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Economics of Pruning Radiata Report Dec 202202/05/2023PSP-T005PSP-T005 Economics of Pruning Radiata Report Dec2022 (1.37 Mb)
Economics of pruning radiata29/11/2022PSP-T002PSP-T002_G11 (630.93 Kb)
Economic Value of Recreation in Whakarewarewa Forest29/08/2009ES006ES006 (5.46 Mb)
Economic Simulation of Plantation Forestry29/06/2009ESTN-002ESTN-002 (107.54 Kb)
Economic review of the M-Planter in New Zealand27/09/2023PSP-T008PSP-T008 MPlanter-Economic-Review Sept2023 (617.79 Kb)
Economic modelling of a C. ovensii clonal regimes for a range of growth rates12/12/2020SWP-T115SWP-T115 (548.90 Kb)
Economic impact of eucalyptus tortoise beetle (Paropsis charybdis) in New Zealand14/11/2018SWP-T067SWP-T067 (754.33 Kb)
Economic Impact of Cyclaneusma Needle-cast in NZ01/05/20090404 (960.10 Kb)
Economic Comparison of Truck Configurations01/01/1993V-18-16web_REP-V18-16-1993 (1.64 Mb)
Economic comparison of traditional and genomics breeding for Douglas-fir29/08/2017SWP-T033SWP-T033 (1.13 Mb)
Economic comparison of Traditional and Genomic breeding programmes for Eucalyptus nitens01/10/2016SWP-T010SWP-T010 (760.65 Kb)
Ecology and epidemiology of Nectria fuckeliana on radiata pijne : a research proposal01/04/20052626 (129.75 Kb)
Ecology and epidemiology of Nectria fuckeliana in Pinus radiata : first year results01/05/20061616 (1.63 Mb)
eCambium Workshop 16 October 201321/07/2017GCFF FN001
East Coast Silviculture Workforce 199601/01/1997PR64PR 64 (7.40 Mb)
Early Screening of Heartwood25/07/2016SWP-WP011
Early results from the nelder spacing trials08/04/2017ME001Manage Eucalypts Coop 1 (1.42 Mb)
Early results – thinning * fertiliser trial – E. regnans08/04/2017ME006Manage Eucalypts Coop 6 (4.31 Mb)
Early performance of E. grandis X E. nitens Hybrids in New Zealand08/04/2017EBC017Eucalypt Breed Coop 17_20080522184558 (3.11 Mb)
Early heartwood screening by wounding Milestone 101/09/2016SWP-FN013
Early Heartwood Screening by Wounding29/08/2017SWP-T024SWP-T024 (915.68 Kb)
Early Growth and Nutrition of Four Species in Mixture Trials09/03/2012RSPTN-026RSPTN-026 (670.92 Kb)
Early growth and form of coastal provenances and progenies of Douglas fir at three sites in New Zealand01/02/2002DF028D_firReport28 (689.23 Kb)
Eagle 2 Motorised Slackpulling Carriage01/01/1995V-20-25web_REP-V20-25-1995 (868.94 Kb)
E.bosistoana Breeding Population, Lawsons11/05/2013SWP-FN004
E.bosistoana Breeding Population, Lawsons10/05/2016SWP-FN005
E.bosistoana Breeding Population Wood Sampling Cravens and Martins11/07/2017SWP-FN022
E.bosistoana Breeding Population Cravens DF0152_01Bos1031/01/2017SWP-FN017
E. regnans regime trial summary of growth from age 4-1208/04/2017ME011Manage Eucalypts Coop 11 (5.70 Mb)
E. nitens nelder growth data summary and comparison with sample plot data08/04/2017ME010Manage Eucalypts Coop 10 (4.45 Mb)
E. globoidea wood sampling at Atkinson’s, Wairarapa20/03/2019SWP-FN075
E. globoidea selections for the establishment of a grafted seed orchard26/03/2018SWP-FN048
E. globoidea Pre-Harvest Stand Assessment04/11/2018SWP-FN071
E. globoidea NIR calibration sample collection13/03/2017SWP-FN018
E. bosistoana 2010 breeding population growth and form assessment at age 6 for elite tree selection21/05/2017SWP-FN021
E. bosistoana 2009 breeding population growth and form assessment at Martins, Nth Canterbury.26/03/2018SWP-FN050
E. bosistoana 2009 and 2010 breeding population assessment at MDC Cravens Rd, Marlborough.20/02/2022SWP-FN133
E. argophloia Age-10-year Measurement10/11/2021SWP-FN131
E-fastigata Mai Sawlog NZTM12/07/2013Mape-fastigata_mai_sawlog_NZTM (5.35 Mb)
E nitens Optimised Engineered Lumber (OELTM) Trial21/05/2017SWP-T014SWP-T014 (1.14 Mb)
Dyform Wire Rope Trials01/01/1983V-08-02web_REP-V8-2-1983 (588.30 Kb)
Durable eucalyptus peeling trial24/12/2017SWP-WP051
Durable eucalypt species research – establishing new demo trials – propagation of planting stock22/12/2017SWP-FN044
Durable eucalypt forests – a multi-regional opportunity for investment in NZ drylands26/06/2018SWP-FJ001SWP-FJ001 (549.33 Kb)
Durability testing of various plantation grown Eucalyptus and other species25/07/2016SWP-WP012
Durability Testing of Locally Grown Cypress Species19/03/2011DSTN-023DSTN-023 (713.85 Kb)
Drylands and Vineyard Posts – Video18/10/2017AC2017-2626 Durable Eucalypt Vineyard Posts_P Millen (1.15 Mb)
Drying of DF clearwood01/05/1994DF007DF007 (318.54 Kb)
Drying Logs in the Forest01/01/1981V-06-02web_REP-V6-2-1981 (800.01 Kb)
Drying Eucalyptus nitens: Screening for checking and collapse25/10/2016SWP-WP015