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Report Name Published Report Download
Forecaster and sweeper model11/06/2007PM108PMCoop_Report108 (286.63 Kb)
Validation of the Spraytrans Model for Prediction of Long-Range Pesticide Spray Drift : Progress Report01/06/20070202 (261.11 Kb)
Forest Biosecurity & Protection – Review of methods and data on rural fire suppression resource productivity and effectiveness – June 200701/06/20071616 FireSuppression (615.66 Kb)
Temperature Mortality Thresholds for insects and fungi in NZ01/06/20070606 (166.03 Kb)
Literature Review – Temperature Mortality Thresholds for Insects01/06/20070505 (224.84 Kb)
Final assessment of 21 to 22-year-old cuttings trials11/05/2007PM103PMCoop_Report103 (311.84 Kb)
Rationalisation of volume and taper functions11/05/2007PM104PMCoop_Report104 (201.32 Kb)
A new mortality function for New Zealand Radiata Pine11/05/2007PM105PMCoop_Report105 (2.86 Mb)
Analysis of mono-clonal blocks vs mixtures trial- Tarawera Forest11/05/2007PM106PMCoop_Report106 (172.15 Kb)
Forest Biosecurity & Protection – Communication of Fire Danger Warnings in New Zealand and Overseas – May 200701/05/20071515 FireDangerWarnings (648.15 Kb)
Nectria in pruned and unpruned trees01/05/20071212 (644.05 Kb)
Plantation Management Coop Report Index11/04/2007IndexPlantation Mgmt Cooperative Reports Index 1 - 111 (47.27 Kb)
PMCoop_ListofCoopReports11/04/2007List of Coop ReportsPMCoop_ListofCoopReports (145.96 Kb)
Comparison among control-pollinated and open-pollinated seedlots of Eucalyptus nitens in New Zealand01/04/2007EC009Euc Coop - report No. 9 (184.78 Kb)
Realized gain and accuracy of breeding-value estimation for first-generation Eucalyptus nitens planted in New Zealand01/04/2007EC008Euc Coop - report No. 8 (208.71 Kb)
Nectria infection of nursery stock : Berwick Forest Trial01/04/20070606 (194.74 Kb)
Parentage reconstruction using microsatellite markers in Eucalyptus nitens: effect of crown position on pollination01/03/2007EC006Euc Coop - Report No. 6 (177.83 Kb)
The effect of pruning on the presence of Nectria fuckeliana01/03/20071313 (391.35 Kb)
Nectria research updates01/03/20071010 (582.91 Kb)
Nectria Ecology (2)01/03/20070909 (462.58 Kb)
Nectria Ecology01/03/20070808 (325.54 Kb)
Nectria ecology summary01/03/20070707 (3.34 Mb)
Douglas fir Part 101/02/2007DF063aCoop Rpt 63 Pt 1 D-fir Research (1.36 Mb)
“How heritable is growth, branch score and sonic velocity in Douglas fir?”01/02/2007DF058Dfir-CoopReport58 (250.60 Kb)
“Assessment of acoustic tools to measure the stiffness of standing trees, logs and timber of New Zealand- grown Douglas fir”01/02/2007DF057Dfir-CoopReport57 (416.82 Kb)
The 1959 provenance trials – results to age 47 years01/02/2007DF056Dfir-CoopReport56 (278.92 Kb)
A new mortality function for New Zealand Douglas fir01/02/2007DF055Dfir-CoopReport55 (243.97 Kb)
Validation of the New Zealand National Douglas fir growth model (DF NAT)01/02/2007DF054Dfir-CoopReport54 (745.24 Kb)
Comparative study of stability between New Zealand grown Douglas fir and Radiata pine structural timber when subjected to moisture cycling01/02/2007DF053Dfir-CoopReport53 (191.95 Kb)
Detection of Nectria fuckeliana in wood cores from pruned and unpruned Pinus radiata. Second year results Feb 200701/02/20071111 (1.05 Mb)
Optimising spray application efficiency for Dothistroma control – persistence of different formulations01/01/20070101 (622.76 Kb)
Trouble-shooting for tree level model01/01/2007SGM129SGM129 (232.17 Kb)
PhotoMARVL analysis 2003/4 data01/01/2007SGM133SGM133 (2.90 Mb)
SGMC modelling strategy project 2006/200701/01/2007SGM140SGM140 (313.19 Kb)
Growth modelling strategy, industry research requirements01/01/2007SGM141SGM141 (167.91 Kb)
Comparison of TreeBLOSSIM predictions with PhotoMARVL/ TreeD data01/01/2007SGM142SGM142 (5.41 Mb)
Performance of post-silviculture individual-tree growth model (ITGM)01/01/2007SGM143SGM143 (1.14 Mb)
Location of SGMC trials and study sites with respect to land environments of New Zealand – Appendices01/01/2007SGM144 APPsSGM144 Appendices (3.61 Mb)
Radiata Pine crown development: Model, model performance, and incorporation into forest inventory01/01/2007SGM145SGM145 (1.68 Mb)
Branching characteristics and wood property variation: GF14 seedlot 1987 genetic gain trial NN530/2, Golden Downs01/01/2007SGM146SGM146 (5.19 Mb)
Crown and wood properties: WN377, Mohaka Forest01/01/2007SGM147SGM147 (5.99 Mb)
Comparison of TreeBLOSSIM predictions with TreeD data: FR121/2, Kinleith01/01/2007 SGM148SGM148 (1.68 Mb)
Tree growth in 1987, 1990, 1991 silvicultural breed trials01/01/2007SGM149SGM149 (890.63 Kb)
Radiata Pine crown architecture: Summary of SGMC research and future opportunities01/01/2007SGM150SGM150 (189.57 Kb)
Douglas fir vegetative propagation – results in 200601/01/2007DF060Dfir-CoopReport60 (305.19 Kb)
Distribution of Swiss Needle Cast in New Zealand in relation to winter temperature01/01/2007DF059Dfir-CoopReport59 (404.96 Kb)
Billo Road Fire Report (Case study, fire behaviour)01/01/2007Cruzcruz1 (5.26 Mb)
Development of a model system to predict wildfire behaviour in pine plantations (Fire behaviour, crown fire)01/01/2007Cruzcruz2 (551.23 Kb)
The fire ecology and management of maritime pine (Fire management, fire effects, fuel management)01/01/2007Fernandesfernandes_rigolet_1 (386.16 Kb)
Softwood Plantation Fire Synopsis (fire management, fire behaviour, fuel dynamics)01/01/2007FFMGffmg_2007 (1.14 Mb)