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Report Name Published Report Download
“Eucalyptus regnans pruning trial interim report: Branch size, DOS and effect of pruning on growth”08/04/2017 ME032Manage Eucalypts Coop 32 (3.03 Mb)
Nitens: A program to predict Eucalyptus nitens growth in New Zealand and Tasmania”08/04/2017ME030Manage Eucalypts Coop 30 (2.01 Mb)
Soil A horizon development beneath Eucalyptus regnans08/04/2017ME029Manage Eucalypts Coop 29 (5.85 Mb)
Site and climatic factors and their effect on the growth of Eucalyptus regnans08/04/2017ME028Manage Eucalypts Coop 28 (2.54 Mb)
Summary of research into establishment and early growth management of Eucalyptus nitens08/04/2017ME026Manage Eucalypts Coop 26 (3.91 Mb)
Response to thinning and nitrogen fertiliser six years after treatment in young Eucalyptus regnans in Kaingaroa Forest08/04/2017 ME025Manage Eucalypts Coop 25 (3.12 Mb)
Results of Eucalyptus regnans model validation08/04/2017ME022Manage Eucalypts Coop 22 (2.89 Mb)
The effect of site factors on the growth of Eucalyptus regnans in Kinleith Forest08/04/2017ME021Manage Eucalypt Coop 21 (7.40 Mb)
Using volume and taper equations developed at different breast heights08/04/2017ME020Manage Eucalypt Coop 20 (1.12 Mb)
Eucalyptus fastigata nelder growth from age 4 -15 years08/04/2017ME019Manage Eucalypts Coop 19 (2.57 Mb)
Eucalyptus regnans nelder growth from age 4 -15 years08/04/2017 ME018Manage Eucalypts Coop 18 (2.69 Mb)
The effect of site factors on the growth of Eucalyptus regnans in Kinleith Forest (Interim Report)08/04/2017ME017Manage Eucalypts Coop 17 (2.10 Mb)
An initial growth and yield model for Eucalyptus saligna SM in New Zealand08/04/2017ME016Manage Eucalypts Coop 16 (4.33 Mb)
Eucalyptus saligna nelder growth from age 2-9 years08/04/2017ME015Manage Eucalypts Coop 15 (3.51 Mb)
Early performance of E. grandis X E. nitens Hybrids in New Zealand08/04/2017EBC017Eucalypt Breed Coop 17_20080522184558 (3.11 Mb)
Mechanical pulping properties of selected Eucalyptu species08/04/2017EBC016Eucalypt Breed Coop 16_20080522182707 (2.97 Mb)
Kraft pulp properties of five selected New Zealand grown Eucalyptus species08/04/2017EBC015Eucalypt Breed Coop 15_20080522182418 (1.66 Mb)
Mechanical pulping of New Zealand grown Eucalyptus part1. The effect of wood type08/04/2017EBC014Eucalypt Breeding Coop 14 (1.56 Mb)
Kraft pulp properties of selected New Zealand grown Eucalypt (E. nitens and E. regnans) wood material08/04/2017EBC013Eucalypt Breed Coop 13_20080522181810 (2.17 Mb)
Background information for the first steps towards improving the pulping of New Zealand08/04/2017EBC012Eucalypt Breed Coop 12_20080522181434 (3.14 Mb)
Eucalyptus breeding trials established 1990-199208/04/2017EBC011 ()
Pilot-scale trials for rooting of Eucalyptus cuttings08/04/2017EBC010Eucalypt Breed Coop 10_20080522171923 (1.70 Mb)
Observations on flowering of Eucalyptus species08/04/2017EBC009Eucalypt Breed Coop 9_20080522171654 (2.98 Mb)
Inside Australia08/04/2017EBC008Eucalypt Breed Coop 8_20080522171004 (5.66 Mb)
Eucalyptus nitens in the South Island08/04/2017EBC004Eucalypt Breed Coop 4_20080522165919 (3.57 Mb)
