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Report Name Published Report Download
Predicting the Parentage of Elite Trees21/06/2016GCFF FN004
Predicting the P requirements for the early growth of Radiata Pine using a sequential extraction procedure with the Bray and Kurtz reagent29/08/1989SM039SMC_039 (881.60 Kb)
Predicting the growth of young stands of Radiata Pine from site factors- An investigation in the Bay of Plenty region11/11/1995PM016REP16 (2.60 Mb)
Predicting strain levels in air-dried wood using near infrared spectroscopy30/06/2017SWP-T020SWP-T020 (1.13 Mb)
Predicting Skidder Payload Using Grapple Openness – A Pilot Study01/01/2009HTN01-05HTN01-05 (322.38 Kb)
Predicting productivity using combinations of LiDAR, satellite imagery and environmental data30/07/2015GCFF TN-007GCFF TN007 (520.54 Kb)
Predicting green crown length in Radiata Pine11/05/1998PM051REP51 (1.42 Mb)
Predicting Green Crown Height in Douglas-fir01/02/1994DF001DF001 (383.29 Kb)
Predicting Estate Productivity using Area-Based Phenotyping and Machine Learning07/07/2020RFP-T007RFP-T007 (703.33 Kb)
Predicting a productivity response after nitrogen fertiliser addition21/12/2018GCFF FN020
Predicted End-product Quality19/06/2011RTN-010RTN-010 (256.05 Kb)
Precision Planting Technology Scan28/10/2022PSP-TR003PSP-TR003_G11 (3.69 Mb)
Precision Forestry: A Review of the Literature13/02/2015H017H017 (1009.24 Kb)
Pre-Bunching in Thinnings01/01/1984V-09-03web_REP-V9-3-1984 (825.31 Kb)
Pre application consultation has begun for a new potential biological control introduction to control Eucalyptus tortoise beetle, Paropsis charybdis27/06/2018SWP PW-04SWP PW-04 (530.95 Kb)
Practical soil sampling in planted forests – soil profile23/05/20150303 soil_sampling_method-profile (264.56 Kb)
Practical soil sampling in planted forests – soil chemistry23/05/20150202 soil_chemistry_handout_june15 (251.84 Kb)
Practical soil sampling in planted forests – soil bulk density23/05/201501soil_sampling_method-profile (264.56 Kb)
PQSim: Architecture and Applicability17/09/2020RFP-TN005RFP-TN005 (415.54 Kb)
PP Q4 Communications Plan15/07/201402
PP Q4 2014-15 Milestone Spreadsheets16/07/201403
PP Q2 Report 201405/02/201503
PP Q2 2014 Milestone Summary15/12/2014PP
Potential trials for collection of wood properties in next 5 years10/12/2019RFP-FN004
Potential for micropropagation of the hybird Eucalyptus grandis X Eucalyptus nitens08/04/2017EBC032Eucalypt Coop Report 32 (3.49 Mb)
Potential for growing and processing durable eucalypts29/08/2017SWP-T036SWP-T036 (1.99 Mb)
Potential Demand for Haulers over the Next Ten Years13/02/2017HTN05-04HTN05-04 (2.24 Mb)
Potential Causes of Tower Collapses01/01/1996V-21-06web_REP-V21-6-1996 (744.34 Kb)
Potential Biomass Resource Contained in Pre-commercial and Production Thinnings Residues01/01/2000 TN-56web_TN-56 (620.85 Kb)
Pot trial to evaluate the efficacy and persistence of Foschek and cuprous oxide to control RNC23/12/2016ND-T015ND-T015 (1.44 Mb)
Poster – Prediction of Extractive Content of E. globoidea Heartwood Using Near Infrared Spectroscopy22/09/2017SWP-FN038
Possums and Pines01/01/20061010 (170.29 Kb)
Possum Damage18/11/201403
Possibilities for clonal forestry with Eucalyptus grandis X E. nitens hybirds in New Zealand08/04/2017 EBC006Eucalypt Breed Coop 6 (1.57 Mb)
Positioning Future Forests: Identifying areas that could benefit from the establishment of functional forests29/04/2010ESTN-013ESTN-013 (312.62 Kb)
Portable sawmilling of locally grown alternative timber species23/04/2020SWP-T100SWP-T100 (3.97 Mb)
Portable field tool to measure sapwood depth24/11/2017SWP-WP046
Portable and Low Cost Bridges01/01/1994V-19-14web_REP-V19-14-1994 (2.94 Mb)
Population-genomics and taxonomy of Eucalyptus argophloia and E. bosistoana18/04/2019SWP-WP111
Population genomics of E. bosistoana and E. argophloia17/04/2020SWP-FN097
Population genomics of E. bosistoana and E. argophloia14/05/2021SWP-FN115
Poplar cultivation: a comparison of international and national activity: Part 209/01/2024ITP-TR004ITP-TR004 Poplar project Milestone 2 (669.96 Kb)
Poplar cultivation: a comparison of international and national activity: Part 109/01/2024ITP-TR003ITP-TR003 Poplar cultivation milestone 1 (427.57 Kb)
Polytechnic Forestry Students (1989-1998) – Their Workforce Experience01/01/1998PR69PR 69 (4.61 Mb)
Polyester Roundslings as Strops01/01/1986V-11-04web_REP-V11-4-1986 (1.02 Mb)
Politician’s Opinions about the New Zealand Forest Industry 199601/01/1996PR61PR 61 (3.27 Mb)
PMCoop_ListofCoopReports11/04/2007List of Coop ReportsPMCoop_ListofCoopReports (145.96 Kb)
Planting Productivity in a Range of Logging Residue Treatments01/01/1993V-18-05web_REP-V18-5-1993 (951.99 Kb)
Planting Cupressus lusitanica progeny trials20/06/2017SWP-WP030
Planting 2 demonstration blocks of selected species and Cypress clonal material18/04/2019SWP-WP098