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Report Name Published Report Download
FBRC Summary of Research Findings – 200701/01/2007FBRC-0404 (936.76 Kb)
Branching characteristics of Radiata Pine in Southland as measured by TreeD11/12/2006SGM137SGM137 (497.78 Kb)
“Trial FR345: Effect of compaction, site preparation and fertilisation on foliar nutrition and tree growth of Radiata Pine at age 8 years”29/08/2006SM132SMC_132 (240.03 Kb)
Armillaria Root Disease in New Zealand Forests – A Review13/07/2006AR01AR01 (4.81 Mb)
Effects of topographic position on growth and form of DF trees01/07/2006DF052DF052 (86.06 Kb)
Pitch Canker – Risk of Establishment in NZ Based on a Global Perspective01/07/20060303a (2.04 Mb)
Bushfire CRC Update – 5 July 200601/07/20060404. Bushfire CRC July 2006 (164.80 Kb)
Bushfire CRC Newsletters Index01/07/200600Bushfire CRC Newsletters (155.63 Kb)
Detection of Nectria fuckeliana in wood cores from pruned and unpruned Pinus radiata – interim report23/06/20061414 (168.88 Kb)
A validation of the 300 index growth model11/06/2006PM098PMCoop_Report98 (641.57 Kb)
Extension of the 300 index growth model for non-performing site types- Stage 111/06/2006PM099PMCoop_Report99 (206.67 Kb)
Analysis of tree growth of clones grown in pure blocks and mixtures11/06/2006PM100PMCoop_Report100 (195.94 Kb)
Incorporating thinning responses into a branch diameter model11/06/2006PM101PMCoop_Report101 (286.54 Kb)
Nectria research updates01/06/20061515 (3.10 Mb)
Analysis of branch data from final crop stocking trials11/05/2006PM096PMCoop_Report96 (308.96 Kb)
Coast redwood silviculture trials- installation report11/05/2006PM097PMCoop_Report97 (6.26 Mb)
Improving predictions of pest mortality prior to pest eradication operations: Part III : The influence of the host plant on the susceptibility of the painted apple moth to a viral pathogen01/05/20060404 (151.96 Kb)
Improving predictions of pest mortality prior to pest eradication operations: Part II : The influence of aphagostimulant on the efficacy of Bacillus thuringiensis var. kurstaki01/05/20060303 (234.67 Kb)
Protection of pruned stubs against invasion by Nectria fuckeliana01/05/20061717 (87.33 Kb)
Ecology and epidemiology of Nectria fuckeliana in Pinus radiata : first year results01/05/20061616 (1.63 Mb)
Stem damage growth modelling cooperative trials11/04/2006SGM138SGM138 (878.02 Kb)
Assessment of kraft pulp qualities of Eucalyptus maidenii from two sites aged five and six years01/04/2006EC005Euc Coop - Report No.5 (184.61 Kb)
Bushfire CRC CEO Newsletter – April 200601/04/20060303. Bushfire CRC CEO 2006 (16.07 Kb)
Bushfire CRC Newsletter 28 April 200601/04/20060202. Bushfire CRC April 2006 (27.19 Kb)
Continuous cover forestry with Douglas fir01/02/2006DF051DF051 (255.38 Kb)
Eight year performance of provenances and New Zealand seed sources of Douglass fir on higher altitude sites in the South Island01/02/2006DF049DF049 (705.37 Kb)
Individual-tree-level growth models for Douglas fir in New Zealand01/02/2006DF045D_firReport45 (3.00 Mb)
Applying fire spread simulators in New Zealand and Australia – 2006 Results from an international seminar01/02/20061414 NZ_SimWshop-FuelsConf (1.02 Mb)
New Zealand Experimental and Wildfire Observer Guide : Forms – 2006 Fire Weather Recording Form01/02/20061313 NZFireObserverGuide-forms (456.35 Kb)
Pitch canker update01/02/20060404 (464.85 Kb)
Susceptibility of other conifers to infection by Nectria fuckeliana and canker formation, interim report01/02/20061919 (327.15 Kb)
Nectria Ecology update01/02/20061818 (567.44 Kb)
Foliar Diseases of Pine – The NZ Experience01/01/20060808 (570.10 Kb)
Pine Needle Blight01/01/20060606 (266.71 Kb)
Enhancing Pinus radiata health and vigour using beneficial microbes and natural products01/01/2006BO-1111 (84.85 Kb)
A Tale of Two Enemies : Will the introduction of a generalist predator improve or disrupt biological control? (Paper)01/01/2006BO-1010 (109.94 Kb)
A Tale of Two Enemies : Will the introduction of a generalist predator improve or disrupt biological control? (Poster)01/01/2006BO-0909 (707.47 Kb)
Optimising spray application efficiency for Dothistroma control characterisation of spray formulation properties01/01/20060202 (474.85 Kb)
Colonisation of Pinus radiata thinning stumps by Armillaria and other basiodiomycetes following treatment with Armillaria basidiospores01/01/2006AR0303 (224.02 Kb)
Stock-Type Susceptibility and Delineation of Treatment Areas for A cryptic Pinus radiata Root Disease01/01/2006AR0202 (398.10 Kb)
Pilot study for internal stem modelling: Summary of data collected in FR172/301/01/2006SGM127SGM127 (2.40 Mb)
Growth model development of Radiata Pine clones: A gap analysis01/01/2006SGM128SGM128 (325.14 Kb)
Pilot study for internal stem modelling: Evaluation of relationship between crown, ring area and basic density01/01/2006SGM131SGM131 (1.43 Mb)
Nelson study for internal stem modelling: Evaluation of relationship between crown, ring area and basic density01/01/2006SGM132SGM132 (612.47 Kb)
Comparison of TreeBLOSSIM predictions with field measurements: FR121/4 (tairua) and FR121/7 (Huanui)01/01/2006SGM135SGM135 (4.67 Mb)
Comparison of TreeD measurements of branching with TreeBLOSSIM predictions: Westland01/01/2006SGM136SGM136 (668.76 Kb)
Influence of silviculture and seedlot on crown structure and stem wood properties: Shellocks FR121/1101/01/2006SGM139SGM139 (1.04 Mb)
SGM Newsletter September 200601/01/2006SGM00SGM00 (342.02 Kb)
New Zealand Experimental & Wildfire Observer Guide – 2006 Guide Version 1.1 – January 2006.01/01/20061212 NZFireObserverGuide (2.39 Mb)
Wildfires and Communities: Australasian Perspectives01/01/20061111 AustralasianPerspectives (405.89 Kb)