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Plantation Trial Maps and Locations – Foliar Diseases and disorders of radiata pine17/10/201404
Plantation Management Coop Report Index11/04/2007IndexPlantation Mgmt Cooperative Reports Index 1 - 111 (47.27 Kb)
Plantation Forest Nutrition Manual01/08/2010RSP-002RSP-002_Full A (4.29 Mb)
Plantation Fires (case study, fire behaviour)01/01/1978Woods and Forests SAwoodsforestssa1978 (2.16 Mb)
Plantation design guidelines (Fire management)01/10/1999Forest Owners Conferencefoaconf1999 (2.63 Mb)
Plant defence responses to Trichoderma and elicitor treatments when challenged with Diplodia sapinea or Phytophthora pluvialis15/02/2017BIO-T013BIO-T013 (7.40 Mb)
Planning the Harvest of a Forest Woodlot01/01/1994V-19-16web_REP-V19-16-1994 (1.48 Mb)
Plan for demonstration plots of spp other than radiata pine, including the setting of cypress hybrid cuttings28/06/2018SWP-FN058
Pitch canker update01/02/20060404 (464.85 Kb)
Pitch Canker – Risk of Establishment in NZ Based on a Global Perspective01/07/20060303a (2.04 Mb)
Pinus radiata photosynthesis and growth allocation by trees impacted by needle disease: a first look at Phytophthora infected grafts in the field02/02/2017ND-TN003ND-TN003 (660.28 Kb)
Pinus radiata genotype x microsite x treatment interactions and physiological implications – first results11/09/2019GCFF FN025
Pine transcirptomics update 201702/02/2017HTHF-FN002
Pine Needle Blight01/01/20060606 (266.71 Kb)
Pilot-scale trials for rooting of Eucalyptus cuttings08/04/2017EBC010Eucalypt Breed Coop 10_20080522171923 (1.70 Mb)
Pilot Trials with Loader Logging in New Zealand01/01/1990V-15-02web_REP-V15-2-1990 (1.25 Mb)
Pilot study of end-splitting of Eucalyptus fastigata at various times after felling15/09/2021SWP-WP159
Pilot study for internal stem modelling: Summary of data collected in FR172/301/01/2006SGM127SGM127 (2.40 Mb)
Pilot study for internal stem modelling: Evaluation of relationship between crown, ring area and basic density01/01/2006SGM131SGM131 (1.43 Mb)
Pilot study for internal stem modelling – Appendix 301/01/2005SGM126SGM126Appendix3 (1.84 Mb)
Pilot study for internal stem modelling01/01/2005SGM126SGM126 (139.92 Kb)
Piece Size Characteristics of Managed Stands After Felling01/01/1987TR-V-09-01web_TN-V9-1 (887.46 Kb)
Phytophthora pluvialis zoospore survival at different relative humidity and temperature – Summary02/02/2017ND-T018ND-T018 Exec (526.79 Kb)
Phytophthora and Pinus radiata genomics and transcriptomics21/08/2015HTHF-T006HTHF-T006 (2.43 Mb)
Phytophthora aff. cactorum from Pinus radiata in New Zealand plantation forests is a new species21/08/2015HTHF-T005HTHF-T005 (1.85 Mb)
Physiological Workload of Forestwork01/01/1994V-19-04web_REP-V19-4-1994 (1.27 Mb)
Physical Workload of Planting01/01/1996V-21-14web_REP-V21-14-1996 (1.04 Mb)
Physical Damage to Logs01/01/1998PR76PR 76 (5.29 Mb)
Phylogeny of the Pine Pitch canker fungus Fusarium circinatum: An emerging global view01/01/2006077a (376.81 Kb)
PhotoMARVL assessment of branching in 1978 genetic gain trials01/01/2003SGM119SGM119 (208.58 Kb)
PhotoMARVL analysis 2003/4 data01/01/2007SGM133SGM133 (2.90 Mb)
Phospite resistance in Phytophthora cinnamomi isolates with NZ Forestry Nurseries30/03/2019HTHF-T008HTHF-T008 (1.11 Mb)
Phosphorus uptake by Radiata Pine on soils of different phosphorus retention fertilised with superphosphate and A-grade rock29/08/1987 SM016SMC_016 (935.16 Kb)
Phosphorus deficiency in second rotation pines at Riverhead Forest: The museum plots revisited- Part 1: The re establishment phase29/08/1998 SM100SMC_100 (648.84 Kb)
Phosphate rock trials on the West Coast of the South Island of New Zealand29/08/1988SM022SMC_022 (670.83 Kb)
Phloem Transport Model01/08/2010R050R050 (346.60 Kb)
Phenotyping platform LiDAR – project plan App 1 2014_0327/06/2014WP010a
Phenotyping platform LiDAR – project plan 2014_0327/06/2014WP010
Phenotyping platform Genetics – project plan 2014_0327/06/2014WP012
Phenotyping of internal checking, initiation of quantitative genetic analysis in Eucaplyptus nitens10/12/2015SWP-FN001
Phenotypic traits from high-density point clouds: Data capture summary07/12/2021RFP-FN019
Phenotypic assessment and quantitative genetic analysis of two Douglas-fir progeny tests29/08/2017SWP-T032SWP-T032 (1.29 Mb)
PhD proposal for a taxonomic and population-genomic study of Eucalyptus bosistoana / E. argophloia06/09/2018SWP-WP061
PGP Business Case: Te Mahi Ngahere i te Ao Hurihuri – Forestry Work in the Modern Age18/10/2019H036H036 (3.26 Mb)
PFV Wire Rope Trials01/01/1984V-09-06web_REP-V9-6-1984 (726.46 Kb)
PFV Wire Rope20/06/2017TN-V4-1web_TN-V4-1 (256.67 Kb)
Pests and Diseases of Eucalyptus macrorhyncha09/01/2024ITP-TR007ITP-TR007 Pawson_Macrorhyncha_16-8-23 (7.71 Mb)
Pest management for durable eucalypts29/08/2017SWP-T029SWP-T029 (1.32 Mb)
Pest Management – Quarterly Report April- June 201601/08/2016SWP-FN011
Persistence of Trichoderma in Nursery and Forest Plantations17/09/2016BIO-T011BIO-T011 (1.27 Mb)