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Manuscript: Pearse et al 2017 Manuscript_ALS_Satellite_comparison_300dpi25/10/201704
Manuscript Meason et al CABALA_ 2016_07_19_ TST only20/07/201610
Manuscript Draft:-Soil biodiversity and function in managed ecosystems23/10/2019GCFF M004
Manuscript Draft: Variations in the performance of Pinus radiata stock at three locations indicates site-specific selection is viable23/10/2019GCFF M007
Manuscript Draft: Retention and leaching of nitrogen fertilizer in a young pine stand on pumice soil23/10/2019GCFF M005
Manuscript Draft: Assessing the impacts of experimental mid-rotation forest fertiliser treatments on water quality23/10/2019GCFF M008
Manuscript DRAFT – The Living Stem: a simulator of tree stem formation and function07/02/2018GCFFQ2-04
Manual and Mechanised Pruning Technologies: A review of the literature28/10/2022PSP-TR001PSP-TR001_G11 (1.03 Mb)
Manual and Mechanical Felling in Radiata Pine Thinnings01/01/1988 V-13-06web_REP-V13-6-1988 (1.24 Mb)
Manual & mechanised Pruning Tech_G1028/10/2022PSP-T001
Management Options to increase Radiata Stress Tolerance – Progress to Date08/11/2017GCFF TN-019GCFF TN019 (960.94 Kb)
Management of Woody Biomass: A review of the literature27/09/2021H049H049 (2.97 Mb)
Management of Logging Slash in Streams01/01/1999PR85PR 85 (5.51 Mb)
Management of Harvesting Residues : Results from a Delphi survey of forest industry experts29/11/2022HO57H057 (690.62 Kb)
MAN Bush Trucks: A forwarding solution for small forest growers25/03/2021SMG-TN02SMG-TN02 (887.44 Kb)
Magazine, Trade Journal Articles and Journal Papers31/08/2017GCFF-T01Magazine and Trade Journals 2015 and 2016 (23.47 Kb)
Madill 171 Hauler01/01/1989V-14-14web_REP-V14-14-1989 (1.22 Mb)
Madill 122 Interlock Swing Yarder01/01/1989V-14-18web_REP-V14-18-1989 (1.28 Mb)
Madill 009 Haulers in Patunamu Forest01/01/1991V-16-13web_REP-V16-13-1991 (1.12 Mb)
Machining and related characteristics of NZ grown DF compared with radiata pine and North American grown DF01/06/1995DF014DF014 (586.87 Kb)
Machinery Maintenance Injuries: Analysis of IRIS data10/08/2020HTN12-08HTN12-08 (426.74 Kb)
Machine Maintenance Non-Injury Events: Analysis of IRIS data19/11/2021HTN13-02HTN13-02 (594.69 Kb)
Machine Financing Options01/01/1989 TR-V-11-01web_TN-V11-1 (1.87 Mb)
Machinability of 28-year-old Eucalyptus globoidea wood31/01/2023SWP-T155SWP-T155 (2.59 Mb)
LVL: Log – Product Stiffness Decision Tool24/11/2017SWP-WP050
LVL Trial: Pre-Harvest Stand Assessment29/03/2018SWP-T042SWP-T042 (2.63 Mb)
LVL Stiffness Calculator User Guide20/06/2018SWP-T059SWP-T059 (2.91 Mb)
Lotus Series II Hauler Trial Report03/01/1982PR20PR 20 (3.25 Mb)
Lotus Experimental Skyline Hauler01/01/1979 V-04-12web_REP-V4-12-1979 (838.89 Kb)
Lost Time Injuries in Forest Silviculture- 199701/01/1998V-23-07web_REP-V23-7-1998 (1.17 Mb)
Lost Time Injuries in Forest Silviculture 199601/01/1997V-22-15web_REP-V22-15-1997 (1.53 Mb)
Lost Time Injuries in Forest Silviculture 199501/01/1997V-22-07web_REP-V22-7-1997 (781.84 Kb)
Lost Time Accidents in Forestry- 199401/01/1995V-20-13web_REP-V20-13-1995 (904.31 Kb)
Lost Time Accidents in Forestry- 199301/01/1994V-19-11web_REP-V19-11-1994 (697.49 Kb)
Lost Time Accidents in Forestry – 1991 and 199201/01/1993V-18-15web_REP-V18-15-1993 (809.26 Kb)
Lost Time Accidents in Forestry01/01/1991V-16-10web_REP-V16-10-1991 (873.31 Kb)
Lost Time Accidents in Forestry01/01/1991V-16-10web_REP-V16-10-1991 (873.31 Kb)
Longer term monitoring of red needle cast: plot establishment and initial data collection02/02/2017ND-T014ND-T014 (5.27 Mb)
Long-term studies on the use of superphosphate fertiliser for Radiata Pine on soils of low to medium P retention capacity in the North Island of New Zealand29/08/1995 SM074SMC_074 (116.22 Kb)
Long Term Data Collection to Benefit Contractor Record Keeping01/01/1992V-17-06web_REP-V17-6-1992 (1.38 Mb)
Long Log Cutting in the Bush for Hauler Extraction: Cutting Strategies to Minimise Value Loss01/01/1987TR-V-09-07web_TN-V9-7 (2.07 Mb)
Loggings Labour Force01/01/1979V-04-06web_REP-V4-6-1979 (819.55 Kb)
Logging Residue Handling- A Study of Two Cutover Preparation Techniques01/01/1992V-17-14web_REP-V17-14-1992 (1.25 Mb)
Logging Residue Distribution24/09/1999V-24-09web_REP-V24-9-1999 (1.37 Mb)
Logging Residue at Hauler Landings- Results From an Industry Survey01/01/1997V-22-03web_REP-V22-3-1997 (1.26 Mb)
Logging Residue at Hauler Landings- Results From an Industry Survey01/01/1997V-22-02web_REP-V22-2-1997 (1.33 Mb)
Logging Productivity Monitoring01/11/2008HTN01-01HTN01-01 (177.23 Kb)
Logging Operations on Restricted Landings (USA)01/01/1988V-13-13web_REP-V13-13-1988 (903.74 Kb)
Logging Extraction Track Rehabilitation01/01/1993V-18-21web_REP-V18-21-1993 (1.70 Mb)
Logging and the Near Shore Marine Environment at Onepu Bay, Marlborough Sounds01/01/1996V-21-01web_REP-V21-1-1996 (1.52 Mb)