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Steepland Harvesting Programme_Summary Report_final05/12/2017H032 H032 (1.10 Mb)
Steepland Harvesting Programme Post-Programme Report 201821/07/201802Steepland Harvesting Programme_2018 Report (989.08 Kb)
Steepland Harvesting Programme18/10/2017AC2017-1212 Steepland Harvesting Programme__K Raymond (368.17 Kb)
Steep Slope Logging Conference: Vancouver BC March 201610/03/2016H026H026 (1.87 Mb)
Steep Slope Feller Buncher: A Feasibility Study11/07/2011H007H007 (1.62 Mb)
Steep Land Harvesting Programme – Post Programme Report 31 July 201918/02/2020H040H040 (1.14 Mb)
Steep Land Harvesting Programme – Post Programme Report 31 July 201819/02/2020H035H035 (990.35 Kb)
Steep Grades for Temporary Roads01/01/1986 TR-V-08-04web_TN-V8-4 (766.96 Kb)
Steep Country Thinning Systems01/01/1981 V-06-04web_REP-V6-4-1981 (698.10 Kb)
Steep Country Harvesting in British Columbia08/01/2014HTN06-05HTN06-05 (765.42 Kb)
Steel Bolsters with Aluminium Stanchions01/01/1998 TN-43web_TN-43 (448.75 Kb)
Standards for Logging Roads01/01/1986 TR-V-08-07web_TN-V8-7 (1.61 Mb)
Stand-level growth models for Eucalyptus nitens plantations in New Zealand01/06/2003EC001Euc Coop - Report No.1 (385.44 Kb)
Stand Management Coop Report Index08/02/2011SMC000Index (10.34 Kb)
Stage Two of Hawke’s Bay Region pilot project02/11/2020SWP-WP152
Stage One of Hawke’s Bay Region pilot project02/11/2020SWP-T110SWP-T110 (1.41 Mb)
Spyder Steep-Slope Feller-Buncher01/01/1983TR-V-05-02web_TN-V5-2 (861.01 Kb)
Spreadsheet for determining minimum LiDAR pulse density for an accurate DEM, under forested conditions04/06/2013RTN-099LiDAR pluse density (18.74 Kb)
Spot Ripping of Cutover01/01/1994 TN-14web_TN-14 (310.26 Kb)
Spot Mounding for Cutover Rehabilitation01/06/2000V-25-06web_REP-V25-6-2000 (1.63 Mb)
Spore Traps07/11/2021RFP-FN029
Spore trap development for aerial forest phytophthoras17/12/2020RFP-FN010
Species validation of C. x ovensii boards29/09/2021SWP-FN126
Specialty Wood Products Scion Genetics Research aligned SSIF (A02050)08/12/2020SWP-WP154
Specialty Wood Products Research aligned SSIF (A02050)28/09/2019SWP-WP119
Specialty species review07/07/2023SWP-T139SWP-T139 (2.91 Mb)
Specialty Species Cabin – show casing alternative timbers09/01/2024ITP-TR010ITP-TR010 Specialty Species Cabin flyer-compressed (1.77 Mb)
Special-purpose breed trials- Form assessments01/01/2001SGM107SGM107 (1.20 Mb)
Special purpose Radiata Pine breeds trials – Establishment report11/04/1995PM010REP10 (3.07 Mb)
Special Purpose Breed Trials Analysis01/06/2009R024R024 (607.31 Kb)
Spatial Techniques for Grassland Curing Across Australia & New Zealand – 200801/02/20081919 CuringPoster (629.02 Kb)
Spatial Prediction of Wildfire Hazard Across New Zealand: A Significant Upgrade – September 200501/09/20050808 WTAhazardupgrade (2.65 Mb)
Spatial Environmental Datasets29/07/2009ESTN-003ESTN-003 (105.36 Kb)
Spatial economic modelling of forest ecosystem services – project plan 2014_0327/06/2014WP008
Spatial distribution of cell collapse in Eucalyptus nitens wood due to drying treatment23/06/2021SWP-T125SWP-T125 (1.76 Mb)
Spatial assessment of Red Needle Cast observations30/06/2016ND-T012ND-T012 (755.07 Kb)
Spacing options for Tasman Forest Industries08/04/2017ME040Manage Eucalypts Coop 40 (3.63 Mb)
South-East U.S.A. Tour Notes – June 199809/01/1989PR40PR 40 (1.87 Mb)
Sources of Sedimentation18/10/2017AC2017-1919 Sources of Sedimentation_K Brown (922.42 Kb)
Sources of Sedimentation18/10/2017AC2017-1919 Sources of Sedimentation_K Brown (922.42 Kb)
Some insights on hybrids in forest tree improvement08/04/2017EBC036Eucalypt Coop Report 36 (3.31 Mb)
Some effects of low intensity burning on radiata pine (Prescribed burn, fire effects)01/01/1979Billingbilling2 (355.69 Kb)
Some effects of fertiliser levels on wood density29/08/1990SM052SMC_052 (1.33 Mb)
Some characteristics of major fires in coniferous plantations (Fire behaviour, fuel dynamics)01/01/1974Douglasdouglas2 (356.71 Kb)
Some aspects of the behaviour of the Caroline fire of February 1979 (Case study, fire behaviour)01/07/1983Billingbilling4 (2.65 Mb)
Soil productivity drivers in New Zealand planted forests24/10/2018GCFF FN017
Soil phosphate and the growth of Radiata Pine in Riverhead Forest. A report on the AK734 series of trials in established stands29/08/1988SM023SMC_023 (628.38 Kb)
Soil Jar test results: Thermally modified Cupressus lusitanica23/06/2021SWP-FN123
Soil Bacterial Properties Linked to Pinus Radiata Genotype16/01/2012RSPTN-025RSPTN-025 (135.66 Kb)
Soil Bacterial Community Properties: Interim Report on Relationships with Site Productivity17/10/2012RSP-004RSP-004 (940.40 Kb)