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Report Name Published Report Download
Fitting an Igland Winch to a Clark Skidder01/01/1982 TR-V-04-03web_TN-V4-3 (710.62 Kb)
Small Winches for Agricultural Tractors01/01/1982V-06-08web_REP-V6-8-1981 (697.55 Kb)
Directional Felling Second Crop P. Radiata on Steep Country01/01/1982V-07-01web_REP-V7-1-1982 (1.63 Mb)
Loadrite Load Weighing System01/01/1982V-07-02web_REP-V7-2-1982 (770.47 Kb)
1981 Forestry Conference Review01/01/1982 V-07-03web_REP-V7-3-1982 (824.35 Kb)
Principles of Planning for Forestry Harvesting01/01/1982 V-07-04web_REP-V7-4-1982 (762.32 Kb)
Engineering Characteristics of Radiata Pine01/01/1982V-07-05web_REP-V7-5-1982 (588.49 Kb)
Cutover Salvage Trials01/01/1982 V-07-06web_REP-V7-6-1982 (977.16 Kb)
Chain Strops in Skidder Thinning01/01/1982 V-07-07web_REP-V7-7-1982 (845.88 Kb)
Value Savings from Alternative felling Patterns on Steep Country01/01/1982V-07-08web_REP-V7-8-1982 (691.64 Kb)
Using fire to reduce aerial fuels in first thinned radiata pine (Prescribed burn, ladder fuels)01/01/1982Billingbilling8 (452.34 Kb)
Exotic pine plantation prescribed burning using a helicopter (Prescribed burn, aerial ignition, fire behaviour)01/01/1982Byrnebyrne1 (2.72 Mb)
High intensity fires in plantations of Pinus radiata (Case study, fire management)01/01/1982Dawsondawson1 (319.28 Kb)
Fuel reduction burning in radiata pine plantations (fuel dynamics, prescribed fire, fire behaviour)01/01/1982Williamswoodmanrawson1982 (795.63 Kb)
Fuel properties before and after second thinning in radiata pine (fuel load, fuel treatment, fuel inventory)01/01/1982Woodmanwoodman1982b (761.21 Kb)
Prescribed burning in exotic pine plantation – operations manual (Prescribed burn, surface fire)10/10/1981Forestry Department Queenslandfireqld1981 (6.02 Mb)
Log Loaders – Criteria for Machine Selection and Application03/01/1981PR15PR 15 (2.99 Mb)
Tactical Planning Seminar Proceedings03/01/1981PR16PR 16 (7.94 Mb)
Bunching to Increase Skidder Productivity01/01/1981 TR-V-03-01web_TN-V3-1 (751.40 Kb)
Wire Rope Splicing Methods01/01/1981TR-V-03-02web_TN-V3-2 (784.22 Kb)
Hitachi Feller Buncher Trial01/01/1981TR-V-03-03web_TN-V3-3 (759.10 Kb)
Double Drum Winches in Thinnings01/01/1981V-06-01web_REP-V6-1-1981 (812.77 Kb)
Drying Logs in the Forest01/01/1981V-06-02web_REP-V6-2-1981 (800.01 Kb)
Criteria for Protecting Clothing for Chainsaw Operations01/01/1981 V-06-03web_REP-V6-3-1981 (698.47 Kb)
Steep Country Thinning Systems01/01/1981 V-06-04web_REP-V6-4-1981 (698.10 Kb)
Tarawera Pilot Scheme01/01/1981V-06-05web_REP-V6-5-1981 (773.81 Kb)
Log Preparation for Helicopter Extraction01/01/1981V-06-06web_REP-V6-6-1981 (874.21 Kb)
Modification of Agricultural Tractors for Logging01/01/1981 V-06-07web_REP-V6-7-1981 (661.75 Kb)
A low intensity prescribed burning operation in a thinned radiata pine plantation(Fire behaviour, fire effects)01/10/1980Billingbilling3 (1.40 Mb)
Log Truck Axle Layouts – (An Economic Comparison of 5-axle and 6-axle Layouts)03/01/1980PR10PR 10 (3.45 Mb)
Survey of New Zealand Logging Work Force03/01/1980PR11PR 11 (3.22 Mb)
On Modelling the NZ Logging Industry to Study Factors Affecting its Operational Efficiency03/01/1980PR12PR 12 (1.43 Mb)
Smallwood Harvesting Seminar Proceedings03/01/1980PR13PR 13 (8.91 Mb)
Development of Safe Felling and Delimbing Techniques with Chainsaws03/01/1980PR14PR 14 (1.75 Mb)
Thinning Steep Country Using Plastic Chutes01/01/1980 TR-V-02-01web_TN-V2-1 (816.94 Kb)
Helicopter Logging Trial in Second Crop Kauri Forest01/01/1980TR-V-02-02web_TN-V2-2 (878.17 Kb)
Chainsaw Testing and Selection01/01/1980TR-V-02-03web_TN-V2-3 (941.04 Kb)
Selective Logging Trial of FMC in Indigenous Forest01/01/1980TR-V-02-04web_TN-V2-4 (873.08 Kb)
Factors Effecting Log Truck Travel Speed01/01/1980V-05-01web_REP-V5-1-1980 (837.86 Kb)
Fuel for Logging in New Zealand01/01/1980V-05-02web_REP-V5-2-1980 (724.80 Kb)
A Look at Polypropylene Strops01/01/1980 V-05-03web_REP-V5-3-1980 (826.73 Kb)
Insurance for a Logging Business01/01/1980 V-05-04web_REP-V5-4-1980 (806.85 Kb)
Loader Selection and Application01/01/1980 V-05-05web_REP-V5-5-1980 (737.94 Kb)
Crushing the thinning slash problem (fuel load, fuel manipulations)01/01/1980Burrowsburrows6 (1.40 Mb)
Quantifying Pinus radiata slash fuels (Fuel load, fuel treatment, fuel inventory)01/01/1980Burrowsburrows7 (349.48 Kb)
Prescribed burning in Queensland exotic pine plantations (Fuel moisture, fuel structure, prescribed burn, fire effects)01/01/1980Byrnebyrne2a (7.56 Mb)
Log Transport and Loading Seminar Proceedings03/01/1979PR08PR 8 (6.66 Mb)
Northwest – North American Study Tour03/01/1979PR09PR 9 (3.43 Mb)
Injuries and Deaths in Forestry- ANZ Experience01/01/1979 TR-V-01-01web_TN-V1-1 (680.67 Kb)
Helicopter Logging in Young Crop Radiata Pine01/01/1979 TR-V-01-02web_TN-V1-2 (360.54 Kb)