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FOA GCFF Q3 Agenda TC Meetings 2016_04_1212/04/201600
Nectria Research Index23/08/201400Nectria Index (112.82 Kb)
Biosecurity Agenda for TC Mtg Q2 2015021205/02/201500
** ALL GCFF PAPERS excluding Presentations20/07/201600
Forestry Work in the Modern Age Business Case14/09/201800H039 Business Case (3.09 Mb)
*** Q4 Scion Combined Presentations for printing (saved as two to a page = 63 pages) RA documents below are individual presentations.20/07/201600
Minutes for TC Meeting 12th February 201520/04/201500
Q3 FB Agenda16/04/201500
GCFF Agenda – 26th July 201620/07/201600
GCFF Q1 TC Agenda28/09/201500
Harvesting Tech Watch Index14/05/20170 Index0 Record Sheet Harvesting Tech Watch (15.01 Kb)
Q1 Minutes GCFF TC Meeting11/12/20140
GCFF Q2 progress 2014_2015 as of 2014_12_0911/12/20140
GCFF PDF Print Version for Meeting03/01/20170
Volume equations for E. regnans in young plantations08/04/2017: ME003Manage Eucalypts Coop 3 (2.68 Mb)
Benchmarking study- Southland Forest01/12/2003 SGMC WQI Report 2eSGM002e (277.25 Kb)
Comparison of TreeBLOSSIM predictions with TreeD data: FR121/2, Kinleith01/01/2007 SGM148SGM148 (1.68 Mb)
Te Marua Forest, East Coast region, North Island: Comparison of PhotoMARVL data and TreeBLOSSIM predictions01/01/2003 SGM118SGM118 (183.12 Kb)
Field procedure for collecting branch data for sensitivity analysis of TreeBLOSSIM01/01/2003 SGM115SGM115 (250.45 Kb)
Establishment report for the 1994 special-purpose breed trials01/01/2001 SGM106SGM106 (2.03 Mb)
Trials designed to quantify growth and yield gains from genetically improved Radiata Pines- Fourth revision01/01/2001 SGM100SGM100 (4.26 Mb)
Establishment report for the 1991 silviculture/ breed trials01/01/2000 SGM084SGM084 (3.55 Mb)
What is an appropriate level to model branch development for forest management?01/01/1998 SGM075SGM075 (1.76 Mb)
Modelling the position of the branch pith through time01/01/1998 SGM065SGM065 (2.12 Mb)
“Branching characteristics of Radiata Pine in compartment 905, Kaingaroa: Data collection”01/01/1998 SGM063SGM063 (1.25 Mb)
Modelling branch development in Radiata Pine01/01/1998 SGM061SGM061 (1.42 Mb)
Prototype branch growth model- Demonstration program user guide01/01/1997 SGM056SGM056 (1.62 Mb)
Second estimation of genetic gain multipliers using data from 1978-1980 large-block genetic gain trials01/01/1997 SGM053SGM053 (3.41 Mb)
Branching characteristics of Radiata Pine in Expt RO 90501/01/1996 SGM052SGM052 (1.31 Mb)
An examination of the validity of three Douglas-fir growth models01/01/1995 SGM041SGM041 (6.15 Mb)
Otago/Southland tree volume equations01/01/1994 SGM036SGM036 (2.38 Mb)
The divergence/convergence question01/01/1992 SGM029SGM029 (1.42 Mb)
Sampling for tree ring analysis01/01/1992 SGM026SGM026 (1.57 Mb)
Douglas-fir central North Island growth model01/01/1990 SGM017SGM017 (4.74 Mb)
Second orchard survey results01/01/1989 SGM011SGM011 (1.39 Mb)
Nitrogen Leaching Losses from Forests in New Zealand01/09/2013 RSP-005RSP-005 (770.86 Kb)
Response to thinning and nitrogen fertiliser six years after treatment in young Eucalyptus regnans in Kaingaroa Forest08/04/2017 ME025Manage Eucalypts Coop 25 (3.12 Mb)
Eucalyptus regnans nelder growth from age 4 -15 years08/04/2017 ME018Manage Eucalypts Coop 18 (2.69 Mb)
Index Stand Growth Model Coop Reports30/06/2007 IndexIndex (86.52 Kb)
Modelling Eucalyptus fastigata growth in New Zealand08/04/2017 EC003Eucalypt Coop No 3 (1.00 Mb)
Possibilities for clonal forestry with Eucalyptus grandis X E. nitens hybirds in New Zealand08/04/2017 EBC006Eucalypt Breed Coop 6 (1.57 Mb)
“Trip to Tasmania, November 24, 1990”08/04/2017 EBC002Eucalypt Breed Coop 2_20080522164902 (4.62 Mb)
“Provenance, family and individual plus tree selection in an 11 year old E. fastigata progeny/provenance trial”08/04/2017 EBC001Eucalypt Breed Coop 1_20080522145418 (4.20 Mb)
A guide to using the individual-tree growth model01/01/1999 SGM077SGM077 (2.75 Mb)
SGM Newsletter June 200501/01/2005 SGM0SGM0 (236.47 Kb)
“Eucalyptus regnans pruning trial interim report: Branch size, DOS and effect of pruning on growth”08/04/2017 ME032Manage Eucalypts Coop 32 (3.03 Mb)
Variation in susceptibility to possum defoliation in two populations of Eucalyptus nitens08/04/2017 EBC007Eucalypt Breed Coop 7_20080522170649 (2.09 Mb)
“The Relative Fuel Efficiency of Super-single, Low Profile and Standard Tyres on Logging Trailers”01/01/1990 V-15-03web_REP-V15-3-1990 (313.40 Kb)
Loggers Assessments of Risk in Their Work01/01/1998 V-15-01web_REP-V15-1-1998 (2.30 Mb)
Processing Options For Hauler Landings01/01/1989 V-14-17web_REP-V14-17-1989 (1.27 Mb)