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Report Name Published Report Download
Ergonomics and Logging10/01/1986PR27PR 27 (14.79 Mb)
Organised Felling10/01/1986PR28PR 28 (4.07 Mb)
Ergonomics – A Science to Improve the Safety and Productivity of Logging Workers10/01/1986PR30PR 30 (4.48 Mb)
FIME ’86 and Associated Visits01/01/1986PR29PR 29 (7.33 Mb)
Shovel Logging01/01/1986 TR-V-08-01web_TN-V8-1 (906.63 Kb)
The Hunt Hauler01/01/1986 TR-V-08-02web_TN-V8-2 (600.60 Kb)
The Logquip Smart Arch for Small Crawler Tractors01/01/1986TR-V-08-03web_TN-V8-3 (1.10 Mb)
Steep Grades for Temporary Roads01/01/1986 TR-V-08-04web_TN-V8-4 (766.96 Kb)
Better Log Making01/01/1986 TR-V-08-05web_TN-V8-5 (776.72 Kb)
Surfacing of Steep Low Volume Roads01/01/1986TR-V-08-06web_TN-V8-6 (945.71 Kb)
Standards for Logging Roads01/01/1986 TR-V-08-07web_TN-V8-7 (1.61 Mb)
Mechanised Pine Felling and Delimbering01/01/1986TR-V-08-08web_TN-V8-8 (1.96 Mb)
Trouble Shooting Production Problems for Loggers01/01/1986TR-V-08-09web_TN-V8-9 (776.59 Kb)
Multi-Stem Delimbing/ Debarking with a Double Chain Flail01/01/1986 TR-V-08-10web_TN-V8-10 (782.42 Kb)
The Weyerhaueuser Feller Director01/01/1986 TR-V-08-11web_TN-V8-11 (410.30 Kb)
Weyerhauesuer Limber-Processor01/01/1986TR-V-08-12web_TN-V8-12 (772.30 Kb)
Average Yarding Distance01/01/1986V-11-01web_REP-V11-1-1986 (861.17 Kb)
Training Logging Specialists01/01/1986 V-11-02web_REP-V11-2-1986 (974.14 Kb)
Protecting Boots for Chainsaw Operators01/01/1986 V-11-03web_REP-V11-3-1986 (772.92 Kb)
Polyester Roundslings as Strops01/01/1986V-11-04web_REP-V11-4-1986 (1.02 Mb)
Evaluation of Logquip Smart Arch01/01/1986 V-11-05web_REP-V11-5-1986 (885.15 Kb)
Analysis of Lost Time Accidents- 198501/01/1986 V-11-06web_REP-V11-6-1986 (944.24 Kb)
Analysis of Chainsaw Accidents to the Leg01/01/1986 V-11-07web_REP-V11-7-1986 (865.41 Kb)
The Avoca fire 14 January 1985 (Case study, fire behaviour)01/03/1985Billingbilling7 (1014.09 Kb)
Hydraulic Excavators as Log Loaders A Review of the New Zealand Situation30/01/1985PR25PR 25 (3.80 Mb)
Safety in Log Transport An Investigation into Load Securing Devices and Methods03/01/1985PR23PR 23 (4.18 Mb)
Log Truck Axle Layouts 1985 – An Economic Comparison of Log Transport Layouts03/01/1985PR24PR 24 (1.52 Mb)
Clambunk Skidders: Do They Have a Place in the New Zealand Logging Industry?03/01/1985PR26PR 26 (10.08 Mb)
Automatic Releasing Chokers01/01/1985TR-V-07-01web_TN-V7-1 (894.25 Kb)
Clambunk Skidder Applications01/01/1985TR-V-07-02web_TN-V7-2 (971.24 Kb)
Semi-Mechanised Logging in Ponderosa Pine01/01/1985 TR-V-07-03web_TN-V7-3 (893.03 Kb)
Modelling and testing Two-Stump Anchors01/01/1985TR-V-07-04web_TN-V7-4 (257.84 Kb)
Delimbering Radiata Pine with the Hunt Processor01/01/1985 V-10-01web_REP-V10-1-1985 (728.00 Kb)
Computers for Log Transport01/01/1985V-10-02web_REP-V10-2-1985 (250.88 Kb)
Lift Resistance of Stumps01/01/1985V-10-03web_REP-V10-3-1985 (223.32 Kb)
Radiata Branch Characteristics and Delimbing Forces01/01/1985V-10-04web_REP-V10-4-1985 (722.07 Kb)
Fuel Chisel Tri-raker Tested01/01/1985 V-10-05web_REP-V10-5-1985 (677.06 Kb)
Bell Logger Extraction in Thinnings01/01/1985 V-10-06web_REP-V10-6-1985 (675.83 Kb)
Organised Felling- Its effect on productivity in Radiata 30 year old Thinning01/01/1985 V-10-07web_REP-V10-7-1985 (238.55 Kb)
Log Truck Alxle Layouts 198501/01/1985 V-10-08web_REP-V10-8-1985 (1.36 Mb)
Hydraulic Excavator-based Log Loaders01/01/1985 V-10-09web_REP-V10-9-1985 (410.81 Kb)
Double-drum Winch Skidder Trial01/01/1985 V-10-10web_REP-V10-10-1985 (706.71 Kb)
Log Truck Axle Layouts – 198501/01/1985 V-10-11web_REP-V10-11-1985 (782.37 Kb)
A Survey of the Logging Industry01/01/1985A Survey of the Logging Industryweb_REP-V10-12-1985 (716.23 Kb)
Converting Hydraulic Excavators to Log Loading01/01/1985 V-10-13web_REP-V10-13-1985 (787.04 Kb)
Fire protection of small private forests (Fire management)01/01/1985Cheneycheney3 (1.07 Mb)
Effects of low intensity prescribed fire on the growth and nutrition of a slash pine plantation (Prescribed burn, fire effects)01/01/1985Hunthuntsimpson1985 (2.01 Mb)
An International Project Investigating the Felling & Bunching of Small Trees on Easy Terrain03/01/1984PR22PR 22 (3.50 Mb)
The Christy Hauler and Carriage01/01/1984TR-V-05-01web_TN-V5-1 (219.67 Kb)
Regular 91 Petrol- Will it Effect Chainsaws?01/01/1984TR-V-05-08web_TN-V5-8 (203.41 Kb)