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Report Name Published Report Download
Forest and rural fire danger rating in New Zealand – 200601/01/20061010 NZFDRS (218.09 Kb)
Phylogeny of the Pine Pitch canker fungus Fusarium circinatum: An emerging global view01/01/2006077a (376.81 Kb)
Detection of disease in forest nurseries01/01/20061313 (1.14 Mb)
Evaluation of remote sensing technologies for forest health01/01/20061111 (1.95 Mb)
Possums and Pines01/01/20061010 (170.29 Kb)
Infection of Nursery Stock by Nectria : interim report01/01/20062020 (785.17 Kb)
FBRC Summary of Research Findings – 2005/0601/01/2006FBRC-0505 (682.41 Kb)
National certificate in forest health surveillance: forest and tree health field manual01/12/20051515 (1.43 Mb)
Conversion factors for Type 1 and 11 resin pockets11/11/2005PM094PMCoop_Report94 (554.06 Kb)
Culling resin bleeders at the time of selection for pruning – do resin bleeders identify themselves at a young age?11/11/2005PM095PMCoop_Report95 (514.42 Kb)
Culling resin bleeders at the time of selection for pruning11/10/2005PM093PMCoop_Report93 (572.88 Kb)
Investigation of the relationship beatween Sphaeropsis sapinea and Nectria fuckeliana01/10/20052222 (613.08 Kb)
Spatial Prediction of Wildfire Hazard Across New Zealand: A Significant Upgrade – September 200501/09/20050808 WTAhazardupgrade (2.65 Mb)
Nectria fuckeliana infection of nursery plants01/09/20052323 (301.51 Kb)
Nectria fuckeliana infection of Pinus radiata in New Zealand : research appraoch and interm results01/09/20052121 (200.28 Kb)
The site preparation trial revival project: The golden downs site soil physical properties and tree rooting patterns29/08/2005 SM130SMC_130 (1.24 Mb)
Radiata Pine growth response to weed control at Kaingaroa Forest- Results after eight years29/08/2005SM131SMC_131 (278.63 Kb)
“Parental reconstruction in breeding programmes: An efficient approach for breeding, deployment and orchard management for Eucalyptus nitens”01/08/2005EC004Eucalypt Coop No 4 (2.27 Mb)
Fungi on trees and shrubs in NZ. Fungi of NZ Volume 401/08/20051414 (108.26 Kb)
“Parental reconstruction in breeding programmes: An efficient approach for breeding, deployment and orchard management for Eucalyptus nitens”01/07/2005EC004Eucalypt Coop No 4 (2.27 Mb)
Bushfire CRC Research Meeting – 200501/07/20050101. Bushfire CRC 2005 (133.67 Kb)
Improving predictions of pest mortality prior to pest eradication operations: The influence of host species and provenance on the efficacy of Bacillus thuringiensis var. kurstaki01/06/20050505 (307.45 Kb)
Volume Functions for DF01/06/2005DF048D_firReport48 (3.43 Mb)
Comparison of the water absorbency of Douglas fir and Radiata Pine framing timber01/06/2005DF047Coopreport47Waterabsorbancy (237.90 Kb)
New Zealand Vegetation Fire Database Summary and Initial Data Quality Findings – June 200501/06/20050707 NZ_FireDataSummary (1.40 Mb)
Impact of Climate Change on Long-term Fire Danger – June 200501/06/20050606 ClimChangeandFireDanger (3.38 Mb)
Nectria Focus Group Update01/06/20052525 (24.24 Kb)
Nectria fluting disease of Pinus radiata : ecology and epidemology01/06/20052424 (254.27 Kb)
Silviculture X traits trials- establishment report (Yet to be completed)11/05/2005PM087PMCoop_Report87 (4.24 Mb)
patial Prediction of Wildfire Hazard Across New Zealand – A Significant Upgrade – 200501/05/20050505 LCDB2_eqns (232.08 Kb)
Ecology and epidemiology of Nectria fuckeliana on radiata pijne : a research proposal01/04/20052626 (129.75 Kb)
Validation of the 300 index growth model for Radiata Pine on the three contrasting site types11/03/2005PM092PMCoop_Report92 (236.45 Kb)
Forest Biosecurity & Protection – Wildfires and Communities: International Perspectives March 200501/03/20050404 InternationalPerspectives (528.46 Kb)
Review of the Global Situation of Pitch canker01/03/20050606 (261.56 Kb)
The Risk of Pitch Canker Establishment in New Zealand01/03/20050505 (133.89 Kb)
National Nectria Survey01/03/20052727 (492.85 Kb)
Benchmarking study- Golden Downs Forest01/02/2005SGMC WQI Report 2dSGM002d (323.39 Kb)
FR257 Douglas fir nutrition trial: Foliar nutrient levels and growth effects four years after fertilising01/02/2005DF046D_firReport46 (196.31 Kb)
Development of a productivity index for Douglas fir01/02/2005DF044Coopreport44ProdIndex (270.05 Kb)
Validation of the New Zealand Douglas fir growth model (DF NAT) using data from south west Germany01/02/2005DF043Coopreport43Germany (708.42 Kb)
Progress report on Nectria research01/02/20052828 (98.03 Kb)
Cyclaneusma needle-cast – current knowledge and knowledge gaps01/01/20050505 (347.70 Kb)
Behaviour of Cleobora mellyi after Field Release : Effects of Prey Availability and Host Plant01/01/2005BO-1212 (143.91 Kb)
Branch functions with TreeBLOSSIM version 301/01/2005SGM125SGM125 (1.45 Mb)
Pilot study for internal stem modelling – Appendix 301/01/2005SGM126SGM126Appendix3 (1.84 Mb)
Pilot study for internal stem modelling01/01/2005SGM126SGM126 (139.92 Kb)
SGM Newsletter June 200501/01/2005 SGM0SGM0 (236.47 Kb)
Development and testing of models for predicting crown fire rate of spread in conifer forest stand (Crown fire, fire behaviour prediction)01/01/2005Cruzcruz3 (1.70 Mb)
Determination of field sampling methods for the assessment of curing levels in grasslands – 200501/01/20050909 CuringSamplingMethods (3.41 Mb)
Survey of potential sapstain fungi on Pinus radiata in NZ01/01/20051616 (497.27 Kb)