breeding Population at Bradshaw property, Marlborough01/04/2022SWP-FN138
Assessment of 2012 E. bosistoana Breeding Population at McNeill property, Hawkes Bay01/04/2022SWP-FN137
Updated SOP for the set-up and handling of temporary immersion bioreactors19/03/2022TCP-FN016
SWP Programme Update – March 202202/03/2022SWP-TU12SWP-TU12 (509.47 Kb)