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Report Name Published Report Download
FBRC Summary of Research Findings – 2005/0601/01/2006FBRC-0505 (682.41 Kb)
FBRC Summary of Research Findings – 2004/0501/01/2005FBRC-0606 (416.91 Kb)
FBRC Sumary of Research 2005 – 2010 Index14/08/2014FBRC-00FBRC Summary Of Research Index (194.50 Kb)
FB Q4 Pack for Printing19/07/201600
FB Q1 – 5 November 2019 Meeting Papers30/10/201901
FB Presentation for HTHF19/07/201603a
FB Presentation BioProtection – Robert Hill Q419/07/201603
FB Minutes from Previous Meeting 22 April 201619/07/201602
FB Agenda 22nd June 201619/07/201601
Fatigue Levels in Motor-Manual Tree Felling and Delimbering Operations01/01/1996V-21-18web_REP-V21-18-1996 (1.19 Mb)
Fate of Log Exports and ETS Implications18/10/2017AC2017-2222 Fate of Log Exports and ETS Implications_B Manley (434.38 Kb)
Fastigata Veneer Stiffness16/05/2018SWP-T048SWP-T048 (541.13 Kb)
Fastigata NZTM Productivity Index Sawlog04/06/201301productivity_surfaces_Fastigata_NZTM_productivity-index-sawlog (2.86 Mb)
Fastigata NZTM Productivity Index Pulpwood04/07/201302productivity_surfaces_Fastigata_NZTM_prodictivity-index-pulpwood (3.43 Mb)
Fastigata NZTM Productivity Index Pulpwood04/07/201301eucalypt_fastigata_pulpwood_south (4.05 Mb)
Fastigata NZTM Productivity Index Pulpwood12/07/2013Mape-fastigata_mai_pulpwood_NZTM (7.50 Mb)
Fastigata Breeding Trials Report01/06/2023SWP-T163SWP-T163 (1.40 Mb)
Falcon Forestry Claw Motorised Grapple Carriage: Solving Performance Limitations24/10/2013H009H009 (1007.87 Kb)
Falcon Forestry Claw Grapple: Productivity and Ergonomics26/09/2013HTN05-06HTN05-06 (489.03 Kb)
Factors Influencing Land Size01/01/1987 V-12-01web_REP-V12-1-1987 (2.17 Mb)
Factors Effecting Log Truck Travel Speed01/01/1980V-05-01web_REP-V5-1-1980 (837.86 Kb)
Factors Affecting Logmaking from the Cab: A Study of Mechanised Logmakers01/01/1998PR70PR 70 (8.48 Mb)
Factors affecting and improvised equipment for accurate aerial application of granular fertiliser to New Zealand forests29/08/1989 SM040SMC_040 (3.00 Mb)
Eye Requirements for Silviculture01/01/1997V-22-18web_REP-V22-18-1997 (1023.61 Kb)
Extraction with Long Reach Standing Skylines01/01/1996V-21-02web_REP-V21-2-1996 (1.25 Mb)
Extraction section of the Experimental Fluidics System29/09/2021TCP-T002TCP-T002 _G10 (475.68 Kb)
Extraction of Fine Chemicals21/06/2017SWP-WP023
Extraction and Transportation of Early Thinnings for Chip Production01/01/1995V-20-15web_REP-V20-15-1995 (821.91 Kb)
Extension of the 300 index growth model- Stage 211/06/2007PM107PMCoop_Report107 (322.88 Kb)
Extension of the 300 index growth model for non-performing site types- Stage 111/06/2006PM099PMCoop_Report99 (206.67 Kb)
Extension Nearest Neighbour Imputation of Stand Attributes using LiDAR Data28/06/2013R077R077 (1.00 Mb)
Extending durable eucalypt species research by establishing new demonstration trials in 201801/12/2018SWP-T069SWP-T069 (2.21 Mb)
Extending alternative species classification to East Coast Region01/05/2022SWP-WP155
Extending a fully compatible taper and volume equations for all stem components of Eucalyptus globoidea Blakely trees in New Zealand with a focus on heartwood prediction improvement31/01/2023SWP-T158SWP-T158 (2.42 Mb)
Extend connection systems tested in CLT06/09/2018SWP-WP065
Exploring the influence of soil and climatic factors on the growth response of radiata pine to nitrogenous fertiliser15/08/2014GCFF-T002GCFF-T002 (1.55 Mb)
Expert Advisory Panel review of the SWP programme – 201729/08/2017SWP-T035SWP-T035 (1.15 Mb)
Experimental Testing of high capacity screwed connections in Douglas-fir CLT18/04/2019SWP-WP089
Experimental testing of high capacity screwed connections in Douglas-fir CLT10/04/2020SWP-T098SWP-T098 (2.51 Mb)
Experimental testing of high capacity screwed connections in Douglas-fir CLT09/01/2021SWP-T119SWP-T119 (3.24 Mb)
Experimental Studies on Single and Coupled Douglas-fir CLT Shear Walls with High-Capacity Connections28/06/2023SWP-T169SWP-T169 Douglas-fir CLT May 2023 (4.43 Mb)
Experimental studies on Douglas-fir CLT connections and core-walls07/06/2019SWP-T082SWP-T082 (7.80 Mb)
Experimental design for the proliferation of embryogenic cell lines of Pinus radiata in temporary immersion bioreactors29/09/2021TCP-FN005
Experimental design for the maturation of embryogenic cell lines of Pinus radiata23/12/2019TCP-FN001
Experimental design for the germination of Pinus radiata somatic embryos23/12/2019TCP-FN002
Experimental design for testing the different micro-plugs with micro-shoots of Pinus radiata29/09/2021TCP-FN003
Experimental and Parametric Studies on Douglas-fir CLT Shear Walls with High Capacity Connections15/07/2021SWP-T128SWP-T128 (1.73 Mb)
Experience with automatic differentiation in estimating forest growth model parameters01/01/1991SGM021SGM021 (907.75 Kb)
Expansion of the Redwood Seed Collection Programme09/01/2024ITP-TR001ITP-TR001 Expansion of the Redwood Seed Collection Programme (1.00 Mb)
Expanding MARVL branch codes to provide a more complete description of the tree crown01/01/2000SGM094SGM094 (2.59 Mb)