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Report Name Published Report Download
Tane’s Tree Trust 10th Anniversary Workshop04/06/2010DSTN-014DSTN-014 (193.67 Kb)
Single Tree Sampling Cost Benefit Analysis03/06/2010R061R061 (1.85 Mb)
Discretised Growth Models for E fastigata01/06/2010DSTN-015DSTN-015 (193.03 Kb)
Mycorrhizas and New Species Mixture Trials01/06/2010RSPTN-010RSPTN-010 (244.96 Kb)
Report on the Feasibility of Constructing a Vibration/ultrasonic Tool to Monitor Development of Wood Seedlings01/06/2010R026R026 (380.89 Kb)
Model of Surface Strain/Stress in a Tree Stem01/06/2010R043R043 (1.11 Mb)
Review of Wood Quality Algorithms01/06/2010R048R048 (758.93 Kb)
Forest Harvest Practices in and around Sensitive Areas – a literature review01/06/201004HarvestSensitiveAreasReport (6.32 Mb)
Harvesting & Logistics Theme Update – May 201029/05/2010HTU-09HTU-09 (138.76 Kb)
Briefing document on myrtle rust, a member of the guava rust complex and risk to New Zealand14/05/20100101 (949.00 Kb)
Diversified Species Theme Update 0301/05/201003DSTU-003 (683.12 Kb)
Future proofing plantation forests from pests01/05/20100202 (555.38 Kb)
Future proofing plantation forests from pests01/05/20100202 (555.38 Kb)
Positioning Future Forests: Identifying areas that could benefit from the establishment of functional forests29/04/2010ESTN-013ESTN-013 (312.62 Kb)
The Value of Recreation in Whakarewarewa Forest, Rotorua29/04/2010ESTN-007ESTN-007 (1.48 Mb)
Harvesting Technology Watch – February 201001/04/2010HTW-004HTW-004 (702.07 Kb)
Forest truck fuel consumption survey01/04/2010CRC-8CRC-8 (142.66 Kb)
Review of commercial wood-fuelled electricity and heat generation technologies01/04/2010CRC-7CRC-7 (220.37 Kb)
Impacts of Environmental Compliance on Harvesting Operation in NZ – Results of a Survey01/04/201003SurveyEnvComplianceReport (1018.83 Kb)
FFR: The Uptake of Human Factors & Ergonomics Research01/04/2010H002H002 (3.56 Mb)
Procedures to allow for incomplete stand histories when running the 300 Index Growth Model28/03/2010R035R035 (398.68 Kb)
Graphical Data Analysis: Standing-tree Sonic Velocity in Silvicultural Breeds and Ultra-high Pruning Trials02/03/2010R052R052 (1.31 Mb)
Using the 300-Index to Quantify and Model Genetic Gain in Radiata Pine Productivity01/03/2010R054R054 (338.46 Kb)
Harvesting & Logistics Theme Update – February 201010/02/2010HTU-08HTU-08 (309.51 Kb)
On-Board Monitoring Systems01/01/2010HTN02-10HTN02-10 (242.28 Kb)
FBRC Summary of Research Findings – 201001/01/2010FBRC-0101 (823.52 Kb)
Tree Growth and N Leaching Response to N Fertiliser01/12/2009RSPTN-009RSPTN-009 (235.01 Kb)
Applications of System Dynamics in Forestry Supply Chains: A NZ Case Study01/12/2009R042R042 (598.58 Kb)
Comparing harvester productivity in third-row versus fifth-row thinning of a Eucalyptus nitens plantation01/12/2009CRC-6CRC-6 (293.16 Kb)
Evaluation of an in-field chipping operation in Western Australia01/12/2009CRC-4CRC-4 (198.48 Kb)
Industry Census FITEC01/12/200905Industry_Census_FITEC_Dec2009 (29.05 Kb)
Business Management for Logging01/11/200902Business Management for Logging page (135.48 Kb)
Diversified Species Theme Update 0201/11/200902DSTU-002 (503.42 Kb)
Harvesting Technology Watch – October 200901/10/2009HTW-003HTW-003 (444.43 Kb)
1975 Final Crop Stocking Trials: Assessment of Crown and Wood Properties for Trees from Different Silvicultural Treatments01/10/2009R020R020 (2.41 Mb)
Harvesting & Logistics Theme Update – September 200929/09/2009HTU-07HTU-07 (334.81 Kb)
A Technique for non-damaging measurement of Sound Speed in Seedlings01/09/2009R045R045 (1.50 Mb)
How will an ETS affect land use and planted forest management in NZ?29/08/2009ES010ES010 (732.66 Kb)
Giving Regional Context to International Sustainable Forestry Indicators29/08/2009ES009ES009 (1.61 Mb)
Economic Value of Recreation in Whakarewarewa Forest29/08/2009ES006ES006 (5.46 Mb)
Enhancing Pinus radiata health and vigour using beneficial microbes and natural products01/08/2009BO-0202 (1.76 Mb)
LIRO Costing Model01/08/2009012009 LIRO COSTING MODEL AUG 09 (462.00 Kb)
FBRC Summary of Research Findings – 200901/08/2009FBRC-0202 (536.33 Kb)
Recent Findings on the Environmental Impacts of Planted Forests29/07/2009ESTN-004ESTN-004 (267.58 Kb)
Spatial Environmental Datasets29/07/2009ESTN-003ESTN-003 (105.36 Kb)
Harvesting & Logistics Theme Update – July 200906/07/2009HTU-06HTU-06 (331.02 Kb)
Fertiliser Decision Support System01/07/2009RSPTN-004RSPTN-004 (72.85 Kb)
Understanding and Managing Weed Risk01/07/2009RSPTN-005RSPTN-005 (142.13 Kb)
Harvesting Technology Watch – July 200901/07/2009HTW-002HTW-002 (401.29 Kb)
Log Counting Algorithm Validation01/07/2009R014R014 (1.92 Mb)