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Report Name Published Report Download
RA.1.2 Workplan_Understanding the nutritional role in regulating defence systems25/09/201504
Dave Saville File Note14/09/201505
Harvesting Technology Watch – July 201531/08/2015HTW-015HTW-015 (801.67 Kb)
Harvesting Cost and Productivity Benchmarking: 2014 Update31/08/2015HTN07-05HTN07-05 (409.86 Kb)
The Jackson Beckham Lifting Wedge and the Koller Mechanical Tree Feller: Comparison Trials31/08/2015H022H022 (1.60 Mb)
Phytophthora and Pinus radiata genomics and transcriptomics21/08/2015HTHF-T006HTHF-T006 (2.43 Mb)
Phytophthora aff. cactorum from Pinus radiata in New Zealand plantation forests is a new species21/08/2015HTHF-T005HTHF-T005 (1.85 Mb)
Impact of the foliar pathogen Phytophthora pluvialis and soil-borne pathogen P. cinnamomi on Pinus radiata root development in controlled conditions21/08/2015HTHF-T005
Screening current production lines of Pinus radiata for susceptibility to infection by Phytophthora pluvialis21/08/2015HTHF-T004
Validation of observations of P. radiata susceptibility/ resistance to red needle cast in potted plants21/08/2015HTHF-T003
Genetic variation of resistance to red needle cast in the RPBC Cloned Elites population21/08/2015HTHF-T002
Impact of the foliar pathogen Phytophthora pluvialis and soil-borne pathogen P. cinnamomi on Pinus radiata root development in controlled conditions – CONFIDENTIAL TO TC21/08/2015HTHF-T001
Review Form for Comments on Reports21/08/2015HTHF-T000
Draft Milestone and Work Plan Year 221/08/201506
Report: Pine Needle Cast Tasmania21/08/201505
Report: Summary of Assessments from Forestry Trial Site Visits21/08/201504
Summary of Action Points from 12th May Meeting21/08/201502
Agenda for Biosecurity Meeting – 27th August 201521/08/201501
Economics of Segregation Based on Wood Properties17/08/2015GCFF TN-003GCFF TN003 (733.63 Kb)
Bioprotection for foliar diseases and disorders of radiata pine Quantitative PCR methods developed for LU633/584 LU633/584 primers tested on forest and controlled environment samples12/08/2015BIO-T004BIO-T004 (1.07 Mb)
Harvesting and Logistics Theme Update – July 201531/07/2015HTU-23HTU-23 (688.43 Kb)
Locating Individual Trees with a Forest Genetics Trial30/07/2015GCFF TN-006GCFF TN006 (622.26 Kb)
Predicting productivity using combinations of LiDAR, satellite imagery and environmental data30/07/2015GCFF TN-007GCFF TN007 (520.54 Kb)
Linking Remote Sensing Techniques and Leaf Area Index30/07/2015GCFF TN-008GCFF TN008 (426.12 Kb)
Presentation: 05_Meason_Productivity Gap CABALA_Q4TST July 201516/07/201518a
Presentation: 08_Smail_Site modification treatments_Q4TST July 201515/07/201521
Presentation: 07_LeggBradley_AcousticTools_Q4TST July 201515/07/201520
Presentation: 06_ Beets_Accelerator trials_Q4TST July 201515/07/201519
Presentation: 04_Garrett_Tarawera Long term site productivity trial_Q4TST July 201515/07/201518
Presentation: 03_Harrison_Approaches to mitigate post-harvest erosion_Q4 TST July 2015 [Compatibility Mode]15/07/201517
Presentation: 02_Beets_Nutrient Balance Model_Q4TST July 201515/07/201516
HTHF Q4 Report10/07/201503
ND Q4 Report10/07/201503
Bio Q4 Report10/07/201503
Presentation: 01_Dash_WindRisk_Q4TST July 201510/07/201515
GCFF Paper: Multi-sensor modelling of forest productivity using combinations of airborne laser scanning, high resolution RapidEye satellite imagery and environmental data10/07/201513
GCFF Draft Manuscript: A spatial economic frameork that accounts for the wider benefits of planted forests in policy and investment10/07/201512
GCFF Paper: Comparing parametric and non-parametric methods of predicting Site Index for radiata pine using combinations of data derived from environmental surfaces, satellite imagery and airborne laster scanning10/07/201511
GCFF Paper: Characterising forest structure using combinations of airborne laser scanning data, RapidEye satellite imagery and environmental variables10/07/201510
GCFF FN03 DNA extraction from cambium of Pinus radiata for FR1010/07/201508
GCFF Paper: Legg Bradley Acoustic Stiffness Review10/07/201506
GCFF Workplan 2015 – 201610/07/201505
GCFF 2013-19 Key Outcomes: to date, proposed, future10/07/201504
GCFF Q4 Report10/07/201503
GCFF Q3 TC Minutes 201510/07/201502
GCFF Q4 Agenda10/07/201501
Screening current production lines of Pinus radiata for susceptibility to infection by Phytophthora pluvialis02/07/2015HTHF-T004HTHF-T004 (5.96 Mb)
Effects of Silviculture and Seedlot on Radiata Pine Growth, Wood Properties and End-product Quality30/06/2015GCFF TN-002GCFF TN002 (676.98 Kb)
Minimising the environmental impact of forest weed management in New Zealand22/06/2015WEEDS TN-004Weeds TN-004 (1.62 Mb)
DNA Extraction from Cambium of Pinus radiata for FR10/021/06/2015GCFF FN003