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Report Name Published Report Download
GCFF 1.2 Update (presentation)14/10/20141.2
GCFF 2.1 Upe TLS (Presentations for Meeting)13/10/20142.1
GCFF 2.1 Update (Presentation for Meeting)13/10/20142.1
GCFF Quarterly Report Q113/10/201413
GCFF Innovation cluster Charter Final 2014_0908/10/201411
RA3.3a 2014 NZARES A Framework for analysing forest ecosystem services08/10/201409a
RA3.2c WorkPlan_RA3_2a_Tarawera08/10/201409
RA3.2a Forestry in steep eroding hillcountry ppt NZIF Napier 2014_0708/10/201408
RA3.1b WorkPlan_RA3_1_NuBalM08/10/201407
RA2.1aa 2014 Tree Counts from Airborne LiDAR NZJF Draft ms08/10/201406
RA2.1aa 2014 Calibrated tree counting on remotely sensed images of planted forests08/10/201405
RA2.1aa 2014 ZEB1 Laser Scanner Helps NZ Scientists Measure Forest Stands. Press release08/10/201404
RA2.1aa 2014 Nearest Neighbour Estimation of Stand Yields08/10/201403
Final: Scion GCFF 2014_2015 Workplan as of 2014 (Update 8/10/14)08/10/201402
Agenda for Q1 14 October 2014 TC Meeting08/10/201401
Outhaul Distance Measurement03/10/2014HTN06-08HTN06-08 (708.53 Kb)
Innovative Yarding Systems – A Review of Literature03/10/2014HTN06-07HTN06-07 (712.89 Kb)
Alpine Grapple Carriage – From Prototype to Production02/10/2014HTN06-09HTN06-09 (658.45 Kb)
Harvesting Cost and Productivity Benchmarking: 2013 Update02/10/2014HTN06-06HTN06-06 (719.67 Kb)
Scorpion Log Grapple Carriage02/10/2014H016H016 (2.16 Mb)
Fire Research Documents pre-200830/09/201401AerialSuppposter (814.94 Kb)
Evaluation of foliar applied copper to control red needle cast disease in P. radiata14/09/2014ND-T005ND-T005 (537.09 Kb)
Harvesting Technology Watch – July 201401/09/2014HTW-014HTW-014 (294.61 Kb)
High Performance Work Systems for the Logging Industry01/09/2014H014H014 (1.55 Mb)
An Evaluation of a ClimbMAX Steep Slope Harvester in Maungataniwha Forest01/09/2014H013H013 (665.15 Kb)
Forest Health General Research Index27/08/201400General Research Index (151.85 Kb)
UNWANTED ORGANISMS RESEARCH INDEX24/08/201400Unwanted Organisms Research Index (184.63 Kb)
Nectria Research Index23/08/201400Nectria Index (112.82 Kb)
Needle Cast Research Index23/08/201400Needle Cast Research Index (187.52 Kb)
Use of Remotely Sensed Data for Forest Inventory Purposes in Tairua Forest15/08/2014GCFF-T001GCFF-T001 (1.29 Mb)
Exploring the influence of soil and climatic factors on the growth response of radiata pine to nitrogenous fertiliser15/08/2014GCFF-T002GCFF-T002 (1.55 Mb)
Beneficial Organisms Research 2005-2011 Index14/08/2014BO-00Beneficial Organisms Research Index (301.61 Kb)
Bark Beetles & Wood Borers Research Reports Index14/08/2014BB-00Bark Beetles & Wood Borers Research Index (12.04 Kb)
Incursion Response Research Index14/08/201400Incursion Response Research Index (205.22 Kb)
Efficacy and Persistence of Phosphite for Control of RNC in Pinus radiata14/08/2014ND-T004ND-T004 (2.12 Mb)
Molecular Differentiation and Distribution of Cyclaneusma minus morphotypes from Pinus radiata in New Zealand14/08/2014ND-T003ND-T003 (1.27 Mb)
Minimum zoosport Concentration for Red Needle Cast Infection14/08/2014ND-T001ND-T001 (597.13 Kb)
FBRC Sumary of Research 2005 – 2010 Index14/08/2014FBRC-00FBRC Summary Of Research Index (194.50 Kb)
Harvesting and Logistics Theme Update – August 201404/08/2014HTU-19HTU-19 (719.24 Kb)
Harvesting Technology Watch – June 201401/08/2014HTW-013HTW-013 (563.12 Kb)
FOA Progress Report Q401/08/201402
FOA GCFF Report_Q401/08/201411
Refined models of leaf area index for LiDAR30/07/2014GCFF TN-009GCFF TN009 (480.32 Kb)
Summary information of the subcontracts for Waiariki IT and Auckland University21/07/2014GCFF FN002
FD Minimum Zoospore Concentration for Red Needle16/07/201407
PP Q4 2014-15 Milestone Spreadsheets16/07/201403
EP Endophytes Project Review Q4 201416/07/201400
FD Chemical Control of Red Needle Cast Report15/07/201405
FD 2014_2015 Needle Disease Programme15/07/201404
FD Phosphite Persistance Report15/07/201403