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Growth variation among sites: A modelling perspective01/01/1994SGM038SGM038 (1.95 Mb)
Growth to age 15 in the long-term(AK734 series) P trials.29/08/1989SM043SMC_043 (456.37 Kb)
Growth Responses to Boron Fertilisation in Pinus radiata15/04/2015GCFF TN-001GCFF TN-001 (717.19 Kb)
Growth Responses of Radiata Pine Clones to Nitrogen and Phosphorus Fertiliser Application26/06/2012RSPTN-031RSPTN-031 (265.34 Kb)
Growth response of maritime pine trees to high intensity prescribed fire(Prescribed burn, fire effects)01/01/1998Botelhobotelho6 (489.47 Kb)
Growth modelling strategy, industry research requirements01/01/2007SGM141SGM141 (167.91 Kb)
Growth model development of Radiata Pine clones: A gap analysis01/01/2006SGM128SGM128 (325.14 Kb)
Growth and survival of Radiata Pine cuttings, plantlets and seedlings on ten North Island sites01/06/1992SMC029SMC029 (2.04 Mb)
Growth and profitability of Radiata Pine in Hawke’s Bay and Wairapa11/05/2004PM089PMCoop_Report89 (238.86 Kb)
Growing diversity: improving growth models for less common species and forest types for ETS carbon look-up tables21/06/2017SWP-WP021
Growing Alternative Exotic Forest Species Booklet08/08/2023SWP-T174SWP-T174 MPI Specialty Species Booklet Online July23 (7.16 Mb)
Grimwade pine plantation fire (Kirup 19) (Case study, fire behaviour)01/01/1984Fire Protection Branchficfire (1.13 Mb)
Gravity Return Skylines01/01/1978 V-03-11web_REP-V3-11-1978 (645.40 Kb)
Gravity Extraction of Thinnings01/01/1978 V-03-12web_REP-V3-12-1978 (604.98 Kb)
Graveyard stake testing of C. x ovensii and Leyland Cypress23/06/2021SWP-FN121
Graveyard durability trials24/11/2017SWP-WP056
Graphical Data Analysis: Standing-tree Sonic Velocity in Silvicultural Breeds and Ultra-high Pruning Trials02/03/2010R052R052 (1.31 Mb)
Grafting for preserving breeding archive material in Douglas-fir20/06/2017SWP-WP031
Grafting for preserving breeding archive material for Douglas-fir22/11/2017SWP-FN043
Graft 20 new selections from 1972 Douglas-fir progeny trial Whakarewarewa18/04/2019SWP-WP093
Grade recovery and conversion from a DF sawing study at Kaingaroa01/02/1970DF013DF013 (11.14 Mb)
Grade recoveries of thermally modified cypress timber28/06/2023SWP-FN148
Grade Recoveries of pruned E. fastigata. Part 2: Dry grade recoveries18/04/2019SWP-WP104
Grade recoveries from sawing 20-year-old unpruned cypress clones30/12/2020SWP-T116SWP-T116 (1.30 Mb)
GOVOR Forest Nursery Trial & Evaluation Report05/06/2024PSP-T020PSP-T020 GOVOR-Forest Nursery Trial & Evaluation (9.86 Mb)
Golden Downs Site Preparation Trial- Growth results After 6 Years24/07/1999V-24-07web_REP-V24-7-1999 (896.49 Kb)
Giving Regional Context to International Sustainable Forestry Indicators29/08/2009ES009ES009 (1.61 Mb)
Giving National Context to International Indicators: New Zealand forest industry and territorial authority views on Montréal Process Criteria and Indicators29/07/2010ESTN-010ESTN-010 (343.30 Kb)
Germination of coniferous somatic embryos29/09/2021TCP-FN004
Geotextiles for Forest Roading01/01/1989V-14-20web_REP-V14-20-1989 (1.38 Mb)
Genomic prediction of Douglas-fir needle retention (proxy for Swiss needle cast)10/12/2020SWP-FN111
Genetical Analysis of the 199 C. macrocarpa Progency Trial at Birch Hills10/10/2013DS059DS059 (1.30 Mb)
Genetic variation of resistance to red needle cast in the RPBC Cloned Elites population21/08/2015HTHF-T002
Genetic variation of resistance to red needle cast in the RPBC Cloned Elites population02/06/2015HTHF-T002HTHF-T002 (1.60 Mb)
Genetic variation in wood properties of mid-rotation age Eucalyptus globoidea22/08/2022SWP PW-10SWP PW-10 (841.02 Kb)
Genetic variation in collapse and other wood properties of Eucalyptus quadrangulata at mid-rotation age29/11/2022SWP-T152SWP-T152 (1.05 Mb)
Genetic Variation for Economically Important Traits in Cupressus lusitanica in New Zealand23/06/2021SWP PW-07SWP PW-07 (3.57 Mb)
Genetic structure and diversity in the NZDFI Eucalyptus bosistoana and E. argophloia breeding populations28/06/2023SWP-T168SWP-T168 (979.86 Kb)
Genetic resources of Southland Eucalyptus nitenss11/07/2017SWP-FN029
Genetic resources of Southland Eucalyptus nitens22/11/2017SWP-FN040
Genetic resources of Eucalyptus nitens in Southland01/06/2016SWP-FN010
Genetic Parameters, Breeding Values E.nitens FR491 Keens Block24/10/2013DS062DS062 (1.35 Mb)
Genetic Parameters of Eucalyptus nitens for growth in Australia and New Zealand08/04/2017EBC018Eucalypt Breed Coop 18_20080522183250 (2.26 Mb)
Genetic gain trial to measure reduction of Dothistroma infection with Dothistroma-resistant breed- Results to age 311/04/1995PM014REP14 (1.25 Mb)
Genetic Gain Trial Design Report Project28/11/2013R072R072 (832.04 Kb)
Genetic gain multipliers: Utility and efficiency01/01/1999SGM078SGM078 (1.47 Mb)
Genetic gain modifiers for log quality characteristics for use in STANDPAK – a preliminary analysis11/11/1995PM017REP17 (2.46 Mb)
Genetic gain in Radiata Pine expressed as growth rate multipliers01/01/1994SGM035SGM035 (3.86 Mb)
Genetic correlations between cypress canker severity score, growth and form traits in Cupressus lusitanica in New Zealand19/06/2019SWP-M01
Genetic and site differences in Pinus radiata internode length in New Zealand11/05/1997PM039REP39 (1.93 Mb)