Variation in susceptibility to possum defoliation in two populations of Eucalyptus nitens08/04/2017 EBC007Eucalypt Breed Coop 7_20080522170649 (2.09 Mb)
Possibilities for clonal forestry with Eucalyptus grandis X E. nitens hybirds in New Zealand08/04/2017 EBC006Eucalypt Breed Coop 6 (1.57 Mb)
“Trip to Tasmania, November 24, 1990”08/04/2017 EBC002Eucalypt Breed Coop 2_20080522164902 (4.62 Mb)
“Provenance, family and individual plus tree selection in an 11 year old E. fastigata progeny/provenance trial”08/04/2017 EBC001Eucalypt Breed Coop 1_20080522145418 (4.20 Mb)
Euc Breeding Coop Report Index08/04/2017Euc Breeding Coop Report IndexEuc Breeding Coop Report Index (71.45 Kb)
The comparison of improved and unimproved seedlots of Eucalyptus nitens in two trials in Southland08/04/2017EBC038Eucalypt Coop Report 38 (4.36 Mb)
Eucalypt breeding trials established 1997-200008/04/2017EBC037Eucalypts Coop Report 37 (15.33 Mb)
Some insights on hybrids in forest tree improvement08/04/2017EBC036Eucalypt Coop Report 36 (3.31 Mb)
Control-pollination within the eucalyptus breeding population: Part one – recommendations for pollen handling08/04/2017EBC035Eucalypt Coop Report 35 (3.96 Mb)
“Growth, form and health of eight eucalypt species at four sites in Northland, New Zealand at ages seven to 11 years”08/04/2017EBC034Eucalypt Coop Report 34 (6.42 Mb)
Performance of seven year old Eucalyptus nitens provenances on a warm site at Rotoehu forest08/04/2017EBC033Eucalypt Coop Report 33 (3.11 Mb)
Potential for micropropagation of the hybird Eucalyptus grandis X Eucalyptus nitens08/04/2017EBC032Eucalypt Coop Report 32 (3.49 Mb)
Health assessment of promising seedlots of 1993 E. globulus provenance trial08/04/2017EBC031Eucalypt Coop Report 31 (3.59 Mb)
Eucalyptus nitens breeding population clonal archive08/04/2017EBC030Eucalypt Coop Report 30 (3.38 Mb)
Eucalyptus nitens frosting trial – a potential seed source08/04/2017EBC029Eucalypt Coop Report 29 (4.34 Mb)
Coppicing of Eucalyptus fastigata and the hybrid Eucalyptus grandis X E. nitens08/04/2017EBC028Eucalypt Coop Report 28 (3.00 Mb)
Register of intellectual property08/04/2017EBC027Eucalypt Breed Coop 27_20080522192742 (1.89 Mb)
Analysis of 1993 E. globulus provenance trial08/04/2017EBC026Eucalypt Breed Coop 26_20080522192539 (2.17 Mb)
Choosing selection trials for profitability: An introduction to the problem08/04/2017EBC025Eucalypt Breed Coop 25_20080522192336 (1.95 Mb)
Eucalypt trials established 1993-1996 by the Eucalypt breeding cooperative08/04/2017EBC022Eucalypt Breed Coop 22 (14.89 Mb)
Wood properties of Eucalyptus nitens (Deane et Maiden) grown in New Zealand08/04/2017EBC020Eucalypt Breed Coop 20_20080522185512 (2.53 Mb)
Wood properties of 16 year old Eucalyptus fastigata grown in central Kaingaroa08/04/2017EBC019Eucalypt Breed Coop 19_20080522185104 (3.21 Mb)
Genetic Parameters of Eucalyptus nitens for growth in Australia and New Zealand08/04/2017EBC018Eucalypt Breed Coop 18_20080522183250 (2.26 Mb)
00 Report Index – Douglas fir Coop02/04/201700 Reports Index - Douglas Fir CoopDfirCoopReports0307 (48.27 Kb)
Reports Index Douglas fir Coop02/04/201700 Reports Index - Douglas Fir CoopDfirCoopReports0307 (48.27 Kb)