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Nectria research updates01/03/20071010 (582.91 Kb)
Nectria research updates01/06/20061515 (3.10 Mb)
Nectria Research Index23/08/201400Nectria Index (112.82 Kb)
Nectria infection of nursery stock : Berwick Forest Trial01/04/20070606 (194.74 Kb)
Nectria in pruned and unpruned trees01/05/20071212 (644.05 Kb)
Nectria fuckeliana infection of Pinus radiata in New Zealand : research appraoch and interm results01/09/20052121 (200.28 Kb)
Nectria fuckeliana infection of nursery plants01/09/20052323 (301.51 Kb)
Nectria Focus Group Update01/06/20052525 (24.24 Kb)
Nectria fluting disease of Pinus radiata : ecology and epidemology01/06/20052424 (254.27 Kb)
Nectria flute canker delimiting surveys01/06/20090101 (1.14 Mb)
Nectria Ecology update01/02/20061818 (567.44 Kb)
Nectria ecology summary – March 200701/01/2002AR0909 (325.54 Kb)
Nectria ecology summary01/03/20070707 (3.34 Mb)
Nectria Ecology (2)01/03/20070909 (462.58 Kb)
Nectria Ecology01/03/20070808 (325.54 Kb)
Nearest Neighbour Imputation of Stand Attributes using LiDAR Data28/04/2014R076R076 (1.85 Mb)
Nearest Neighbour Imputation of Stand Attributes using LiDAR29/07/2013RTN-016RTN-016 (652.67 Kb)
ND Quarter 2 2015-1612/02/2016BIOQ2-08
ND Q4 Report10/07/201503
ND Q4 Report19/07/201606
ND Q3 Report11/05/201501
ND Q3 2015-1601/04/201604
ND Q2 Report 201405/02/201504
ND Monthly Report January 201612/02/2016BIOQ2-07
Natural durability: Correlation between extractive content and fungal assay20/06/2017SWP-WP027
Natural durability: Correlation between extractive content and fungal assay16/05/2018SWP-T045SWP-T045 (1.43 Mb)
Native Understory Plants Support Biodiversity in Plantation Stands14/05/2012RSPTN-029RSPTN-029 (336.03 Kb)
National Nectria Survey01/03/20052727 (492.85 Kb)
National forest owner survey and resource inventory of alternative species. Stage 2b: Mapping alternative species using remote sensing02/02/2022SWP-T143SWP-T143 (889.14 Kb)
National forest owner survey and resource inventory of alternative species27/08/2021SWP-T133SWP-T133 (752.62 Kb)
National forest owner survey and resource inventory of alternative species02/11/2020SWP-WP147
National forest owner survey and resource inventory of alternative species31/01/2023SWP-T159SWP-T159 (528.06 Kb)
National forest fertilising cooperative schedule of trials. Budget and programmes September 1986 – September 1987 – September 198829/08/1987SM008SMC_008 (2.21 Mb)
National certificate in forest health surveillance: forest and tree health field manual01/12/20051515 (1.43 Mb)
N Fertiliser Effects on Soil in a Radiata Pine Plantation01/01/2001RSPTN-015RSPTN-015 (385.47 Kb)
Myrtle Rust and the New Zealand Forest Industry10/05/2016BIO-T014BIO-T014 (1.04 Mb)
Myrtle Rust and Eucalyptus Pests18/10/2017AC2017-0707 Myrtle Rust (1.20 Mb)
Mycorrihizas and New Species Mixture Trials01/02/2011RSPTN-002RSPTN-002 (166.78 Kb)
Mycorrhizas and New Species Mixture Trials01/06/2010RSPTN-010RSPTN-010 (244.96 Kb)
Mycorrhizal Development and Nursery Treatments01/01/2011RSPTN-016RSPTN-016 (254.12 Kb)
Multiple Log Sorting with a Hydraulic Knuckleboom Loader01/01/1988V-13-05web_REP-V13-5-1988 (1.25 Mb)
Multi-trait Mixed Smoothing Spline Models for Wood Properties01/09/2010R056R056 (1.54 Mb)
Multi-Stem Delimbing/ Debarking with a Double Chain Flail01/01/1986 TR-V-08-10web_TN-V8-10 (782.42 Kb)
Multi-species Carbon Calculator User Guide23/01/2024MSCC GuideMulti-species Carbon Calculator help file_21 January 2024 (1.34 Mb)
Multi-environment single-step genomic evaluation of Eucalyptus nitens progeny test07/11/2021SWP-T136SWP-T136 (876.96 Kb)
MRC overall annual workplan06/09/2018SWP-WP066
MRC and UC Summer trial measurement programme 2017/1828/06/2018SWP-FN056
Mortality in the golden downs model01/01/1987SGM001SGM001 (1.12 Mb)
Monthly Basal Area Growth Distribution of Douglas-fir in New Zealand01/02/1994DF002DF002 (431.59 Kb)
Monitoring the seasonal growth impact of foliar pathogens – an ideal sensor network20/04/2020RFP-T003RFP-T003 (1.15 Mb)