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Report Name Published Report Download
Draft paper Legg Bradley 2016 AcousticTOFMethods20/07/201606
Draft paper Dash et al 2016 SamplingError_Paper20/07/201605
File Note: FN05 Coker et al Mid-rotation field trial design_2016_07_2020/07/201604
RA3.2 Harrison et al Erosion Risk model and Database update20/07/201603k
RA3.1 Smaill et al NuBalM progress in various areas_20/07/201603j
RA3.1 Gordon et al Forecaster NuBalm GCFF20/07/201603i
RA3.1 Garrett et al_Update on data collection_20/07/201603h
RA2.3 Smaill et al Quantifying growth promoting soil microbes_20/07/201603g
RA2.3 Smaill Biostimulants_GCFF Q4 TST 2016_07_2620/07/201603f
RA2.3 Addison et al Soil microbes and their importance in shaping our forests_poster20/07/201603e
03 d RA2.1b Telfer_Parentage reconstruction GCFF Q4 TST 2016_07_2620/07/201603d
RA2.1a Dash et al Sampling GCFF Q4 TST 2016_07_2620/07/201603c
RA2 3 Addison et al Forest site drives diversity composition of extomycorrhizal communities20/07/201603b
03 a RA1.1 Moore et al Acoustic Segregation GCFF TST 2016_06_2420/07/201603a
GCFF 2013_19 Accumulative outputs as of 2016_06_30 summary20/07/201602b
GCFF Q4 2015-16 Update20/07/201602a
GCFF Minutes from Q3 Meeting20/07/201601
GCFF Agenda – 26th July 201620/07/201600
*** Q4 Scion Combined Presentations for printing (saved as two to a page = 63 pages) RA documents below are individual presentations.20/07/201600
** ALL GCFF PAPERS excluding Presentations20/07/201600
ND Q4 Report19/07/201606
HTHF Q4 Report19/07/201605
BioProtection Q4 Report19/07/201604
FB Presentation for HTHF19/07/201603a
FB Presentation BioProtection – Robert Hill Q419/07/201603
FB Minutes from Previous Meeting 22 April 201619/07/201602
FB Agenda 22nd June 201619/07/201601
FB Q4 Pack for Printing19/07/201600
Track-sprayer screening trials for testing new mid-rotation treatment options – 2016/1617/07/2016GCFF TN-012GCFF TN012 (1.51 Mb)
2016 Cable-Assist Workshop – Improving Operations02/07/2016H029H029 (2.82 Mb)
Development of a tissue culture approach for analysing Phytophthora host-pathogen interactions02/07/2016HTHF-T007HTHF-T007 (1.29 Mb)
Scion’s core funded experiments on thermal modification of Eucalyptus nitens01/07/2016SWP-T011SWP-T011 (340.49 Kb)
Improving drying quality of Eucalyptus Nitens Timber: Results to date01/07/2016SWP-T008SWP-T008 (728.01 Kb)
Douglas-Fir Optimised Engineered Lumber (OEL) Trial01/07/2016SWP-T007SWP-T007 (976.34 Kb)
Measuring Skyline Deflection with the LineSmarts ‘App’01/07/2016HTN08-07HTN08-07 (632.62 Kb)
Initial evaluation of genomic selection to improve wood property in Eucalyptus nitens breeding population01/07/2016SWP-T006SWP-T006 (734.55 Kb)
Selection for solid wood properties in Eucalyptus niten01/07/2016SWP-T005SWP-T005 (529.66 Kb)
Alternative Species Site Mapping Review and Analysis01/07/2016SWP-T004SWP-T004 (3.81 Mb)
Breeding Plan for the Development of Douglas-fir01/07/2016SWP-T003SWP-T003 (462.70 Kb)
Literature review: measuring growth-strain by IR-spectroscopy01/07/2016SWP-T002SWP-T002 (459.07 Kb)
Tension Monitoring of Cable-assisted Felling Machines01/07/2016H028H028 (1.11 Mb)
Productivity of the Active 70 Tower Yarder30/06/2016HTN08-05HTN08-05 (550.68 Kb)
Validation of qPCR assays for Cyclaneusma minus ‘simile’ and ‘verum’ and assessment with Pinus radiata of varying susceptibility (Executive Summary Only)30/06/2016ND-T016ND-T016 Exec (452.27 Kb)
Monitoring red needle cast and its relationship with weather factors (Executive Summary Only)30/06/2016ND-T013ND-T013 Exec (318.62 Kb)
Spatial assessment of Red Needle Cast observations30/06/2016ND-T012ND-T012 (755.07 Kb)
qPCR methods for quantification of RNC inoculum in the field30/06/2016ND-T011ND-T011 (699.77 Kb)
Weeds: Performance of alternative to current herbicide treatments at 30 months after trial implementation25/06/2016Weeds 03Weeds TN-003 (626.96 Kb)
Weeds: Priorities for weeds research: A summary of conversations with growers25/06/2016Weeds 01Weeds TN-001 (472.84 Kb)
Guidelines for collecting water samples from wadeable streams for copper testing25/06/2016C01Guidelines - water sampling for copper (675.05 Kb)
In-Forest Debarking of Pinus radiata to Improve Supply Chain Efficiency – Milestone 222/06/2016IFD03IFD03 Project Milestone 2 Report (2.05 Mb)