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Report Name Published Report Download
Ideas for a new interface to Forecaster01/07/2009R037R037 (269.18 Kb)
Economic Simulation of Plantation Forestry29/06/2009ESTN-002ESTN-002 (107.54 Kb)
Systems Thinking Workshop on the Emissions Trading Scheme29/06/2009ESTN-001ESTN-001 (121.49 Kb)
Strategy for Growth & Wood Property Modeling28/06/2009R007R007 (410.88 Kb)
Report on visit to Chile to examine DFP – October 200714/06/20090808 (2.23 Mb)
The survival of ectomycorrhizal fungi (ECM) of Pinus radiata and Pseudotsuga menziesii from the nursery to outplanting – interim report01/06/2009BO-0303 (384.66 Kb)
Special Purpose Breed Trials Analysis01/06/2009R024R024 (607.31 Kb)
Results of the Survey on the Proposed Upgrade of the PSP System01/06/2009R032R032 (366.51 Kb)
Comparison of Radiata Pine Growth Model01/06/2009R040R040 (8.47 Mb)
“Predicting Pinus Radiata Productivity from Soil, Climate and Environmental Variables: National and Regional Perspectives”01/06/2009R041R041 (1.02 Mb)
Effects of different stocking densities on harvesting of blue gum stands in Western Australia01/06/2009CRC-5CRC-5 (491.41 Kb)
Survey of Banks Peninsula for Nectria flute canker – progress report01/06/20090202 (645.88 Kb)
Nectria flute canker delimiting surveys01/06/20090101 (1.14 Mb)
Economic Impact of Cyclaneusma Needle-cast in NZ01/05/20090404 (960.10 Kb)
Wood Borer and Bark Beetle Risk Analysis01/05/2009BB-0101 (1) (579.27 Kb)
What will the Vegetation Management Research Programme Deliver to the Forestry Sector?01/05/2009RSPTN-003RSPTN-003 (73.58 Kb)
Suitability of Disc Images to Test Applicability of Taper Equations at Different Ages01/05/2009R033R033 (738.62 Kb)
Development of sapstain and degrade after storm damage in stands of Pinus radiata01/05/20090404 (408.63 Kb)
The formation of dry sapwood zones in conifers : A Review01/05/20090303 (1.16 Mb)
Pruned stub infection trial – March 2009 assessments01/05/20090404 (856.37 Kb)
The formation of dry sapwood zones in conifers : a review01/05/20090303 (1.82 Mb)
FFR Research Business Case: Improved Stem Scanning10/04/2009R046R046 (281.27 Kb)
Harvesting & Logistics Theme Update – April 200905/04/2009HTU-05HTU-05 (513.57 Kb)
Wood Property Mapping Techniques: Development and Applicability to the Programme of Mechanobiology of Wood Formation01/04/2009R047R047 (789.57 Kb)
2009 E. bosistoana Breeding Population Thinning and Wood sampling Site 52 MDC Cravens Road10/03/2009SWP-FN002
Heartwood and Green Density Models for Pinus Radiata01/03/2009R031R031 (1.03 Mb)
An Evaluation of the MultDAT (Senior-model) Datalogger01/03/2009H001H001 (799.71 Kb)
Harvesting & Logistics Theme Update – February 200917/02/2009HTU-04HTU-04 (209.46 Kb)
Diversified Species Theme Update 0101/02/200901DSTU-001 (698.35 Kb)
An Evaluation of the MultDAT (Senior-model) Datalogger03/01/2009H001H001 (799.71 Kb)
Felling and Bunching on Steep Terrain01/01/2009HTN01-07HTN01-07 (790.41 Kb)
Effect of Stem Guying on the Incidence of Resin Pockets01/01/200902Effect of Stem Guying on the Incidence of Resin Pockets (293.61 Kb)
Effect of Piece Size on Felling Machine Productivity01/01/2009HTN02-09HTN02-09 (428.54 Kb)
Comparison of Methods for Estimating Harvesting Payload01/01/2009HTN02-08HTN02-08 (223.71 Kb)
A New Method for Bunching Trees on Steep Terrain01/01/2009HTN02-05HTN02-05 (800.96 Kb)
A Method to Estimate Yarding Distance01/01/2009HTN02-04HTN02-04 (253.74 Kb)
Human Factors & Ergonomics Research – Uptake and Evaluation01/01/2009HTN02-03HTN02-03 (351.44 Kb)
Theoretical Comparison of Branch Index Predictions using different Models and Independent Permanent Sample Plots01/01/2009R025R025 (1.18 Mb)
Unobtrusive Work Measurement of Tree Felling01/01/2009HTN02-02HTN02-02 (490.08 Kb)
Robotics for Steep Country Tree Felling01/01/2009HTN02-01HTN02-01 (636.42 Kb)
Use of Tension Monitors to Estimate Payload01/01/2009HTN01-08HTN01-08 (783.14 Kb)
Productivity Impacts of Bunching for Hauler Extraction01/01/2009HTN02-07HTN02-07 (904.55 Kb)
Synthetic Rope for Use in Cable Logging – A Review of the Literature01/01/2009HTN01-06HTN01-06 (438.65 Kb)
Predicting Skidder Payload Using Grapple Openness – A Pilot Study01/01/2009HTN01-05HTN01-05 (322.38 Kb)
Sauer-Danfoss Controllers in Haulers01/01/2009HTN01-04HTN01-04 (251.41 Kb)
A Piece Counter for Monitoring Production01/01/2009HTN01-03HTN01-03 (298.30 Kb)
Wood Density Models01/01/2009R036R036 (1.69 Mb)
Estimation of Mean Internode Length for GF14 and GF13/LI25 Seedlots using TreeD data01/01/2009R038R038 (883.70 Kb)
Benchmarking Harvesting Cost and Productivity01/01/2009HTN02-06HTN02-06 (488.93 Kb)
Validation of the WQI Microfibril Angle Model01/12/2008R027R027 (863.64 Kb)