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Report Name Published Report Download
User Manual Planning & Field Guide – Timberline Inventory System_01/03/2011R055R055 (631.47 Kb)
Developing Meaning into Visualisations of Sustainable Forestry in New Zealand23/02/2011ESTN-015ESTN-015 (258.92 Kb)
A Review of Resin Features in Radiata Pine16/02/201101A Review of Resin Feastures in Radiata Pine (1.81 Mb)
Stand Management Coop Report Index08/02/2011SMC000Index (10.34 Kb)
Redwood Site Index03/02/2011Mapredwoods_siteindex_colour-ramp (11.87 Mb)
Foliage Sampling01/02/2011RSPTN-001RSPTN-001 (377.01 Kb)
Mycorrihizas and New Species Mixture Trials01/02/2011RSPTN-002RSPTN-002 (166.78 Kb)
Boron does not Reduce Malformation in Two High Country Douglas-fir Stands01/02/2011RSPTN-014RSPTN-014 (620.70 Kb)
Impact of Buddleia Leaf Weevil on Buddleia Growth01/02/2011RSPTN-017RSPTN-017 (113.84 Kb)
2010 Benchmarking of Harvesting Cost and Productivity01/02/2011HTN03-10HTN03-10 (593.47 Kb)
Crew Best Practice – Costs and Productivity12/01/2011HTN03-07HTN03-07 (428.15 Kb)
Optimising Work Organisation for Maximum Performance12/01/2011HTN03-06HTN03-06 (578.02 Kb)
Effect of Thinning History on the 300 Index Growth Model Projections12/01/2011R039R039 (371.14 Kb)
Mycorrhizal Development and Nursery Treatments01/01/2011RSPTN-016RSPTN-016 (254.12 Kb)
A National Model of Pinus Radiata Growth in New Zealand: The 300 Index Growth Model01/01/2011R001R001 (429.46 Kb)
Harvesting & Logistics Theme Update – December 201023/12/2010HTU-11HTU-11 (141.74 Kb)
Optimising Work Organisation for Maximum Performance30/11/2010H003H003 (1.05 Mb)
Landing Size and Characteristics20/11/2010HTN03-05HTN03-05 (984.34 Kb)
Fuel Consumption/Efficiency in New Zealand Harvesting Operations20/11/2010HTN03-04HTN03-04 (387.21 Kb)
Using Video Clips for Training – Breaking Out20/11/2010HTN03-03HTN03-03 (624.33 Kb)
A Steep Slope Excavator Feller Buncher20/11/2010HTN03-02HTN03-02 (886.15 Kb)
Harvesting & Logistics Theme Update – October 201018/10/2010HTU-10HTU-10 (135.46 Kb)
Radiata Pine Branching: A Comparison of TreeD data and TreeBLOSSIM Prediction01/10/2010R009R009 (1.81 Mb)
Diversified Species Theme Update 0401/10/201004DSTU-004 (536.44 Kb)
Destructive and Non-Destructive Key Wood Property Sampling Protocols01/09/2010RTN-002RTN-002 (247.29 Kb)
Permanent Sample Plot Database – Administration and Measurement Program 200901/09/2010RTN-003RTN-003 (331.57 Kb)
Improvements to the Douglas-fir Growth Model and Calculator01/09/2010DSTN-021DSTN-021 (743.26 Kb)
Seedling Performance and Nursery Treatments01/09/2010RSPTN-011RSPTN-011 (486.70 Kb)
Examination of Microbial Contribution to Site Productivity01/09/2010RSPTN-012RSPTN-012 (544.18 Kb)
Performance Data from Wearable Devices01/09/2010HTN02-12HTN02-12 (1.36 Mb)
Mechanics of the Stem-branch Junction01/09/2010R006R006 (698.75 Kb)
Comparison of Radiata Pine Growth Models: Stand Level Predictions from Mid-rotation Onwards01/09/2010R016R016 (2.39 Mb)
Multi-trait Mixed Smoothing Spline Models for Wood Properties01/09/2010R056R056 (1.54 Mb)
Determining Priorities for Sustainability Research on New Zealand Forestry29/08/2010ES012ES012 (919.80 Kb)
International Perspectives of New Zealand’s Sustainable Forestry29/08/2010ES011ES011 (1.61 Mb)
Adding Value to New Zealand Forests29/08/2010ES008ES008 (1.16 Mb)
Visualisations of New Zealand Forestry for Sustainability: A Literature Survey of Key Topics29/08/2010ES007ES007 (910.43 Kb)
Harvesting Technology Watch – August 201008/08/2010HTW-006HTW-006 (747.87 Kb)
Plantation Forest Nutrition Manual01/08/2010RSP-002RSP-002_Full A (4.29 Mb)
Using GPS to Monitor Machine Performance01/08/2010HTN03-01HTN03-01 (756.04 Kb)
Phloem Transport Model01/08/2010R050R050 (346.60 Kb)
Community indicators for sustainable forest management in New Zealand29/07/2010ESTN-011ESTN-011 (1.00 Mb)
Giving National Context to International Indicators: New Zealand forest industry and territorial authority views on Montréal Process Criteria and Indicators29/07/2010ESTN-010ESTN-010 (343.30 Kb)
Indicators of Sustainable Forestry: Prioritising Further Research29/07/2010ESTN-009ESTN-009 (334.17 Kb)
Impacts of Nitrogen Additions and Harvest Residue Managementon Chemical Composition of Soil Carbon in a Plantation Forest01/07/2010RSPTN-006RSPTN-006 (341.05 Kb)
Harvesting Technology Watch – July 201001/07/2010HTW-005HTW-005 (637.54 Kb)
The Integration of Technology for Productivity Monitoring01/07/2010HTN02-11HTN02-11 (386.12 Kb)
Contribution of Insect Biodiversity to Wood Decomposition29/06/2010ESTN-005ESTN-005 (114.84 Kb)
Full Rotation Validation 300 Index Growth Model22/06/2010R010R010 (579.68 Kb)
Tree Growth and N Leaching Response to Fertiliser (2)12/06/2010RSPTN-018RSPTN-018 (147.95 Kb)