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Diversified Species Theme Update 0101/02/200901DSTU-001 (698.35 Kb)
Diversified Forestry Project of the Forestry and Wood Processing Industry Transformation Plan : Final Report03/04/2024ITP-Final ReportFinal Report All ITP projects Nov 23 (2.76 Mb)
Distribution of Swiss Needle Cast in New Zealand in relation to winter temperature01/01/2007DF059Dfir-CoopReport59 (404.96 Kb)
Dismantling of Accumulations of Logging Residue Around Hauler Landings01/01/1993V-18-06web_REP-V18-6-1993 (1.15 Mb)
Discretised Growth Models for E fastigata01/06/2010DSTN-015DSTN-015 (193.03 Kb)
Directional Felling Second Crop P. Radiata on Steep Country01/01/1982V-07-01web_REP-V7-1-1982 (1.63 Mb)
Dip-diffusion boron treatment of Eucalyptus fastigata and Eucalyptus nitens18/09/2019SWP-WP116
Dimensional Stability of Specialty Species19/05/2019SWP-T074SWP-T074 (870.29 Kb)
Dimensional Stability of Specialty Species24/12/2019SWP-T090SWP-T090 (1.07 Mb)
Differences in Foliar Nutrient Concentrations Between and Within Populations and their Relation to Radiata Pine Growth26/07/2012RSPTN-021RSPTN-021 (282.16 Kb)
Diesel Engine Lubrication01/01/1988V-13-21web_REP-V13-21-1988 (1.11 Mb)
Diameter distributions for the regional stand growth models01/01/1990SGM013SGM013 (1.69 Mb)
Diameter and height distributions in improved and unimproved Pinus radiata01/01/1996SGM049SGM049 (6.51 Mb)
DF clones in Waiuku seed orchard Part 1: Flushing order Part 2: Health assessment01/06/1994DF008DF008 (627.97 Kb)
DF Breeding Plan01/02/1995DF012DF012 (884.69 Kb)
DF breeding at Cowichan Lake Research Station, Vancouver Island, British Colombia01/07/1996DF019DF019 (403.07 Kb)
Development of Total Stem Volume and Velocity Mpas from LiDAR Metrics09/03/2012R065R065 (318.22 Kb)
Development of the Jackson Beckham Improved Felling Wedge13/02/2015H018H018 (1.37 Mb)
Development of the Douglas-fir Productivity Spatial Surface using the Process-based model 3-PG22/08/2017SWP-T038SWP-T038 (1.29 Mb)
Development of soil tests for predicting foliar Mg and B concentrations in P. radiata29/08/1996SM083SMC_083 (3.76 Mb)
Development of sapstain and degrade after storm damage in stands of Pinus radiata01/05/20090404 (408.63 Kb)
Development of Safe Felling and Delimbing Techniques with Chainsaws03/01/1980PR14PR 14 (1.75 Mb)
Development of quantitative molecular assays for Cyclaneusma minus “smile” and “verum” (Exec summary only to date)05/10/2015ND-T008ND-T008 (398.15 Kb)
Development of non-destructive methods for the prediction of growth stress and internal checking in the sawing and drying of Eucalyptus nitens lumber09/09/2004EC002Eucalypt Coop No 2 (827.66 Kb)
Development of new stand-level height/age curves for Douglas fir in New Zealand01/09/2004DF040Coopreport40Ht-age (261.50 Kb)
Development of LiDAR Standards for Digital Elevation Models and Volume Maps08/05/2012R067R067 (4.14 Mb)
Development of an Improved Grapple/Carriage Control System: A Feasibility Study11/07/2011H005H005 (1.04 Mb)
Development of an Improved Felling Wedge for Directional Felling – Initial Trials24/10/2013H010H010 (573.19 Kb)
Development of an approach to investigate the effects of RNC-induced defoliation on photosynthesis and carbon assimilation02/09/2016HTHF-TN001HTHF-TN001 (690.21 Kb)
Development of a tissue culture approach for analysing Phytophthora host-pathogen interactions02/07/2016HTHF-T007HTHF-T007 (1.29 Mb)
Development of a Tension Monitoring App09/06/2017HTN09-01HTN09-01 (629.12 Kb)
Development of a Semi-Automated Hauler and Grapple Carriage29/11/2022HO58H058 (1.92 Mb)
Development of a prototype phenotyping platform for plantation forests17/05/2017GCFF TN-014GCFF TN014 (952.11 Kb)
Development of a productivity index for Douglas fir01/02/2005DF044Coopreport44ProdIndex (270.05 Kb)
Development of a national height model for scotch broom- Preliminary results and recommendations for further research29/08/2007SM136SMC_136 (771.05 Kb)
Development of a model system to predict wildfire behaviour in pine plantations (Fire behaviour, crown fire)01/01/2007Cruzcruz2 (551.23 Kb)
Development of a boron decision support system framework (technical report)29/08/2002 SM120SMC_120 (2.98 Mb)
Development and testing of the Nutrient Balance Model (NuBalM) – site specific function24/10/2018GCFF FN018
Development and testing of models for predicting crown fire rate of spread in conifer forest stand (Crown fire, fire behaviour prediction)01/01/2005Cruzcruz3 (1.70 Mb)
Developing the potential of New Zealand’s small-scale sawmilling and alternative timber sector: proposal for regional NZ Specialty Wood Trade Shows and industry workshops16/08/2021SWP-WP156
Developing the potential of New Zealand’s small-scale sawmilling and alternative timber sector: proposal for regional NZ Specialty Wood Trade Shows and industry workshops07/12/2021SWP-T137SWP-T137 (725.83 Kb)
Developing the potential of New Zealand’s portable sawmilling and alternative timber sector02/11/2020SWP-WP132
Developing Streamside Management Guidelines for New Zealand Production Forestry01/01/1994V-19-07web_REP-V19-7-1994 (3.15 Mb)
Developing Meaning into Visualisations of Sustainable Forestry in New Zealand23/02/2011ESTN-015ESTN-015 (258.92 Kb)
Developing GC methods for analysing the foliar chemistry of durable eucalypts: a potential pest-tolerance screening tool16/06/2018SWP-T052SWP-T052 (1.59 Mb)
Developing fully compatible taper and volume equations for all stem components of Eucalyptus globoidea Blakely trees in New Zealand22/08/2022SWP PW-11SWP PW-11 (1.71 Mb)
Developing fully compatible taper and volume equations for all stem components of E globoidea Blakely trees in NZ07/07/2023SWP-T134SWP-T134 (152.08 Kb)
Developing a standard operating protocol for analysis of Oomycete sequences from needle microbiome of Pinus radiata07/03/2021RFP-FN013
Developing a Multi-function Hauler: A Feasbility Study09/12/2011HTN04-04HTN04-04 (199.72 Kb)
Developing a Forest Investment Finder for NZ29/08/2012ES015ES015 (2.51 Mb)