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Report Name Published Report Download
Short Long Splice- Accelerated Wear and Tensile Strength Test01/01/1994 TN-13web_TN-13 (777.51 Kb)
Peltor Lite-Com: Helmet Melted Two Way Radio Communication System01/01/1993 TN-12web_TN-12 (338.80 Kb)
Adding Winches to Hydraulic Excavators- Roller Crushing01/01/1993 TN-11web_TN-11 (384.89 Kb)
Pruning Douglas-fir01/01/1993 TN-10web_TN-10 (400.93 Kb)
Effect on Faller Productivity and Safety of using Spiked Boots01/01/1992 TN-06web_TN-6 (385.79 Kb)
Remote Tension Monitoring for Cable Haulers01/01/1992 TN-05web_TN-5 (378.45 Kb)
Carbonflo Fuel Conditioning Device01/01/1992 TN-04web_TN-4 (440.98 Kb)
Protective Equipment01/01/1991 TN-03web_TN-3 (448.03 Kb)
Chainsaw Powered Portable Winches01/01/1991 TN-02web_TN-2 (378.65 Kb)
Chainsaw Repair and Maintenance01/01/1991 TN-01web_TN-1 (397.24 Kb)
The current and potential distribution of scotch broom (Cytisus scoparius (L) Link) in New Zealand29/08/2007 SM135SMC_135 (1.17 Mb)
Overview of scotch broom (Cytisus scoparius) Ecology and past and present practices in commercial forestry29/08/2007 SM134SMC_134 (692.39 Kb)
Overview of the use of agri-chemicals and alternatives to control competing vegetation in forestry29/08/2007 SM133_Table_4SMC_133Table4 (54.80 Kb)
Report on a survey conducted for the New Zealand Forest Site Management Cooperative on scotch broom management in New Zealand29/08/2007 SM133SMC_133 (192.16 Kb)
The site preparation trial revival project: The golden downs site soil physical properties and tree rooting patterns29/08/2005 SM130SMC_130 (1.24 Mb)
Installation report for NZFSMC Tekapo boron trial FR358/3 (Technical report)29/08/2002 SM123SMC_123 (481.19 Kb)
The site preparation trial revival project: The log term effects of cultivation on the growth of pines at several sites in the North Island. Progress report number 129/08/2001 SM122SMC_122 (544.00 Kb)
Development of a boron decision support system framework (technical report)29/08/2002 SM120SMC_120 (2.98 Mb)
Constructing a decision support system for nitrogen and phosphorus fertilisers and weed control (Technical report)29/08/2002 SM119SMC_119 (180.19 Kb)
Radiata Pine growth response to weed control at Tokoiti Forest- Results after six years29/08/2001 SM115SMC_115 (47.71 Kb)
Towards the development of a nitrogen decision support system for Radiata Pine29/08/1998 SM103SMC_103 (1.07 Mb)
“The Riverhead Forestry soil disturbance and amelioration trial: Trial establishment, Tree growth to age 1 year and priezometer study”29/08/1998 SM101SMC_101 (5.37 Mb)
Phosphorus deficiency in second rotation pines at Riverhead Forest: The museum plots revisited- Part 1: The re establishment phase29/08/1998 SM100SMC_100 (648.84 Kb)
Legumes of improving soil nitrogen status in Canterbury dry land forests29/08/1998 SM097SMC_097 (1.65 Mb)
Modelling the growth and interactions of young Radiata Pine with some important weed species29/08/1997 SM092SMC_092 (3.67 Mb)
The effect of rate and timing of potassium fertiliser on the growth and nutrition of young Radiata Pine in Northland: Results after six years29/08/1996 SM078SMC_078 (3.90 Mb)
Long-term studies on the use of superphosphate fertiliser for Radiata Pine on soils of low to medium P retention capacity in the North Island of New Zealand29/08/1995 SM074SMC_074 (116.22 Kb)
The ultimate spot: Optimising spot weed control29/08/1995 SM071SMC_071 (1.42 Mb)
“Key points from technical sessions of the NZ Forest Site Management Cooperative held at NZFRI, Rotorua an 14 June 1993”29/08/1993 SM064SMC_064 (1.61 Mb)
Ligin distribution in wood from a boron deficient site29/08/1992 SM060SMC_060 (369.01 Kb)
Mid-crown yellowing: Current status of knowledge and research opportunities. Discussion Document29/08/1992 SM055SMC_055 (1.29 Mb)
The nitrogen and phosphorus central composite series of trials- Results after seven years29/08/1990 SM053SMC_053 (1.38 Mb)
Results from several long term field trials29/08/1990 SM047SMC_047 (1.93 Mb)
Vector analysis of Radiata Pine foliage from nitrogen by phosphorus trial29/08/1990 SM046SMC_046 (822.55 Kb)
“Key points from a technical session held at CHH Ltd, Auckland, 30 January 1990”29/08/1990 SM045SMC_045 (1.23 Mb)
Update on the use of rock phosphate at time-of-planting29/08/1990 SM044SMC_044 (937.99 Kb)
Factors affecting and improvised equipment for accurate aerial application of granular fertiliser to New Zealand forests29/08/1989 SM040SMC_040 (3.00 Mb)
Omahuta AK961: A nutrient subtractive trial29/08/1989 SM036SMC_036 (1.41 Mb)
Key points from a technical session of the national fertilising cooperative on magnesium fertilising Radiata Pine held in Kaingaroa and Tauhara Forests29/08/1988 SM034SMC_034 (1.55 Mb)
“Results of some experiments involving cultivation, fertilisation and/or weed control as factors examining the growth of young Radiata Pine.”29/08/1988 SM029SMC_029 (5.26 Mb)
“Progress report on legumes and rock phosphate in Northland, potassium nutrition on the West Coast and boron trials in Nelson and Canterbury”29/08/1988 SM028SMC_028 (1.02 Mb)
“Assessment of legume development in plot 379, Crohane Forest, three months after sowing”29/08/1988 SM027SMC_027 (383.30 Kb)
Annual foliage results- remaining cooperative trials29/08/1987 SM018SMC_018 (1.58 Mb)
“Growth of Radiata Pine in a long term phosphorus trial. Site A at Riverhead Forest, Site B at Whangapoua Forest”29/08/1987 SM017SMC_017 (1.18 Mb)
Phosphorus uptake by Radiata Pine on soils of different phosphorus retention fertilised with superphosphate and A-grade rock29/08/1987 SM016SMC_016 (935.16 Kb)
Fertiliser prescriptions for forest plantations in the Auckland region29/08/1987 SM015SMC_015 (912.31 Kb)
The use of phosphate rock in trhe establishment of Radiata Pine – Reports from 7 trials.29/08/1987 SM014SMC_014 (3.47 Mb)
Proposals for new trials with boron and phosphorus29/08/1987 SM011SMC_011 (237.20 Kb)
Reports from members on current trials29/08/1987 SM010SMC_010 (269.46 Kb)
Fertiliser use in 198629/08/1987 SM007SMC_007 (202.45 Kb)