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Report Name Published Report Download
A population-genomic and taxonomic study of Eucalyptus argophloia and E. bosistoana.02/12/2019SWP-T089SWP-T089 (1.44 Mb)
Operational copper trial 2019-2024 – growth impact of RNC and optimisation of spray timing28/11/2019RFP-FN001
Collate and summarise datasets that have been collected to date using the DiscBot27/11/2019RFP-FN002
FGR Nursery Automation: Interim update20/11/2019RFP-T000RFP-T000 (1.41 Mb)
Bonding of E. bosistoana and E. quadrangulata veneer17/11/2019SWP-T091SWP-T091 (1.29 Mb)
SWP Q1 TST Meeting Papers – 17 October 201930/10/2019SWP Q1 2019_2020
FB Q1 – 5 November 2019 Meeting Papers30/10/201901
Queen’s Birthday Tolaga Bay Flood: A Meteorological Analyses23/10/2019GCFF-T007
Manuscript Draft: Assessing the impacts of experimental mid-rotation forest fertiliser treatments on water quality23/10/2019GCFF M008
Manuscript Draft: Variations in the performance of Pinus radiata stock at three locations indicates site-specific selection is viable23/10/2019GCFF M007
Manuscript Draft: Retention and leaching of nitrogen fertilizer in a young pine stand on pumice soil23/10/2019GCFF M005
Manuscript Draft:-Soil biodiversity and function in managed ecosystems23/10/2019GCFF M004
GCFF 2019-2020 Q1 TST Meeting Papers23/10/201901 Q1 GCFF 2019-2020
PGP Business Case: Te Mahi Ngahere i te Ao Hurihuri – Forestry Work in the Modern Age18/10/2019H036H036 (3.26 Mb)
NZDFI Strategy – Implementation17/10/2019SWP-WP117
GCFF has produced a forest phenotyping platform!05/10/2019GCFF TN-029GCFF-TN029_G11 (612.35 Kb)
FGR TCP TST Papers Q1 – 4 October 201904/10/2019TCP Q1 2019_2020
2009 and 2010 E.bosistoana trials at Cravens Rd – 3rd assessment and marking up for thinning28/09/2019SWP-FN089
Conversion of Eucalyptus breeding trials to seed stands28/09/2019SWP-FN088
Establishment report 2019 cypress hybrid clones for site species28/09/2019SWP-FN087
Specialty Wood Products Research aligned SSIF (A02050)28/09/2019SWP-WP119
GCFF Newsletter: Issue 10, August 201924/09/2019GCFF-N1010 GCFF_August 2019_News (345.64 Kb)
Nursery outplanting trials – results and wider implications24/09/2019GCFF FN024
Dip-diffusion boron treatment of Eucalyptus fastigata and Eucalyptus nitens18/09/2019SWP-WP116
Annual assessment of durability trials – framing, decking and graveyard18/09/2019SWP-WP113
Samples for assessment of bonding in E. bosistoana and E. quadrangulata veneer17/09/2019SWP-FN085
Pinus radiata genotype x microsite x treatment interactions and physiological implications – first results11/09/2019GCFF FN025
Sawing Cypress clones – Green recovery09/09/2019SWP-FN084
Thermal Modification of Specialty Species Results of Scion’s SSIF-funded experiments09/09/2019SWP-T086SWP-T086 (527.75 Kb)
Non-destructive Detection of the Heartwood-Sapwood Barrier09/09/2019SWP-T088SWP-T088 (424.96 Kb)
Core funding – Thermal Modification of Specialty Species09/09/2019SWP-WP118
Minimising growth-strain in eucalypts to transform processing22/08/2019SWP-T087SWP-T087 (1.10 Mb)
The decay resistance of six Eucalyptus species after three years exposure09/08/2019SWP-T085SWP-T085 updated (1.10 Mb)
Core funding Forest Protection research on species other than radiata pine 2019/2001/08/2019SWP-WP115
SWP Programme Update – July 201931/07/2019SWP-TU05SWP-TU05 (643.66 Kb)
Forest Biosecurity Q3 TST Meeting Agenda and Presentations – 25th July 201918/07/2019Q4 2018_2019
05 Manuscript Smaill et al_Changes to nursery chemical use alters seedlings properties_2019_06_2517/07/201905 Q4 GCFF 2018_19
04 Manuscript Coker et al_Foliar fertiliser_ Draft popular article 2019_06_2517/07/201904 GCFF Q4 2018_19
03 Manuscript 2019 Genetics Competition Growth Wood Quality – Updated Copy17/07/201903 GCFF Q4 2018_19
02 GCFF Q4 2018_19 Report17/07/201902 GCFF Q4 2018_19
01 GCFF Agenda & Presentations – 26 July 2019 – Q417/07/201901 GCFF Q4 2018_19
SWP Q4 TST Meeting – 23 July 201916/07/2019SWP Q4 2019
Preliminary economic outcomes of the GCFF mid-rotation fertiliser trials14/07/2019GCFF TN-026GCFF-TN026 (811.46 Kb)
Application of a wood-properties-based, techno-economic model in assessing the effects of stand density and seedlot on stumpage value in two Pinus radiata silviculture-breeds trials.14/07/2019GCFF TN-025GCFF-TN025 (694.62 Kb)
Sensing Volatile Compounds09/07/2019BIO-T021BIO-T021 (755.37 Kb)
Assessed defoliation of Eucalyptus nitens breeding population to quantify genetic basis of palatability to Paropsis charybdis09/07/2019SWP-T083SWP-T083 (1.74 Mb)
Assessing NZDFI durable eucalypt species for peeling and clonal propagation09/07/2019SWP-WP114
New Zealand Cable Logging 2008–2018: a Period of Change06/07/2019UoC 01New Zealand Cable Logging 2008-2018_a Period of Change (1.05 Mb)
Bioprotection for foliar diseases ande disorders of radiata pine – Bioprotection Project Overview 2017 – June 201901/07/2019BIO-T022BIO-T022 (3.97 Mb)
Comparison of TanDEM-X InSAR data and high-density ALS for the prediction of forest inventory attributes in plantation forests with steep terrain22/06/2019GCFF-T006GCFF-T006 (1.81 Mb)