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Report Name Published Report Download
Update on the use of rock phosphate at time-of-planting29/08/1990 SM044SMC_044 (937.99 Kb)
“Key points from a technical session held at CHH Ltd, Auckland, 30 January 1990”29/08/1990 SM045SMC_045 (1.23 Mb)
Vector analysis of Radiata Pine foliage from nitrogen by phosphorus trial29/08/1990 SM046SMC_046 (822.55 Kb)
Results from several long term field trials29/08/1990 SM047SMC_047 (1.93 Mb)
Nutrient strategies for the establishment of Radiata Pine plantations in New Zealand29/08/1990SM048SMC_048 (1002.47 Kb)
Boron levels in Auckland and North Auckland forests29/08/1990SM049SMC_049 (164.23 Kb)
Review of site preparation impacts on long-term site productivity29/08/1990SM051SMC_051 (3.53 Mb)
Some effects of fertiliser levels on wood density29/08/1990SM052SMC_052 (1.33 Mb)
The nitrogen and phosphorus central composite series of trials- Results after seven years29/08/1990 SM053SMC_053 (1.38 Mb)
A comparison of final crop stockings in mature stands at Kaingaroa Forest11/02/1990SMC019SMC019 (5.87 Mb)
A Study Tour of Cable Logging Operations in the Pacific Northwest09/01/1990PR49PR 49 (3.50 Mb)
Construction Cost Estimation for Forest Roads09/01/1990PR50PR 50 (1.23 Mb)
Mechanised Thinning Trials in Kinleith Forest09/01/1990PR51PR 51 (1.61 Mb)
Emergency Alarm Systems for Fallers01/01/1990 TR-V-12-01web_TN-V12-1 (1.19 Mb)
“Clearfelling “”Young Crop”” Pinus Radiata Production Study Results”01/01/1990 TR-V-12-02web_TN-V12-2 (1.01 Mb)
The D4H Custom Skidder01/01/1990V-16-03web_REP-V15-3-1990 (313.40 Kb)
Loggers Assessments of Risk in Their Work01/01/1990V-15-01aweb_REP-V15-1-1990 (707.90 Kb)
Pilot Trials with Loader Logging in New Zealand01/01/1990V-15-02web_REP-V15-2-1990 (1.25 Mb)
“The Relative Fuel Efficiency of Super-single, Low Profile and Standard Tyres on Logging Trailers”01/01/1990 V-15-03web_REP-V15-3-1990 (313.40 Kb)
Increasing Log Storage Density01/01/1990V-15-13web_REP-V15-13-1990 (1.94 Mb)
Suspension Options for 6×4 Logging Trucks01/01/1990V-15-04web_REP-V15-4-1990 (129.19 Kb)
Analysis of Lost Time Accidents- 198901/01/1990V-15-05web_REP-V16-5-1991 (1.47 Mb)
Loaders for Ground Based Loggers01/01/1990V-15-12web_REP-V15-12-1990 (916.28 Kb)
Road Design Software for the Logging Industry01/01/1990V-15-06web_REP-V15-6-1990 (312.14 Kb)
Dropline Carriage on Madill 07101/01/1990V-15-07web_REP-V15-7-1990 (1.20 Mb)
The Hahn Harvester in Clearfell01/01/1990V-15-08web_REP-V15-8-1990 (1.66 Mb)
Roadline Salvage with a Excavator Log Loader01/01/1990V-15-09web_REP-V15-9-1990 (1.15 Mb)
Thinning with the Waratah DFB01/01/1990V-15-10web_REP-V15-10-1990 (1.37 Mb)
Absenteeism and Turnover Amongst Logging Crews01/01/1990V-15-11web_REP-V15-11-1990 (1.27 Mb)
Diameter distributions for the regional stand growth models01/01/1990SGM013SGM013 (1.69 Mb)
A growth model for Radiata Pine grown in the Nelson/Marlborough region01/01/1990SGM014SGM014 (1.87 Mb)
Permanent sample plot survey: Radiata Pine regional analysis (Growth plots)01/01/1990SGM015SGM015 (3.61 Mb)
Permanent sample plot survey: Radiata Pine regional analysis (Experimental plots)01/01/1990SGM016SGM016 (2.44 Mb)
Douglas-fir central North Island growth model01/01/1990 SGM017SGM017 (4.74 Mb)
A growth model for Douglas-fir grown in the South Island01/01/1990SGM018SGM018 (2.55 Mb)
Investigations into the possible causes of bias in the Nelson growth model01/01/1990SGM019SGM019 (1.41 Mb)
Crown fire initiation and spread : Experience in Canadian forests and relevance to Australian exotic pine plantations (Crown fire)01/01/1990Alexanderalexander4a (2.98 Mb)
Wind flow profiles over pine plantations (Wind profile, mid flame wind speed)01/01/1990Beerbeer1 (1.50 Mb)
Comparison of containerised and bare-rooted cuttings and seedlings trial- Establishment report11/11/1989SMC016SMC016 (2.32 Mb)
Clonal ageing trial establishment report01/10/1989SMC014SMC014 (92.43 Kb)
The nutritional content of 1 year old Pinus radiata foliage from 2 sampling points within the tree29/08/1989SM035SMC_035 (1.49 Mb)
Omahuta AK961: A nutrient subtractive trial29/08/1989 SM036SMC_036 (1.41 Mb)
Response of Radiata Pine to varying rates of N and P fertiliser at sites in New Zealand29/08/1989SM037 SMC_037 (2.42 Mb)
Predicting the P requirements for the early growth of Radiata Pine using a sequential extraction procedure with the Bray and Kurtz reagent29/08/1989SM039SMC_039 (881.60 Kb)
Factors affecting and improvised equipment for accurate aerial application of granular fertiliser to New Zealand forests29/08/1989 SM040SMC_040 (3.00 Mb)
Growth to age 15 in the long-term(AK734 series) P trials.29/08/1989SM043SMC_043 (456.37 Kb)
Response of Radiata Pine branch characteristics to site and stocking11/07/1989SMC013SMC013 (211.52 Kb)
Benefits of the Dothistroma-resistant breed of Radiata Pine01/07/1989SMC012SMC012 (1.21 Mb)
System Evaluation – Waratah Processor in Steep Country Thinnings10/01/1989PR41PR 41 (2.03 Mb)
Mechanised Shortwood Thinning with Forwarder Extraction10/01/1989PR42PR 42 (1.31 Mb)