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Permanent sample plot survey: Radiata Pine regional analysis (Growth plots)01/01/1990SGM015SGM015 (3.61 Mb)
Permanent sample plot survey: Radiata Pine regional analysis (Experimental plots)01/01/1990SGM016SGM016 (2.44 Mb)
Permanent Sample Plot Database – Administration and Measurement Program 201001/03/2011RTN-006RTN-006 (873.88 Kb)
Permanent Sample Plot Database – Administration and Measurement Program 200901/09/2010RTN-003RTN-003 (331.57 Kb)
Permanent Sample Plot Database – Administration & Measurement Programme 201203/07/2013RTN-014RTN-014 (523.75 Kb)
Permanent Sample Plot Database – Administration & Measurement Programme 201112/11/2013RTN-017RTN-017 (738.23 Kb)
Performance of seven year old Eucalyptus nitens provenances on a warm site at Rotoehu forest08/04/2017EBC033Eucalypt Coop Report 33 (3.11 Mb)
Performance of Radiata Pine seedlings and cuttings on a farm site, Valley Road, Rotorua01/06/1992SMC028SMC028 (3.37 Mb)
Performance of post-silviculture individual-tree growth model (ITGM)01/01/2007SGM143SGM143 (1.14 Mb)
Performance of naturally durable eucalypt posts in Marlborough vineyards24/07/2017SWP-WP039
Performance of naturally durable eucalypt posts in Marlborough vineyards25/10/2017SWP-T039SWP-T039 (5.67 Mb)
Performance of improved P. radiata breeds on New Zealand sites10/09/1988SMC004SMC004 (383.71 Kb)
Performance Data from Wearable Devices01/09/2010HTN02-12HTN02-12 (1.36 Mb)
Peltor Lite-Com: Helmet Melted Two Way Radio Communication System01/01/1993 TN-12web_TN-12 (338.80 Kb)
Peeling pruned E. fastigata for high-stiffness veneers: Part 1. Green grade recoveries17/02/2020SWP-T093SWP-T093 v2 (1.18 Mb)
Peeling of 15 year-old E. bosistoana logs06/09/2018SWP-WP064
Peeling and sawing pruned E. fastigata for high-stiffness veneers: Part 2. Dry grade recovery and downstream testing02/11/2020SWP-T109SWP-T109 (820.06 Kb)
patial Prediction of Wildfire Hazard Across New Zealand – A Significant Upgrade – 200501/05/20050505 LCDB2_eqns (232.08 Kb)
Participation in Forestry Hub at Fieldays, Mystery Creek29/11/2022SWP-WP167
Partial Processing for Extraction with a Madill 17106/01/1992V-17-12web_REP-V17-12-1992 (1.78 Mb)
Parentage reconstruction using microsatellite markers in Eucalyptus nitens: effect of crown position on pollination01/03/2007EC006Euc Coop - Report No. 6 (177.83 Kb)
Paper: Meason et al Productivity_Gap_Abstract 11Dec1512/02/201613
Paper: Dash et al 2016 WindRisk_Paper Draft12/02/201612
Paper Xue et al 2016 Boron 10-year responses_Draft12/04/201610
Paper Watt et al 2016 Use of productivity indices to spatially predict12/04/201609
Paper Dunningham et al 2016 Social learning towards addressing the ill-structured problem12/04/201607
Paper Dash et al 2016 Abstract Matakana study12/04/201606
Overview of the use of agri-chemicals and alternatives to control competing vegetation in forestry29/08/2003SM127SMC_127 (450.27 Kb)
Overview of the use of agri-chemicals and alternatives to control competing vegetation in forestry29/08/2007 SM133_Table_4SMC_133Table4 (54.80 Kb)
Overview of scotch broom (Cytisus scoparius) Ecology and past and present practices in commercial forestry29/08/2007 SM134SMC_134 (692.39 Kb)
Overview of model differences01/01/1991SGM025SGM025 (1.29 Mb)
Overcoming GPS error to locate exceptional individual trees in the forest12/06/2018GCFF TN-021GCFF TN021 (655.47 Kb)
Outline for the project ‘Understanding of soil productivity drivers’21/12/2016GCFF FN007
Outline for the project ‘Site specific application of NuBalM’21/12/2016GCFF FN006
Outhaul Distance Measurement03/10/2014HTN06-08HTN06-08 (708.53 Kb)
Outcomes of the Sustainability Indicators Workshop29/10/2011ESTN-020ESTN-020 (141.40 Kb)
Otways Fire No. 22 1982/83 : Aspects of fire behaviour (Case study, fire behaviour)01/01/1983Billingbilling6 (734.40 Kb)
Otways Fire No. 22 1982/83 : A case study of plantation protection (Case study, fire management, fire suppression)01/01/1983Billingbilling5 (734.95 Kb)
Otago/Southland tree volume equations01/01/1994 SGM036SGM036 (2.38 Mb)
Otago/Southland Logging Workforce Survey01/01/1988V-13-17web_REP-V13-17-1988 (1.77 Mb)
Otago/Southland Logging Workforce Survey01/01/1988V-13-14web_REP-V13-14-1988 (1.18 Mb)
Otago/Southland Forestry Workforce 1993 – Five Years Later01/01/1995PR58PR 58 (1.21 Mb)
Organised Felling- Its effect on productivity in Radiata 30 year old Thinning01/01/1985 V-10-07web_REP-V10-7-1985 (238.55 Kb)
Organised Felling for Thinning Radiata01/01/1983V-08-12web_REP-V8-12-1983 (931.05 Kb)
Organised Felling10/01/1986PR28PR 28 (4.07 Mb)
Organic matter changes in an age series of Pinus radiata plantations (Fuel load, canopy fuel)01/01/1974Forrestforrestovington1969 (2.39 Mb)
Oregon State University Students assessment of D.fir progeny trials20/06/2017SWP-WP035
Optimising Work Organisation for Maximum Performance30/11/2010H003H003 (1.05 Mb)
Optimising Work Organisation for Maximum Performance12/01/2011HTN03-06HTN03-06 (578.02 Kb)
Optimising spray application efficiency for Dothistroma control characterisation of spray formulation properties01/01/20060202 (474.85 Kb)